Friday, November 6, 2020

All Fraud Benefits Biden

Has anybody noticed that in every instance of voter fraud found, the beneficiary of the illegal votes is Joe Biden? Not a single fraudulent vote found benefiting President trump—and if there were any found, you bet it would become public knowledge. This is very suspicious. It illustrates, for me, the fact that the Dumbocrats will do ANYTHING, legal or illegal, to get Joe elected. They’ll even send out some of their BLM goons to attack and stab a bunch of Trump supporters on a New York City street. Members of the BLM and ANTIFA will even KILL Trump supporters in vicious attacks—and they have. They’re apparently not satisfied by all Joe’s gains from fraudulent votes. They want more.

DEPEND ON IT: Liberals will always tell you what you’re doing that hurts them the most. They will want to ban it or, in the case of TV personalities, get them fired. That’s why they’re working hard to get Tucker Carlson fired for telling the truth about them. They’re pressuring his sponsors to leave the show so his bosses will fire hi because he isn’t making them any money any more. But it isn’t going to work. Fox knows what a moneymaker he is, and will be. Trump’s Tweets are hurting them a lot, too. But he doesn’t have sponsors that can be reached, so now they’re demanding Twitter suspend his account until at least after the election and muzzle him. They think that will keep him from destroying them, and they’re wrong.

STOP AND FRISK”: Most Dumbocrat-run municipalities today have banned “stop and frisk from the “quiver” of police arrows they use to fight crime. Which, of course, makes it much more difficult for them to confiscate ILLEGAL guns, even though that is the single most effective way of getting illegal guns off the streets. Instead, they spend all their time making life miserable for honest, law-abiding people who simply want to have their own guns, with which to defend themselves against those millions of illegal guns, on the street. This is just the opposite from what they SHOULD be doing, but incompetent liberal politicians not only don’t know that, they reject the very idea. And they wonder why “gun crime” is out of control.

ARROGANT AND COCKY: How arrogant and cocky are Muslim extremists! Now one “American Imam” has “Declared,” that “Muslims have the right to TAKE the property of Christians and Jews.” What a stupid statement that is! Muslims have no right to MY property, and none to the owners of other property, no matter what their religion. This very statement shows this Imam’s basic racism and his stupidity. He thinks members of other religions are something “his people” can loot with impunity. When they try, they’ll find out different when they are arrested and imprisoned for theft. In some cases, they’ll meet a bullet, too.

NOTHING HAPPENS: I constantly hear about hundreds of thousands of votes being “found” in various places like the trunks of people’s cars, trash receptacles, and sewers. Also, I hear about truckloads of ballots arriving at counting places at 4 AM. And they are “dutifully counted,” in spite of them being obvious fraudulent votes. Then I see videos of “election workers” actually filling out ballots, right out in the open, and stamping them as “received,” with nobody saying a word. Yet nothing ever seems to happen to the people involved in these election violations. At least, not that I’m aware of, anyway. And these violations never seem to affect the count.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Biden’s “deplorables” moment. He just called Pennsylvania voters who didn’t vote for him, “chumps.” The “chumps” T-shirts for Trump supporters will be on the shelves as soon as they can be printed… Cheap shot artist and screwer to power Kamilla Harris thinks Trump is a racist. that’s the Dumbocrat answer whenever they can’t answer the facts… AOC says Biden, if elected (a long shot) should appoint “progressives” to his Cabinet.”Progressive” equals socialist/communist… Actor Mark Ruffalo says, “If you’re not a “Native American” you’re an immigrant. How stupid is that? Those so-called “Native Americans are also immigrants since they wandered to this continent from Russia through Alaska and Canada… Hillary says she was “born to be president.” Whoever gave her that damned fool idea needs to have his mouth washed out with soap. What a monumental ego this bimbo must have…


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