Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Do Your Kids Belong to the Government?

That’s what one liberal (I won’t even say her name) thinks, and has the temerity and stupidity to SAY, out loud, even! Liberals do tend to announce their stupidity to the world with such crap. That’s one thing that helps us identify them. Ever since Hillary’s book famously revealed her stupidity by saying, ”It Takes a Village to Raise A Child,” liberals have thought that way, which announces their stupidity to the world. Let ‘em come and try to TAKE my children! If they want to DIE.

MORE THAN WE “NEED”: I’m really getting tired of incompetent liberals telling us what we “need.” Obama says we don’t “need” more than $3 million in our retirement fund. Anti-gun politicians say we don’t “need” gun magazines bigger than ten bullets, nor guns that fire bullets so fast that we can “hose” an entire bunch of school children. What STUPIDITY to even SUGGEST the average American wants to “hose” anybody with bullets, much less children. That’s what CRAZY PEOPLE think about doing, not responsible Americans. Only an ignorant liberal would even SUGGEST it.

MARGARET THATCHER DEAD: And that’s a GOOD thing, according to some liberals. Who the hell do they think they are? Thatcher did nothing but GOOD for England. She SAVED them economically and was a BIG “player” (along with Ronald Reagan and pope John Paul II) in the “death” of communism as a major power in the world . She saved more lives that anybody else I can think of EXCEPT maybe Reagan himself. But liberals hate her for it and are CELEBRATING her death. How STUPID can they be? But then, I EXPECT stupidity from liberals, the world over).

KIM JUNG UN’S STUPIDITY: It threatens the entire world. His threats might even CAUSE a nuclear war, which he, and his country would not survive. If he fires ONE nuclear missile, ANYWHERE in the world, he and his entire country (at least the city wherein he is) would become a bunch of smoking radioactive rubble within HOURS (unless Obana is more STUPID than I think he is). Is his “looking good” worth that? We lost to N. Korea before because our politicians would not LET us win, not because of anything N. Korea did.

DICTATORS THINK THEY’RE INDESTRUCTIBLE: People like Kim Jong Un and Iran’s Ahmadinijerk think they’re indestructible. They think they can threaten nuclear war on the United States with impunity. Even Hugo Chavez (who has no nukes) before he mercifully died. threatened us. Until now, they’ve been right because he United States is (in spite of Obama’s incompetence) a RESPONSIBLE government. It will not use its THOUSANDS of nuclear devices on such upstarts unless those upstarts actually DO foolishly attack us with their tiny arsenala of outdated nuclear devices.

“DON’T BLOCK GUN CONTROL”: That’s what Obama is saying to his opponents in the “gun control” fight. My question is, “Or what?” His entire program on gun control is WRONG, and WON’T WORK. But that is no problem to a liberal. MOST of their programs don’t work. But they blame the Republicans for that, not the stupidity and silliness of their “programs. If they’d ever come up with something that really WOULD work, we might even SUPPORT them. But there’s no danger of that ever happening. They’re too stupid.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Our "Short Memories"

People talk about our “short memory” as a people as one of the main reasons why the same things happen over and over. In one case they apply that to a certain cruise line that is still getting bookings for cruises after having MAJOR problems with several of their ships, including one just “falling over. They’re right: that IS a major problem: people quickly forget when bad things happen to us and keep on doing the same old things, making the SAME MISTAKES over and over again. We will continue to do this until it KILLS us.

SEATTLE POLICE CHIEF MOCKS HOMELESS: He made a video (in which he acted) a few years ago that the media (including Fox) says “mocks being so poor they can’t get along). But what it ACTUALLY does is show people being so STUPID they drink themselves poor. That was the obvious theme to people who actually THINK for themselves. Can’t even the “smart people” on Fox tell the difference?

PROFESSOR FALK SHOULD BE FIRED: He’s the man who is a member of the United Nations “Human rights Council” who said the victims in the Boston Marathon bombings “got what was coming to them.” Or words to that effect. Yet OUR MONEY pays his salary (whatever they call it). We should STOP PAYING IT and let the UN know specifically that we have done so rather than allow them to just “condemn” his words while they go right on as if nothing has happened. This guy needs to be “sent home in disgrace” and made to live out his life broke, and ignored.

“THE SEQUESTER” LIE: The “Sequester” will go down in history as the biggest LIE ever told by a president. It is NOT a “calamity: as Obama insists it is, and the ONLY reason why it is being BLAMED for everything bad that happens (mostly at Obama’s order) is in an attempt to FOOL Americans, and THAT is not even working. EVERYBODY knows what he is doing and they discount it. He KNOWS they know it, and he doesn’t care. He keeps telling the LIE as if it were the truth.

ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE WINNING: They’re making illegal aliens “legal” by declaring illegal entry into the United States a HUMAN RIGHT like not being a slave is a legal right. WHO has the right to declare it a “human right” to break the law by entering this country illegally and flouting our immigration laws? This is a typical liberal method to gain voters, and if amnesty is granted (which it WILL be) Democrats will have gained THREE MILLION new Democrat voters.

HANK JOHNSON (D-GA) IS A DAMN FOOL: Somebody as STUPID as he should be forever BARRED from being elected to ANY elected office. He was the one, remember, who was worried about the Island of Guam “capsizing” if we built up the Pacific Fleet there and is now “campaigning” against a shortage of helium. Never mind there IS no “shortage of helium. It’s not surprising this man is a Democrat because Democrats have proven themselves to be ignorant or stupid on most things.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ayrian Brotherhood Hides Faces

I just saw a picture of three of the “Ayrian Brotherhood” fools in prison and, like similar fools in Muslim terrorism, are afraid to show their faces to real people. They run a drug ring behind bars and even KILL people in and OUT of prison, but they’re afraid to show their faces to the world. Like most subhuman thugs, they do their despicable actions from behind masks so if people want to retaliate, they don’t know on whom to retaliate.

OBAMA: “WE’LL NEVER TAKE AWAY GUNS”: He says this while working HARD to take away as many guns as he thinks he can get away with. As usual, he looks you right in the eye and LIES to you. That’s his “modus operandi.” Tell you he won’t do something while he works to do it to you. Boy, we sure got a good con man this time! I’ve seen some good con men in that seat, but he’s the best (or should I say worst) con man I’ve ever seen in the president’s chair.

JUST SHOOT HIM: I don’t like to support assassination of political figures, but in Kim Jong Un’s case, his death might be the best thing for not only the rest of the world, but for the life of his country, too. Some people (Kim Jung Un one) are only still alive because it’s illegal to kill them. If Kim is allowed to continue, he’s going to get his entire country killed. If he fires ONE missile toward the United States or any of the countries we’ve pledged to protect, his entire country will become a heap of smoking rubble within hours.

