Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Fast and Furious"

When (IF) Obama’s administration :owns up” to the mistake they made in authorizing the selling of thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels without any way to trace their location  (so they can “trace their location”) maybe we can talk about controlling the guns I buy for self defense in the United States, where the Constitution GUARANTEES me that right.

UNFAIR TO GAYS: They’re whining about the fact that gays don’t have the right to  whine about “infertility” in gay marriages. Apparently they think when they get the right to destroy the meaning of the WORD “marriage” they don’t get the right to HAVE their own babies as a result. They’re not satisfied with the right to adopt. They say it’s “unfair.” I guess they think the government can overrule’ the laws of nature, which says man/man or female/female having sex CANNOT produce a baby.

“I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND IT”: That’s what Senator (and former presidential candidate) John McCain said about the Republicans (his own party) filibustering the silly gun laws the Democrats want to pass (laws that do NOTING to stop gun violence, but DO limit honest Americans in their ability to defend themselves from illegally armed CRIMINALS) If he doesn’t understand why people who want to keep their freedoms want to filibuster efforts to take that freedom away from them, than he isn’t smart enough to even BE a Senator, let alone a president! This man is “dumb as a stump.” He should be removed from office for STUPIDITY

DEMS DID IT: IT’S OKAY: Somebody bugged the office of the Republican leadership. But has ANYBODY but conservatives (and Republicans) complained? Not a peep out of them. Democrats brought down a PRESIDENT over a break-in of the DEMOCRAT National Committee. Will they be as upset over somebody planting a BUG in the GOP leadership office? Don’t hold your breath.

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