Tuesday, July 16, 2019

They Have No answers

The anti-gun fools haven’t the foggiest notion what to do about “gun crime,” so they go after the “low-hanging fruit,” and blame the gun, making law after law that does nothing except guarantee the holders of ILLEGAL guns more unarmed victims to victimize. You ask them if they have any other answers beyond gun confiscation and they immediately start calling you names, since that is a question they can’t answer. They won’t hear of the obvious answer, to allow the law-abiding to have their own guns so they can defend themselves against the millions of illegal guns already out there in the hands of people who wish to victimize them.

SLANDERING WHITE PEOPLE:White Privilege” does not exist, except in the feeble minds of the liberals who are trying to CREATE racism against white people. Race relations are better than they’ve ever been, with even black WOMEN being elected to many high-ranking offices, nationwide, including in the south, where blacks are supposed to be being segregated and discriminated against. These liberals are living in the last century, where that might have been a reality. But no more. There are many black people, even in the Congress, and we even elected a black man (at least half black) to the presidency. That kind of thing proves them absolutely WRONG. But that makes no difference to them. They push it anyway.

PICKING ON SMALL PEOPLE: The ANTIFA goons are cowards. They only pick on people smaller than they are. And they gang up on them. Never are they seen at “Bikers for Trump” rallies, or meetings of big, tough construction workers who might actually fight back and beat the crap out of them. They certainly have enough crap IN them. They go after small people, and even oldsters, who can’t fight back, and maybe hurt them some. Killing somebody is coming next. One of these days they’re going tot make a mistake and go after somebody who IS able to fight back, and some of them are going to get hurt. I predict it. I don’t know if they actually live in their mom’s basement, but it’s obvious none of them have jobs. If they did, they wouldn’t be able to come out and gang up on conservatives.

HE’S A COMMUNIST”: Billionaire Dumocrat contributor Haim Saban says “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is “a communist posing as a socialist.” Which, of course, reveals his complete ignorance of what communism, AND socialism, are. Communism, and socialism, are different forms of COLLECTIVISM, with only cosmetic differences. Collectivism is a system that relies on the THEFT of resources (money and property) belonging to those who EARN them, to give to those who do NOT earn them. Without some industrious people to earn those resources for the collectivists to loot, collectivism would fail. His heart is in the right place, but he's wrong on the details.

SYMBOL OF WHITE SUPREMACY: They’re at it again, folks! They can’t come up with anything real, so they accuse Republicans, especially Trump supporters of racism. That’s without a single bit of EVIDENCE they are racists. But it gives Dumocrat thugs (ANTIFA) an excuse to gang up and beat on people who have the audacity to support Trump, or to wear his “MAGA” hat. ANTIFA is today’s incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), but they don’t go after black people this time. They go after anybody who doesn’t agree with the Dumocrats. They are what the Dumocrats can use for “plausible deniability.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: An AOC staffer says, “Shouldn’t those most affected by unjust laws be able to vote from behind bars?” This statement is wrong in many ways, specifically that these people are NOT “victims of unjust laws.” They committed crimes, and are rightfully locked up after being CONVICTED of their crimes. As such, they have lost many rights, among them the right to vote on those who put them there, for CAUSE… “Ol’ Joe Biden (AKA “BiteMe”) says he’ll bring us back to how we used to be. Right. Millions unemployed, losing faith in ever getting a job again; The economy in the “sewer,” with no indication it will ever get better; the president telling us to “get used to it,” that things will never get better. After only 2 years of Trump, the economy is “singing,” unemployment is hitting new low levels, jobs are coming back. And he wants to change all that… 

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