“SEQUESTER” IS PHONY: It’s a con; pure and simple. It’s like taking a QUARTER away from somebody who has $200,000.00. Obama is ORDERING cuts in things that are VERY visible and piss off as many people as possible while falsely blaming those cuts on the Sequester. He has wisely stopped (for now) blaming BUSH for everything bad and now blames things on the Sequester, The money taken away from his government is like a “fart in a whirlwind” and means NOTHING, but he “ballyhoos” it and makes UNNECESSARY cuts to unimportant, but maddening things, CLAIMING it’s “because of the Sequester.” It’s a CON, folks; don’t fall for it.

BANNING SMALL WATER BOTTLES: In Concord, Massachusetts, close to the HOME of the American Revolution that obtained our freedoms, they have BANNED small water bottles. They SAY it’s for the good of the environment. That excuse is being WAY overused by would-be dictators who want to tell people want they could, and could not, buy. This is “The Nanny State” out of control.

HOME SCHOOLING IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT: People who are trying to FORCE children into state-run schools SAY home schooling is NOT a “basic human right.” It IS. In the absence of a massive, monolithic school system such as we have today, 100 years ago, most people DID home-school their children, and it was their right to do so. People today who don’t want their children to be CONDITIONED to believe what the government wants them to believe are STILL doing it, and still have that right.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Washington Airports Excepted

The Politico says that :lawmakers were excepted” from the pain of the Sequester” as the furloughs of air traffic controllers were not enforced there. Naturally, the “pain” WE must suffer can’t be visited upon Washington bureaucrats. As usual, legislators and bureaucrats ALWAYS exempt themselves from the pain of their decisions. Why do we allow our elected representatives to DO us this way?

GOP “SOFTENING” THEIR IMAGE: They’ve been listening to way too many liberals who have been pounding into their heads that conservatism is bad. And that they need to become more liberal to be popular. So many of them are doing it. That’s what “softening their image “ means. They don’t understand that the Republicans are supposed to BE the “party of conservatism,” since conservatism is the natural ENEMY of liberalism, which is simply COLLECTIVISM, which is WRONG. This is the man reason why I am neither liberal NOR conservative. I am simply, a “rational individualist.” I don’t have a “political philosophy,” I simply think for myself and act on MY OWN decisions. And I plan to keep it that way if I die for it.

SPREADING THE MISERY: Instead of making it easier on “brick and mortar” small business by REDUCING the taxes they had to pay. They want to APPLY taxes to INTERNET transactions, which, up to now, have been exempted from them. This merely “spreads the misery.” This is what the liberals (Democrats) do best.

HOW STUPID IS OBAMA? Does he really NOT think we know what he’s doing? His own idea was the Sequester and he foisted it upon us. It's TINY! It represents about .0l% of the amount he is spending is a year, yet he treats it like a CALAMITY and is ORDERING unnecessary cuts that are DESIGNED to be very painful and blames it in the Sequester. We all know that’s what he’s doing, but he still does it.

That’s what a new textbook now in schools calls these two Islamic TERRORIST organizations. It is this kind of LIE being taught to our impressionable school children that, if allowed to continue, will twist their thinking about the world and lead to a dictatorship in this country for the first time, ever.

PC MADNESS: I guess the question of “What’s wrong with Obama” is answered by the fact that at least ONE California (The Crazy state) store has banned the sale of pressure cookers because they can be used to make bombs. So I guess this store (Williams-Sanoma) will also stop selling metal PIPES too, because THEY can be used in bomb-making. How about fertilizer? What about other innocuous things that can be used in making bombs? What FOOLS these people be!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The New World Order is COMMUNISM

 It is COMMUNISM; something most youngsters now becoming adults know nothing about except that their parents don’t like it. They know not why, so they vote for communistic principles presented under different names like “Progressivism” and “fair treatment,” and other names designed to fool them. And they “lap it up” like a dog eating ice cream. They need to RESEARCH it and find out what it REALLY is. Obama and Hitler (somebody else they know nothing about) used the same process to gain power. Obama is not yet done. Hitler is.

Somebody wanted to “shut up” the only surviving Boston Bomber before he told too much. So he (she) sent in a federal judge to read him his rights, and he promptly shut up. Whoever sent that judge should be arrested and tried for obstruction of justice. If it is Obama, so be it. Before that he was blabbing (as best he could) wildly and even told them their next target: New York City.

OBAMA LYING AGAIN: By omission. They SAY they were only contacted by the Russians about the older Boston bomber brother ONCE, while Russia says they notified us about him REPEATEDLY. Now the FBI says OTHER OFFICES might have been notified several time, but not them. They CLAIM they “keep track” of such people after the initial “investigation,” but apparently, they DON’T. This time it cost four people (including two CHILDREN and one cop) their lives and injured hundreds because they did NOT “keep track” of him.

IT MUST BE NICE: To be able to do your own definition of other people. Harry Reid, Senate majority leader says The Tea Party are non-violent anarchists who don’t believe in any form of government.” That’s interesting; where did he get that? Oh, from his crystal ball? I’ve never seen ANY evidence the Tea Parties are for anarchism—and I keep my eyes open. When is Ried going to get smart and realize nobody takes him seriously any more because of his many blatant lies? He lies as much as Obama does, but Obama is better at it.

YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH A MUSLIM TERRORIST: They can sit right bedside you while other Muslim terrorists throw bombs into a crowd of innocent people and when you say what you have seen, accuse you of “making it up to make Muslims look bad.” They’re FOOLS, but they’re fools who believe devoutly they’re right, even if the evidence before their eyes proves otherwise.

RELIGIOUS TERRORISM: Obama wants to separate Muslim terrorism from “religious” terrorism so he can intimate “religious” terrorism is CHRISTIAN terrorism, which is unprovable. On the other side, MUSLIM terrorism is HIGHLY provable, but he will not admit it even exists. How STUPID does this INCOMPETENT president think we are?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Obama to Steal Retirement Money?

He says you “don’t need” more than $3 million dollars in your retirement fund and he wants to STEAL everything over that amount to get money to make up for his INCOMPETENCE in spending more than here IS. Who the hell is HE to decide how much money you “need?” He couldn’t get by on that much an HOUR. I’m getting tired of incompetent people like Obama telling people what “they need.” It’s not his to decide what WE “need.” He's a FOOL and he shows it every time he opens his mouth.

