Friday, November 27, 2020

The Power to Say "No"

The Second Amendment gives all Americans the undeniable RIGHT to “bear arms.” It does not specify what “arms” we may bear, of under what rules. But today’s limpid bureaucrats and politicos think they can “regulate” them out of existence. So they first apply the “need” for a license to be armed, a specific violation of the Constitution, which dictates the law. Under the Second, no such license should ever be required because the power to license gives the government the power to say “no.” And the government should have no such power. Yes, allowing free ownership and use of a gun means criminals will be able to get guns legally, too. But why would they? They can get them much easier illegally. Or just steal them.

LOCKDOWN IS NOT THE WAY: Many of our politicians want to “lock down” business and keep people home to stop the spread of the virus, but that has not only proven itself NOT to work, it is counter productive in that it is threatening to bankrupt us economically. Stores close. Their employees are now unemployed and can’t pay the rent, or feed their families. The government and charity organizations step in, but they can only help for so long before they too, run out of money. Then society collapses and we don’t know what will happen then, but it can’t be good. They need to find something else.

RACISM IS NOT WIDESPREAD: The Dumbocrats use racism for several purposes. First, to blunt all criticism and avoid having to answer tough questions while claiming victory as their opposition are diverted from the real arguments to deny racism. To that end, if there is not enough real racism, they CREATE it by picking out something popular and CALLING IT racism. I’m waiting for some obscure professor somewhere to make himself famous (or infamous) by declaring BREATHING to be racist. Meanwhile, they’re creating a new racism--against white people. That’s what all this hooraw about “Black Lives Matter” and “white supremacy” is all about. I might even go along with that “Black Lives Matter” crap if they didn’t deny that white lives matter, too.

DON’T HATE THE COPS: There are many damned fools out there demanding we defund, and in some cases eliminate the cops altogether. It is a very shortsighted “solution” to a problem that is NOT widespread. Yes, there are a very small number of cops that go too far in enforcing the law, but you don’t “throw out the baby with the bathwater” because of it. Many of those cops just need better training, and defunding their departments makes that harder. Getting rid of the cops will lead to chaos, as some politicians have already learned.

MINNEAPOLIS CRIME SPIKES! Remember what I said about what would happen if you took the cops out of the equation? Well, they did it. The fools sitting on their City Council voted unanimously to disband their police department. And crime predictably is out of control. A woman was beaten and robbed in a store parking lot and their security didn’t call the cops because there were no cops to call. It was up to that security officer to help her, and he did what he could—which was not much. Criminals who do these things are never punished, so they’re going to just take what they want, and anybody who objects will be beaten or murdered. Those fool Minneapolis politicians Should be removed from office for incompetence, then sued out of their socks by the citizens.

A DIFFERENT MUSTACHE: What a difference a mustache makes! Gary Varvel has been a cartoonist at the Indianapolis Star-News for a long time, and as a former Indianapolis resident, I have been one of his biggest fans. One of his cartoons that attempted to show the ultimate result of the policies of weak-in-the-knees politicians regarding forcing people to “share” what is theirs with people who would rather not earn it for themselves, and shows a family climbing in a window on Thanksgiving, invading a family’s home, uninvited. The “censors” assumed it was racist (Why not? everything else seems to be racist) because of a luxurious mustache on one of the “invaders” and his editors stuck their thumbs in their mouths and demanded he remove the mustache from the drawing. Since when is a mustache racist?


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