Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fart in a Whirlwind

That’s what the “Sequester” is. $85 billion dollars out of a five TRILLION dollar budget is a “pimple on the butt of the American spending. But Obama and his “gang of thieves” blame EVERYTHING bad on it. It has replaced Bush as the chief “whipping boy.” And it’s PHONY.

N. KOREA TO “SETTLE ACCOUNTS” WITH US: What’s WRONG with Kim Jong Un? Does he want to commit SUICIDE? If he sends ONE missile toward American soil, his entire country and all those posturing troops he masses on parade, his entire country will become a smoking pile of rubble. Is that what he wants? To kill himself and everybody in his country? That will be the result if he makes ONE effort to “settle accounts with America.” How STUPID is he? We couldn’t beat him before because our politicians wouldn’t let us. It’s different now. We’ve had enough of his bullsh-t.

WHY NO RIOTS? If the government (in the guise of banks) took even 10% of my income by thievery, I would be rioting (if I ere able). But In Cyprus now, they’re talking about taking 40% of the “rich people’s money.” Why are they not rioting in the streets? Are they so docile they’re going to let them get away with this patent THIEVERY? They should be MARCHING ON the government for even THINKING about STEALING 40% of ANYBODY’S money because of their own INCOMPETENCE in handling money. Why aren’t they? Damn, what STUPIDITY!

SETTLE DOWN KIM: Somebody needs to “settle down” N. Korea’s “baby dictator” who badly wants to show how “bad” he is and is going to get himself and his entire country KILLED. The big problem it this child has a BIG TOY. He has nuclear bombs to play with and thinks he can “bully’ the United States with their THOUSANDS of nuclear bombs and missiles with his one or two, IF and when he figures out how to fire one.

“SOMETHING TO HIDE”: Only somebody with something to hide would spend MILLIONS of dollars (his or taxpayer's money) to keep ALL references to his past SECRET, as Obama (I won’t call him president because he is a FALSE president) has done. What is he hiding? The fact he is not a citizen and therefore not ELIGIBLE to be president?

WHY DO MANY PEOPLE DISLIKE THE OBAMAS” There are so many GOOD REASONS that have nothing to do with their color that I can’t list them here. Suffice it to say Obama and his wife ignore laws, flaunt their positions, and lord over the people as these fools have done, using their COLOR as a defense. Obama is as much WHITE as he is BLACK, yet he CHOOSES to be black so he can take advantage of it by calling ALL his detractors racist.

HOW BLACK DO YOU HAVE TO BE? How black do you have to be to be black? Obama is only HALF BLACK. He CHOOSES to be black so he can “wield his blackness like a sword,” calling ANYBODY who so much as disagrees with one of his policies a RACIST for doing so. I‘m getting so tired of hearing the “racist card” used that it has no effect on me any more. And I’m sure that is true for everybody else.

RUSH DOES NOT SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE: The liberals say because he now says “Gay marriage is inevitable” that he now SUPPORTS it. He does NOT. He CONDEMNS it and is criticizing the way it has been “added to the language” by people no longer saying “marriage,” but “heterosexual marriage” or “opposite sex marriage.” Having to MAKE those differences has “made it part of the language” and therefore made it EXIST.

INCOMPETENCE! INCOMPETENCE! How many times do I have to say “these government politicians are INCOMPETENT before SOMEBODY takes notice and DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT? Their incompetence is PROVEN by the proliferation of bankrupt countries, HEADED by America while they argue over whether or not gays should be able to use the word “marriage” to describe their unions.

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