PALIN IN PLAYBOY? I don’t think so. To do so would ruin her in politics. The liberals are just HUNTING something like this to use against her. They don’t need for it to be true to accuse her of it. But when Playboy (a liberal magazine) to offer Palin $4 million dollars to pose nude, it gives liberals something to plaster her with. As to National Geographic offering Michelle $50, I think that’s way too much.

IT’S UNAMERICAN! Time Magazine’s Joe Kline says, “It’s un-American to think our government might oppress you.” Like many liberals, with this statement, he has demonstrated his STUPIDITY. But that won’t hurt him in his career. Liberals LOVE it when people say such things, and they AGREE. History proves that he is not only WRONG, but he is STUPID in thinking your government will NOT “oppress you” if it gets a chance. If that makes me “un-American” in his eyes, so be it. I couldn’t care less what a liberal thinks of me.

FATHER LOCKED OUT OF SWIM CLASS: Because of “Muslim sensibilities. (His daughter is in the class. Do they really think this is the ONLY time he would be able to see his daughter in skimpy swim suits?) Who cares about “Muslim sensibilities” anyway, except for Muslims? I certainly don’t. Where do these people get off insisting on adhering to “Muslim sensibilities” in a NON-Muslim swim class? This is yet another example of otherwise intelligent people “bowing to” Muslims in their everyday lives. It’s a good thing this happened in Canada, where the government isn’t even as smart as ours is (and ours isn’t too smart these days, either).

SCHOOL TEACHES THAT WE DON’T HAVE RIGHT TO GUNS: They say, “There is NO LAW that says we have the right to ‘keep and bear arms’.” Of COURSE not. We don’t NEED a LAW to tell us that. We have a constitutional amendment. We need to set up some kind of a COMMISSION (not government) to monitor the TRUTH of what schools teach with the power to do something about schools teaching LIES.

TYPICAL LIBERALS: They wait until you die, then vilify you. They can’t do it while you’re still alive, because you would destroy them with a few words, like Margaret Thatcher (former British Prime Minister who helped destroy the Soviet Union and liberals have never forgiven her for that) did when attacked by a liberal member of the House of Commons. So they wait for her to die, then say all kinds of despicable things about her when she can no longer respond. They’re COWARDS. But I’m not surprised.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Imams Everywhere Radicalizing Muslims

 There are Muslim Mosques all over this country where Muslims go to “worship” in what is CALLED a religion, but which is not. It is a political system MASQUERADING as a religion so they can kill people and hide behind a pseudo-religion, claiming “religious rights” while they kill us. The government has no problem spying on US, but they “shy away” from spying on Muslims, many of whom are being radicalized in these Mosques. Meanwhile the Imams in those Mosques are not only radicalizing them, but setting them up and helping them to DO things like bomb the Boston Marathon or go into an Army base and shoot a bunch of people while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” And still Obama still refuses to call the Ft. Hood murders terrorism.

 WHY DID NOBODY SAY SOMETHING? The brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon gave enough signals on their Facebook pages and in their Twitter accounts, and nobody told anybody anything.. Why?  Are they stupid? Or do they not care? Or are they sympathetic? Are they sitting around twittering, wishing they could do the same?

EXPECT MORE: With Obama talking about “diversity” and the Attorney General talking about, “It’s a long process to decide on the death penalty for the Boston bombers, this WEAK, and WISHY-WASHY response guarantees it.

WHY DO THESE FOOLS WANT TO BE TERRORISTS? Just a few days after the Boston bombings, the FBI caught yet ANOTHER young fool attempting to travel to a place where he can join the Islamic terrorists and be trained in how to kill people who do not believe the same way they do. What is WRONG with these fools?

DIANNE FEINSTEIN IS A FOOL: She said that for federal authorities to refuse to give the surviving Boston bomber “his rights” is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, which was soundly beaten back in previous cases of foreign combatant cases. Leave it ti the likes of Dianne to take the side of the enemy in ALL cases.

IS OBAMA A TRAITOR? Everything he does hurts us and moves us closer to collectivism (socialism). He REFUSES to admit we are “at war” with Islamic extremists (terrorists), and does all he can to DISARM Americans every chance he gets. His former chief of staff (now mayor of his home town) once let slip one of his basic schemes when he said, “Never let a good panic go to waste.” When a question about Islamic extremists comes up he can be depended upon to “rule” in FAVOR of the Islamic extremist position.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ayrian Brotherhood (like Islamic terrorists) Hides Faces

I just saw a picture of three of the “Ayrian Brotherhood” fools in prison and, like similar fools in Muslim terrorism, are afraid to show their faces to real people. They run a drug ring behind bars and even KILL people in and OUT of prison, but they’re afraid to show their faces to the world. Like most subhuman thugs, they do their despicable actions from behind masks so if people want to retaliate, they don’t know on whom to retaliate.

OBAMA: “WE’LL NEVER TAKE AWAY GUNS”: He says this while working HARD to take away as many guns as he thinks he can get away with. As usual, he looks you right in the eye and LIES to you. That’s his “modus operandi.” Tell you he won’t do something while he works to do it to you. Boy, we sure got a good con man this time! I’ve seen some good con men in that seat, but he’s the best (or should I say worst) con man I’ve ever seen in the president’s chair.

JUST SHOOT HIM: I don’t like to support assassination of political figures, but in Kim Jong Un’s case, his death might be the best thing for not only the rest of the world, but for the life of his country, too. Some people (Kim Jung Un one) are only still alive because it’s illegal to kill them. If Kim is allowed to continue, he’s going to get his entire country killed. If he fires ONE missile toward the United States or any of the countries we’ve pledged to protect, his entire country will become a heap of smoking rubble within hours.

“SEQUESTER” IS PHONY: It’s a con; pure and simple. It’s like taking a QUARTER away from somebody who has $200,000.00. Obama is ORDERING cuts in things that are VERY visible and piss off many people while falsely blaming those cuts on the Sequester. He has wisely stopped (for now) blaming BUSH for everything bad and now blames things on the Sequester, The money taken away from his government is like a “fart in a whirlwind” and means NOTHING, but he “ballyhoos” it and makes UNNECESSARY cuts to unimportant, but maddening things, CLAIMING it’s “because of the Sequester.” It’s a CON, folks; don’t fall for it.

BANNING SMALL WATER BOTTLES: In Concord, Massachusetts, close to the HOME of the American Revolution that obtained our freedoms, they have BANNED small water bottles. They SAY it’s for the good of the environment. That excuse is being WAY overused by would-be dictators who want to tell people want they can, and can not, buy. This is “The Nanny State” out of control.

