Friday, July 5, 2019

AOC Lies Again

She is now claiming to have been “sexually abused” while touring a border control facility. Sexual claims like this are really “getting old,” as Dumocrats use that ruse over and over again, always WITHOUT any kind of proof, because there isn’t any. I guess that’s today’s stupid claim that gets her noticed today. This broad gets “antsy” when the media isn’t noticing her for a day, so she does something guaranteed to get notice. It doesn’t matter if it’s something stupid, she’ll just say her critics are too stupid to understand. Frankly, I think any “sexual abuse” is just in her fertile imagination, because who would want to have sex with this silly bimbo?

DISHONORING THE FLAG: It seems strange that failed football player Colin Kaepernick would dishonor the very flag representing the freedom he has to DO that disrespecting. In many other countries, disrespecting their flag would result in the death penalty, or at least a long prison sentence. But in America, we all have the FREEDOM represented by that flag, to disrespect it without punishment from the government. Of course, Kaepernick was lying about what he was demonstrating against. He first said it was against the cops. Then it evolved until he was demonstrating against the very country that ALLOWED him to demonstrate against it. Which pretty much shows he is somewhat confused as to what he IS demonstrating against.

YOU CAN’T “PROVOKE” ANTIFA: They are the epitome of provocation. They are a violent bunch, dedicated to provoking all conservatives and other non-liberals. They are today’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK), created and financed by the Dumocrats, just as the KKK was before. The KKK was to be the “underground” violent arm of the Dumocrat Party, against minorities that “got uppity.” The KKK murdered many blacks, and included among its members, some of the highest-placed politicians (Dumocrats all). ANTIFA likewise, is dedicated to violent oppression of anybody who isn’t a liberal (Dumocrat). The only difference is they do not prey on minorities. They prey on non-liberals.

BIG CITY STUPIDITY: Austin, Texas wants to be Los Angeles. Austin, like LA, run by liberals, wants to become the ugly mess the city of Los Angeles has become, with “the homeless” (bums) sleeping wherever they want (except in front of the city government building, of course), making their messes, and generally running that city down with their wastes, while creating a health hazard by crapping on the street. Meanwhile, the city won’t clean up their messes, and they certainly won’t. Not mentioned is the damage to private property that results in their “camping” on property they do not own. This problem is endemic in liberal-run cities.

OBLITERATE BILL OF RIGHTS? That’s what Dumocrat Eric Swalwell and NY Governor Cuomo seem to think they can do if they ever get elected to the presidency. They, like most other Dumocrats, are Marxists, and they realize that, to kill ALL our rights, they have to kill our basic right to self defense, FIRST. That means they have to kill the Bill of Rights, and before that the Second Amendment. What they don’t realize is, that their ideas are in the distinct MINORITY, and to destroy the Bill of Rights would require the “dumbing down” of a MAJORITY of Americans, which has been attempted before, with disastrous results for the perpetrator.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: White privileged Michael Moore “rips into” “white privilege” and white people. Saying, “Their old, tired, privileged ways are over.” Really, Mike? Maybe you ought to eschew your own “white privilege”… Talk about being full of herself! AOC is now talking about running for president. But she needs to get a little older before she can—unless she thinks she can “move the goalposts” like most Dumocrats attempt when they can’t do something because of the law. By that time her “fame” will be a distant memory the way she makes daily stupid statements… AOC says she would sign a resolution to impeach President Trump on the basis of what was in the Mueller Report. Which proves she is doing the “knee-jerk Dumocrat thing.” She would have signed on, even before the report came out… George Mason “grew a pair.” They have announced that, in spite of student demands, George Mason University would NOT fire Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh from that “summer teaching job”…

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