HOME SCHOOLING IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT: People who are trying to FORCE children into state-run schools (so they can condition them) SAY home schooling is NOT a “basic human right.” It IS. In the absence of a massive, monolithic school system such as we have today, 100 years ago, most people DID home-school their children, and it was their right to do so. People today who don’t want their children to be CONDITIONED to believe what the government wants them to believe are STILL doing it, and still have that right.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Are Things Getting Better?

Obama says they are, based on the unemployment rate not growing. But the REASON it isn’t growing is that millions of people are GIVING UP on ever finding a job and are leaving the labor force. Think about that. Millions of people GIVING UP on ever finding a job. How are they living? On Food Stamps and other forms of welfare, which is what Obama WANTS. Then he can control their lives.

WAR AGAINST FOOTBALL: Limbaugh predicted it, and the evidence is in that the “war against football” is on. When a cartoon like the one to which I have linked appears, it’s clear that the “brainwashing machine” is working. When the CARTOONISTS start pushing something the liberals want, the war can’t be denied any longer.

IT AIN’T AGONNA HAPPEN! Obama has made a “presidential promise” to FIND the person or persons responsible for the twin explosions at the Boston Marathon; which, with this president, means, “it ain’t agonna happen.” When this president makes an “official promise,” you can count on the fact nothing will EVER get done. (Well, it GOT done, in SPITE of him)

WAPO: OBAMA MOST POLARIZING: A They can’t “understand” it, and they’re surprised. This organization, which should be “paying attention” to what Obama is doing, can’t understand WHY Obama is a “polarizing” president. This is the quality of our news media today. Dumb, and getting dumber. I guarantee you other liberal media sources are just as ignorant and will be just as “mystified” when they’re forced to realize it. And I doubt most of them will even MENTION it.

“SEEN RUNNING FROM THE SCENE: Cops in Boston are holding one young man (at this writing) who was “seen running from the scene” of the Boston explosions. It THAT right? How did they determine that he was a “person of interest?” THOUSANDS of people were “running from the scene.” This is how the “authorities” always handle things in such occurrences as this. Spend their time on hassling EVERYBODY on the smallest “incitement.”

OBAMA TO USE BOSTON: He said he would “tighten security” all over America.” To me, that’s ominous. As his former chief of staff (Rahm Emmanuel) now Mayor of his home town once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”), this event gives him an EXCUSE to do so, and I don’t think the constitution will get in his way (It hasn’t yet). Look for a LOT of “tightening.”

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Bastard's Mad

Poor baby! He lost, BIG, in his effort to pass the usual tired, old anti-gun laws his fools have had in their desk drawers for YEARS, just waiting for the right tragedy to come along so they can bring them out again. His former chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel (now mayor of Obama’s home town) once said. “Never let a good panic go to waste,” and Obama and his “gang of thieves” certainly don’t.

It sickens me every time I hear what Obama and other liberals think about this and that, as they do every day. It insults my intelligence, and yours. And they EXPECT us to believe their every word, when almost all of them are LIES. Just as liberal commentators are doing right now, trying to blame conservatives for the Boston explosions before ANYBODY has any idea who was responsible. When are we going to wake up and slap this fool down?

Even as incompetent politicians run around like “chickens with their heads cut off” making new anti-gun laws, people who are INTELLIGENT know they won’t do a thing to stop gun violence since they aim at honest people who OBEY such laws. They should be making laws that make the sentence stiffer for criminals who don’t OBEY laws

A “DARK-SKINNED INDIVIDUAL”: Of COURSE, that means it is a WHITE American bombed the Boston Marathon, right? ALL “white Americans” are “dark-skinned,” right?. It just amazes me how the liberals twist things to support their LYING agenda. What are they going to do if they find it actually WAS a black man; or an Islamic terrorist? Or worse, a KNOWN liberal? They’ll just ignore it and go right on as if they never said anything.

WOULD ANTI-GUN LAWS STOP BOSTON? Watch the anti-gun crowd try to use the bombing in Boston as an excuse to “ramp up” their rhetoric to make more gun laws to keep guns out of the hands of honest, responsible people so they cannot defend themselves when an ILLEGALLY armed criminal accosts them. Damn, these people are STUPID!

OBAMA WHINES ABOUT LOSING: Common sense prevailed in Congress recently when the Senate (with a majority of his own Democrats) refused to pass his useless legislation. So he took to the rose Garden and whined and moaned about it. Telling his own lies about it while accusing “the pro-gun lobby” (translation, the Republicans) of lying to get his faulty legislation blocked. Obviously, he HATES to be beaten, and this is one time he was. And he’s crying about it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GOP Senator Sent Ricin Poison

Roger Wicker, (R-MS) has received a letter containing Ricin, a deadly poison. Three other people, including the president, got similar mail (They were all caught at the processing center so nobody got hurt). Why is it always REPUBLICANS who are threatened with violence and death for doing their jobs? Rarely is it a DEMOCRAT such as John Kennedy or Obama. Why is it always somebody on the LEFT doing the threatening? Why the left, you say? Would somebody on the RIGHT threaten one of their own?  I'll bet they only sent one to Obama so we'd think it was a "right-winger." But you can bet the Obama forces will try everything they can to convince us the right did it, and/or it was caused by the Sequester. Bet on it

YOU MIGHT AS WELL, TOO: One of the most common scams used by swindlers like Obama is the “everybody’s doing it” scam where the news media (who is in his pocket) runs stories saying things like, “95% of Americans favor gun control” when they don’t. The suggestion here is that if 95% of Americans are doing it, it’s going to win, so you might as well vote for it, too. This is how they pass many bad laws, by lying to you on how many people like it, expecting you to “follow right along.”

“LEAN FORWARD”: That’s the Democrat slogan today; but it might as well be “Bend Over Forward” because that’s what you do when they’re going to do to you what they plan. You “bend over and spread.” And they go ahead and do it. Sometimes it hurts, but after they do it a few times it doesn’t hurt as much any more. You make your own decision as to what I’m talking about. But whether or not you understand what they’re doing to you, they’re going to do it anyway—unless somebody stops them.

USE THE RIGHT WORD: Hillary wrote (or had written for her) a book, “It Takes A Village to Raise A Child.” But she used to he wrong word for what she means, She should have used the word “collective” instead of “village.” That’s what she REALLY meant. Hillary is, like her husband and Obama, a dedicated SOCIALIST. Like Obama, she wants nothing less than to convert this “free market nation” into a “socialist state.” And between her, Bill, and Obama, they’re succeeding (so far).

IT SCARED THEM TO DEATH: A 13-year-old boy called Rush Limbaugh and told him that he had researched “global warming” (or “climate change,” as AlGore now insists it should be called to preserve the con because of increasing evidence the globe is NOT warming) at a local LIBRARY and found plenty of PROOF that Gore’s swindle IS a scam. That scared the pants off liberals and they want to know who he is and what library he had the temerity to go to so they can BULLY him into changing his mind back and DO something about that library and shut it up.

OBAMA CUTS ANTI BOMBING BUDGET: Not because of the Sequester, before that; REAL cuts, not the REDUCTIONS in increases in the Sequester. So naturally, they blame the Sequester for Boston while simultaneously intimating that “white Americans” on the right did it. At least, they’re hoping for it. when they find out they’re wrong, will they apologize? Have they ever?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Steny Hoyer (Democrat) Blames Sequester

Rep. Hoyer (Dem MD) has LEAPED to blame the Sequester for the Boston atrocity (of course). When anybody clears the room with a fart the Democrats blame THAT on the Sequester. What a bunch of FOOLS these Democrats are to think the American people will believe their verbal flatulence. This program, which was OBAMA’S idea and which HE signed into law, is like taking a QUARTER from a man who has $200,000.00,  and is the current “whipping boy” for EVERYTHING BAD to Democrats. Leave it to the Democrats to “politicize” this tragedy.

WE ALWAYS FIND THE CULPRITS: That’s what Megan Kelly of Fox News says about finding the bombers at the Boston Marathon. But will we? Or will Obama orchestrate a “stonewalling,” as he has in the Benghazi killings? I personally think he WANTED it to happen for some reason. Otherwise, why would he stonewall us and ORDER the survivors to silence? No, we DON’T “always find out” if Obama wants to HIDE it. We MAY find out, years after Obama is dead. But not before (I can't wait).

“CREDENTIALS” TO BECOME PROFESSORS: Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn got their start by blowing things up in terrorist acts and now both are “honored” professors at prestigious colleges. Is the same true for that female MURDERER (Kathy Baldwin) who helped kill several cops and just got out of PRISON? She was hired as a professor by a “prestigious university” Is killing people in terrorist acts a prerequisite to being hired to teach our youngsters the liberal lies?

BLAMING “RIGHT-WING MILITANTS” IN BOSTON: They have NO PROOF, nothing to back up their statements, but the liberal media still mentions “right-wing militants” in the same sentence as “Islamic terrorists” as if they were of the same stripe. Tell me: can ANYBODY show me some PROOF that right-wing ‘extremists” have ever done ANYTHING like this? I’m not talking about 100 years ago; I’m talking about NOW. If you have any such PROOF (doubtful) , send it to me and I’ll publicize it. Not somebody’s OPINION based on NO evidence. Such will be ignored. PROVABLE evidence will not. . No sooner did I push “save” on this post than I see this in my e-mail.

RUNNING TOWARD THE EXPLOSIONS: In Boston, after the two explosions, there were as many people RUNNING TOWARD the explosions (average people, not necessarily first-responders) to help those injured in this damnable atrocity. This shows the “mettle” of the American people. Meanwhile, the terrorists who put out the bombs are running to hide from their ultimate fate. Their lives will be considerably SHORTENED when we find them.

“WE’LL GO TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH”: That’s what Boston authorities and the feds say they’ll do to find and punish the people who set those two bombs that did so much destruction. But I suspect they won’t have to go that far. I think the bomber probably doesn’t live (now) more than a mile away from the bomb site. Although his real home is probably in a Muslim-run country somewhere in the world.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Maryland Governor Taxes RAIN

Only a Democrat, right? In Maryland, they were ignorant enough to elect a Democrat governor, and he has paid them back by taxing RAIN. What’s next? Laying a tax on how many inches of snowfall happens on their property? Only a Democrat would even THINK of taxing RAIN, but Maryland’s Democrat governor (Martin O’Malley) actually DID it

BLIND SHEIK’S LAWYER WANTS OUT: Lynn Stewart, the lawyer for the “Blind sheik,” who was imprisoned for terrorist activities was herself imprisoned for acting as a conduit for him in sending out “Fatwas” from prison. In doing so, she was responsible for many DEATHS. She says she now has cancer and wants out as an “act of mercy.” I don’t think this person, who “has no remorse” for her actions, MERITS “mercy.” Let the b-tch die in prison.”

“WE WOULDN’T SECRETLY TAPE YOU”: That’s what a Democrat “official” said on television. Of course, that doesn’t count when the subject is a Republican presidential candidate who says (in private) that half the country just wants a free ride, so won’t vote for me,” Oh, no; we wouldn’t do that. What a LOAD of bull! They would, and DID. This “official LIED. But that’s nothing new for a Democrat to lie to your face when he KNOWS you know he’s lying.

JANE FONDA DOES IT AGAIN: After many years of apologizing for wearing a N. Korean helmet, sitting in a shot down American plane, and giving notes passed to her by prisoners of war to their captors, causing their torture and deaths, when her casting as Ronald Reagan’s wife in a movie was criticized, her basic comment was “Get a life.” Yes, we’d like to; the lives of those pows whose deaths and torture she caused.

SENDING MILLIONS TO THE UN: Even though we’re broke, and printing “funny money” to fool Americans into thinking we have money, and have a president who has spent more money than there IS, we are sending $7 BILLION dollars to a useless organization, the United Nations, this year alone! Damn! We need to get rid of this FOOL in the White House or handcuff him before he finishes destroying us!

GITMO PRISONERS ON HUNGER STRIKE: So what? Some are “secretly” not eating so authorities won’t notice it and force feed them. What’s the point in that? I thought hunger strikes were to make authorities take notice of something. For my part, let them starve themselves to death. Saves us the cost of confining them and ultimately executing them. Let them kill themselves! Who cares?

THEIR “FAIR SHARE”: Obama talks about “the rich” paying “their fair share.” Their “fair share” should be based on what they EARN, not on what the government SAYS they NEED to keep. Obama doesn’t pay HIS “fair share,” (he pays 18%) why should WE pay more to make up for that? What a stupid bast-rd he is!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Fast and Furious"

When (IF) Obama’s administration :owns up” to the mistake they made in authorizing the selling of thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels without any way to trace their location  (so they can “trace their location”) maybe we can talk about controlling the guns I buy for self defense in the United States, where the Constitution GUARANTEES me that right.

UNFAIR TO GAYS: They’re whining about the fact that gays don’t have the right to  whine about “infertility” in gay marriages. Apparently they think when they get the right to destroy the meaning of the WORD “marriage” they don’t get the right to HAVE their own babies as a result. They’re not satisfied with the right to adopt. They say it’s “unfair.” I guess they think the government can overrule’ the laws of nature, which says man/man or female/female having sex CANNOT produce a baby.

“I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND IT”: That’s what Senator (and former presidential candidate) John McCain said about the Republicans (his own party) filibustering the silly gun laws the Democrats want to pass (laws that do NOTING to stop gun violence, but DO limit honest Americans in their ability to defend themselves from illegally armed CRIMINALS) If he doesn’t understand why people who want to keep their freedoms want to filibuster efforts to take that freedom away from them, than he isn’t smart enough to even BE a Senator, let alone a president! This man is “dumb as a stump.” He should be removed from office for STUPIDITY

DEMS DID IT: IT’S OKAY: Somebody bugged the office of the Republican leadership. But has ANYBODY but conservatives (and Republicans) complained? Not a peep out of them. Democrats brought down a PRESIDENT over a break-in of the DEMOCRAT National Committee. Will they be as upset over somebody planting a BUG in the GOP leadership office? Don’t hold your breath.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

"Lean Forward?"

That’s the Democrat slogan today; but it might as well be “Bend Over Forward” because that’s what you do when you accept what they’re going to do to you in what they plan. You “bend over and spread.” And they go ahead and do it. Sometimes it hurts, but after they do it a few times it doesn’t hurt any more. You make your own decision as to what I’m talking about. But whether or not you understand what they’re doing to you, they’re going to do it anyway—unless somebody stops them.

USE THE RIGHT WORD: Hillary wrote (or had written for her) a book, “It Takes A Village to Raise A Child.” But she used the wrong word for what she means, She should have used the word “collective” instead of “village.” That’s what she REALLY meant. Hillary is, like her husband and Obama, a dedicated SOCIALIST. Like Obama, she wants nothing less than to convert this “free market nation” into a “socialist state.” And between her, Bill, and Obama, they’re succeeding.

IT SCARED THEM TO DEATH: A 13-year-old boy called Rush Limbaugh and told him that he had researched “global warming” (or “climate change,” as AlGore now insists it should be called to preserve the con) at a local LIBRARY and found plenty of PROOF that Gore’s swindle IS a scam. That scared the pants off liberals and they want to know who he is and what library he had the temerity to go to so they can BULLY him into changing his mind back and DO something about that library and shut it up.

ARE CHRISTIANS “EXTREMISTS?” Only to the most STUPID politicians. We live in a Christian country. Not by any law, but by the opinions of a MAJORITY of citizens, most of whom ARE Christians.Only that MINORITY who aren’t Christians would think Christians are “EXTREMISTS” in this country. What amazes me is that these minority FOOLS have been elected by more FOOLS to run this country. We (not me) need to stop electing these FOOLS because those who do think they will keep the “goodies” coming.

TAKING THE WRONG TACK: That’s what ALL of today’s liberals are doing on many issues (because they’re INCOMPETENT), Chief among them are the ones we (not me) have elected, but who don’t have any idea what to do about guns. They blame the guns, not the shooters whenever ANYTHING happens, and they make laws to take guns away from the HONEST, reasonable people who DO obey laws, and not from the CRIMINALS, who don’t obey ANY laws and ARE the problem.

After a few head injuries from “head-to-head” contact, the football “powers that be” are making it illegal for that to happen. Lowering your head as you run in football is “human nature” and will be almost impossible to stop. There will be a LOT of penalties called, but it will NOT stop, and shouldn’t. Players know what to expect when they sign those multi-million dollar contracts, just as boxers know some of them will suffer permanent brain damage from being punched in the head so many times. But they do it anyway.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Way Too Many Outrages

There is NO WAY I can tell you about EVERY outrage that comes up. There are just too many of them. I have a hard time keeping up with just OBAMA’S outrages, let alone those done by other liberals in their attempts to take over the power to run all out lives. I’m too old, and I can’t work 24 hours a day doing it. So if you read what I write, please read as many other  people as you can who are trying to do what I do, too. Don’t rely on just me. I can’t do it all. It’s just too much.

OBAMA TO CUT SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS? He’s talking about it, but he shouldn’t be. Social Security benefits SHOULD be being paid out of the “Social Security Fund,” which this government finished LOOTING many years ago. For more years than I can count, benefits have been paid out of the General Fund, but the government will not “own up” to it. If Obama DOES cut benefits, that will be REVEALING the truth, that these benefits ARE being paid out of the General Fund, which is the only way they could be subject to “cutting” by this government.

GOVERNMENT IS LOOTING US: Yes, so far, people have been getting the benefits they PAID FOR all their working lives, paid out of the General Fund, since this government has LOOTED the Social Security Fund, which was SUPPOSED TO BE sacrosanct. But they LOOTED it many years ago and nobody has had the gonads to say or do something about it.

“WORKPLACE VIOLENCE”: Even though the shooter at Ft. Hood was shouting “Allahu akbar” as he killed many unarmed soldiers that day, Obama REFUSES to call it Islamic terrorism. What fool reason could he possibly have for that? Maybe so he can say there has never been an instance of Islamic terrorism in this country while he was president? This is how he works. He will not even admit Islamic terrorism EXISTS while he kills many Muslims in war zones with his unmanned drones. Damn this man is STUPID! He thinks he can fool us into believing his lies by refusing to name them.

AP TUGS ITS FORELOCK FOR CAIR: They changed their instructions for journalists to ELIMINATE the word “Islamist” to describe Islamic terrorism. It’s a good thing I’m not a “journalist,” but a blogger. I don’t have to allow others to DICTATE the words I use. If I see an “Islamist” action, I’ll CALL it “Islamist.” Take THAT, PC Police!

MICHELLE A “SINGLE MOTHER?” Michelle Obama seems to think of herself as a “single mother,” as she recently described herself. Then, when she realized that couldn’t be, since she’s married to the president, she corrected herself. Maybe the reason she sees herself that way is that she and her husband take SEPARATE vacations at OUR expense, many, many times. Do they sleep in separate beds in the White House? Nobody knows because Obama is the most secretive “president” that has ever been even though he “promised” to be the most “open and transparent.” But then, anybody who knows him knows his “promises” mean NOTHING.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Liberals Tell Us Who They Fear

 They do it by bringing their “wrath” down upon them, lying about them and what they say and do , and trying to DESTROY them utterly. They did it with Sarah Palin; they’re doing it with many other potential presidential candidates for 2014; they’re doing it to Dr. Ben Carson, who had the gonads to speak the truth while Obama sat beside him and seethed. Now they’re “giving him the treatment,” trying to destroy any chance he will run for president, any time soon.

CONTROLLING NEW GUN SALES: In Connecticut, they passed a gun law that eliminates hundreds of NAMED guns from being sold, requires background checks and training for buying ANY new gun OR ammunition. All to punish HONEST PEOPLE who OBEY such laws. Of course, CRIMINALS do not OBEY any laws, so why would they obey one that says they can’t be armed?

THIS IS BECOMING A HABIT: Sean Hannity guest Leo Terrel, himself a radio host, is the SECOND liberal recently who couldn’t answer Hannity’s charges and quit trying, right on the air. Terrel pulled out his earpiece so he could no longer hear Hannity’s truth. The earlier one, whose name escapes me at the moment (Who cares who he is?) actually put his hands over his EARS. That means Hannity is doing something right, when liberal guests just “give up” on answering his charges.

CALLING US “BIGOTS” OR “RACISTS”: If we so much as DISAGREE WITH anything Obama says. That’s a “cheap shot” to avoid having to answer our charges on their merits. If they accuse me of either racism or bigotry or start calling me any other nasty names, I know I have WON that debate because that means they can't answer my arguments. It’s like the liberal who pulls out his earpiece on Sean Hannity’s show because he knows he can’t win the argument and wants to “take his ball and go home.” In doing so he reveals his own insecurity.

BRING OUT THE GOOSE-STEPPING SOLDIERS: Seems like every once in a while the current big-mouthed dictator brings out his “line-up” of “goose-stepping” soldiers, hopefully (he figures) that will “cow” the folks and frighten his “enemies.” Today’s dictator is North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, who is spending all his country’s money on his military to make trouble for the rest of the world. I wonder how long it will be before OUR dictator, Barack Obama, will bring out HIS “goose-stepping army?”

TEXAS GOV. REFUSES OBAMACARE MONEY: His detractors say he’d rather let people DIE than take federal money. That’s STUPID! He doesn’t want to take money for the FIRST YEAR and then have to come up with the money themselves to finance what Obama ORDERS later. This is a common con from the federal government. Suck you in, then make YOU pay for it.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

N. Korea Sends Suicide Note

That’s what they are doing when they threaten to “nuke” America, or anywhere else that America has sworn to defend. Un just isn’t smart enough to realize that, nor are most of his generals, who hover around him and fawn on his every word, just as if he were a god. It might be a little harder to “take him out’ with Ahmadinijerk making the same threats, but we can do it.

DISGUSTING INCOMPETENCE AND STUPIDITY: Is really disgusts me that we (not me) keep electing these INCOMPETENT (mostly liberal) politicians who can’t even CONCEIVE of the fact that CRIMINALS, who break laws for a living, will not OBEY a law saying they can’t be armed when they commit their crimes. The STUPIDLY think DISARMING innocent people will keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Damn! What STUPIDITY!

COLORADO GOVERNOR THROWS OUT CRITIC: Governor Hickenlooper (what a silly name) was holding a “debate” on his recently passed tight gun control laws and somebody in the audience disagreed with him and said so, out loud. So he had him thrown out. I used to have some respect for “Hick,” even though he IS a Democrat. But watching how he handles “dissension in the ranks,” changed my mind about him.

MORE INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS: Stockton, California, has become the most recent bankrupt city, mostly because of the incompetent (Democrat) politicians who just kept giving more and more money to their FORMER employees in the form of pensions and now can’t afford to pay up. So they’re now contemplating “ripping off” their bond-holders, Cyprus style, to get the money to pay their pensioners.

CHANGING THE RULES:Obama has already shown he is capable of “changing the rules” to “outfox” business people who cut their employee’s hours to just below 40 hours to avoid having to pay for health insurance for them. He changed the number of hours that constituted full time to 32 hours. Then some employers changed their maximum hours to 28; and guess what Obama did? I don’t even have to say it: you know what he did. They “cap” the number of employees at 49 for the same reason, and Obama will change that to 30. Then they’ll lower their “cap” and Obama will lower his number again. It’s a “chess game” and Obama is DETERMINED to win if he has to set the “full time hours” to ZERO.

AUTOMATIC DEATH PENALTY: We need to pass a FEDERAL law to make killing a law-enforcement officer (including prosecutors and judges) an AUTOMATIC DEATH SENTENCE crime while limiting the number of appeals the criminal can make after being convicted so as to reduce the time between conviction and execution. This will reduce the possibility of prosecutors and judges being murdered, if nothing else, by reducing the number of murderers still alive.

THEY KNOW THE ANSWER: But they won’t approve it for us “serfs.” Texas officials have rushed through a law that allows ALL public servants to have “carry permits” that allow them to carry their guns EVERYWHERE, even where they are not otherwise allowed. But they won’t allow us “serfs” the same rights. We have to go out unarmed and HOPE we don’t get attacked by an ILLEGALLY ARMED criminal.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Environmental Bureaucrats Want $1.40 Gal. Gas Tax

They think their tax should be put in front of all the other taxes Obama’s “gang of thieves” want to impose on us. The government already makes more money on a gallon of gas than do the oil companies that have to invest their money to CREATE it and get the blame for high gas prices. And they want more; for themselves. Environmentalism is the new communism and they’re making progress on “taking over” America.

ENVIRONMENTALISTS WANT TO GET RID OF OIL: They know there is NO viable replacement, but they want to get rid of ALL “fossil fuels.” If they do, we’re dead. But they don’t care. They will have made provisions for themselves. Obama has pledged to BANKRUPT the coal companies, which are ESSENTIAL to the production of electricity, which is ESSENTIAL to life, as we know it. Without it, we’ll go back to the life as it was in the 1800s. Is that what they want? Absolutely.

“TWEAKING” CURRENT LAW: The government is growing by leaps and bounds. Not by PASSING new laws, but by “tweaking” current law and making thousands of “regulations” that are never voted on by Congress. Example: they “tweaked” the law about Food Stamps and allowed the rolls of food stamp recipients to DOUBLE since Obama was elected, abetted by people who just “want a free ride” and don’t care that Obama is destroying this nation.

TWISTING THE FIGURES: Obama twists the unemployment figures by refusing to count those who have GIVEN UP on ever getting another job and have STOPPED LOOKING. If those people were counted, the unemployment figure would be at 14%, not the 7% figure his “gang of thieves” claim. But who is listening to me?

CREATING “MONOPOLY® MONEY”: Obama’s Federal Reserve is printing billions of dollars (maybe TRILLIONS) of phony money every month on a regular routine basis. Then he’s using that PHONY MONEY to buy U. S. Bonds on the stock market; which makes the stock market rise and makes him look good. This just one of his little tricks to make us think the “recession” is over and we are in a “recovery phase,” which we are not. But those who “pay no attention to politics” will never know that—and they vote, in their IGNORANCE.

LIBS DECRY OBESITY AND HUNGER: How do they reconcile that? If there is too much hunger in this country, how could there be too much OBESITY? Or vice-versa, if there is too much OBESITY in this country, how can there be too much HUNGER? As usual, their campaigns don’t use REASON. They just make fun of those who disagree with them, call them names, and go right on as if nobody said a word. They NEVER discuss their positions on the MERITS, because they HAVE no merits. They even deny the very EXISTENCE of reason so they don’t have to try and be reasonable.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fart in a Whirlwind

That’s what the “Sequester” is. $85 billion dollars out of a five TRILLION dollar budget is a “pimple on the butt of the American spending. But Obama and his “gang of thieves” blame EVERYTHING bad on it. It has replaced Bush as the chief “whipping boy.” And it’s PHONY.

N. KOREA TO “SETTLE ACCOUNTS” WITH US: What’s WRONG with Kim Jong Un? Does he want to commit SUICIDE? If he sends ONE missile toward American soil, his entire country and all those posturing troops he masses on parade, his entire country will become a smoking pile of rubble. Is that what he wants? To kill himself and everybody in his country? That will be the result if he makes ONE effort to “settle accounts with America.” How STUPID is he? We couldn’t beat him before because our politicians wouldn’t let us. It’s different now. We’ve had enough of his bullsh-t.

WHY NO RIOTS? If the government (in the guise of banks) took even 10% of my income by thievery, I would be rioting (if I ere able). But In Cyprus now, they’re talking about taking 40% of the “rich people’s money.” Why are they not rioting in the streets? Are they so docile they’re going to let them get away with this patent THIEVERY? They should be MARCHING ON the government for even THINKING about STEALING 40% of ANYBODY’S money because of their own INCOMPETENCE in handling money. Why aren’t they? Damn, what STUPIDITY!

SETTLE DOWN KIM: Somebody needs to “settle down” N. Korea’s “baby dictator” who badly wants to show how “bad” he is and is going to get himself and his entire country KILLED. The big problem it this child has a BIG TOY. He has nuclear bombs to play with and thinks he can “bully’ the United States with their THOUSANDS of nuclear bombs and missiles with his one or two, IF and when he figures out how to fire one.

“SOMETHING TO HIDE”: Only somebody with something to hide would spend MILLIONS of dollars (his or taxpayer's money) to keep ALL references to his past SECRET, as Obama (I won’t call him president because he is a FALSE president) has done. What is he hiding? The fact he is not a citizen and therefore not ELIGIBLE to be president?

WHY DO MANY PEOPLE DISLIKE THE OBAMAS” There are so many GOOD REASONS that have nothing to do with their color that I can’t list them here. Suffice it to say Obama and his wife ignore laws, flaunt their positions, and lord over the people as these fools have done, using their COLOR as a defense. Obama is as much WHITE as he is BLACK, yet he CHOOSES to be black so he can take advantage of it by calling ALL his detractors racist.

HOW BLACK DO YOU HAVE TO BE? How black do you have to be to be black? Obama is only HALF BLACK. He CHOOSES to be black so he can “wield his blackness like a sword,” calling ANYBODY who so much as disagrees with one of his policies a RACIST for doing so. I‘m getting so tired of hearing the “racist card” used that it has no effect on me any more. And I’m sure that is true for everybody else.

RUSH DOES NOT SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE: The liberals say because he now says “Gay marriage is inevitable” that he now SUPPORTS it. He does NOT. He CONDEMNS it and is criticizing the way it has been “added to the language” by people no longer saying “marriage,” but “heterosexual marriage” or “opposite sex marriage.” Having to MAKE those differences has “made it part of the language” and therefore made it EXIST.

INCOMPETENCE! INCOMPETENCE! How many times do I have to say “these government politicians are INCOMPETENT before SOMEBODY takes notice and DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT? Their incompetence is PROVEN by the proliferation of bankrupt countries, HEADED by America while they argue over whether or not gays should be able to use the word “marriage” to describe their unions.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cyprus: Did We Steal Enough?

The Cyprus banks are still closed as the bankers try to figure out if they STOLE enough. The Cyprus people shiver and shake while they anticipate their government STEALING even MORE money to cover their economic INCOMPETENCE. And they DID. They're now going to steal up to 40% from those with over $100,000 (or Euros, or whatever) in their accounts.

INFLUENCING A LAWMAKER: A man in Colorado is “in trouble” for “attempting to influence a lawmaker.” Isn’t that what the entire lobbyist industry is all about? No, this guy is not a lobbyist, and he actually threatened this lawmaker. But it seems to me they could come up with something better than “attempting to influence a lawmaker” to charge him with. Maybe he needs to buy a LICENSE to intimidate a lawmaker. Gotta make sure the government gets paid.

GOVT BLAMES NRA: Adam Lanza shot his way into a school in Newtown, PA and murdered 26 CHILDREN within FIVE MINUTES. Now they’re SAYING they found NRA literature among Lanza’s belongings. But strangely (or not), they can’t produce any NRA literature. We’re supposed to BELIEVE our government (I don't), which LIES to us daily. Lanza STOLE the guns he used. How would THAT change anything?

NEWSPAPER PUBLISHES LIST OF VULNERABLE SCHOOLS: With a map COVERED by different-colored “pushpins,” the colors indicating which schools are COMPLETELY vulnerable to a “would-be shooter.” Why would they DO such a thing? This is VALUABLE INFORMATION to those who want to KILL school children. How STUPID are these people?

PERSECUTING CHRISTIANS: In Egypt (which is RUN by a leader in the Islamic terrorist organization, The Muslim Brotherhood) they are persecuting “Coptic Christians. And don’t tell me the Muslim extremists in his GOVERNMENT aren’t COMPLICIT in this persecution. And we just recently sent them $265 BILLION dollars. How much of that will go to support Islamic terrorists?

REMOVING SHERIFFS FROM OFFICE: Obama forces are making laws NOW to REMOVE sheriffs from office for refusing to enforce UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws. This is how “King Obama” handles dissent in the ranks. Get RID of them and replace them with somebody a little more malleable. This more proof Obama thinks he is KING of America. He actually thinks he can FIRE duly-elected officials. And he’ll DO it, too, unless somebody grows the gonads to oppose him and tell him he can’t and do what's necessary to stop him.