Friday, November 13, 2020

Democrats Want "Revenge"

For WHAT? For opposing their stupid ideas and voting against their precious old man who can’t remember to zip up after a “nature call?” AOC is trying to gather a “hit list” for use in punishing Republicans. Under what possible law, I wonder. One Dumbocrat wants to put Republicans on the terror watch list, as if being a Republican makes them terrorists. Another wants to do the same to Christians—in a country FOUNDED on Christianity. All this does is shown the incompetence of Dumboctats. They think they’re dictators, with dictatorial powers over anybody who dares to oppose them.

TRUMP WON’T CONCEDE”: "Concern is mounting because Trump won’t concede.” And why should he, based on Biden being “certified” only by the media, and NOT by those who have the POWER to declare a winner? Biden imagining he has won doesn’t make him a winner, and he’d better “rein himself in” until he actually IS confirmed as the winner—IF he is. It’s the silliest idea ever for a president to concede, based on the phony MEDIA declaration. If that were true, it would be very easy to unseat any elected office holder, by “media fiat.”

CURRENT PRESIDENT ELECT”: It infuriates me to see people in the news media who SHOULD know better refer to Joe Biden as the “current president elect,” when they have to be aware that the media has no business DECLARING a “president elect.” When I see commentators I used to have confidence in doing it, I fear for the safety and intelligence of this nation. What the HELL gives them the idea they have the RIGHT to “declare a winner?” If we give in to this, we will go the way of the old Roman Empire, which was all powerful—until it made some stupid decisions that sent it crashing down.

DEMOCRATS WEASELED IN EVERYWHERE: If you wonder why Dumbocrats win elections they shouldn’t, consider this: at every point where votes are counted, or cast, who are the “officials” in charge? Dumbocrats. They control every aspect of voting and ballot counting, so who do you suppose is going to win? Remember those computers that changed Trump votes into Biden votes? A very obvious premeditated election fraud? They were MADE by a company with the husband of Dumbocrat Senator Feinstein as a major stockholder and installed in many states—nobody knows (yet) how many. They are responsible for hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Trump votes being listed for Biden.

ALWAYS RACISM ISN’T IT? Obama is now claiming that the very election of Donald Trump was a racist reaction to his “black presidency.” Right, Barack, baby! And I guess reaction to your almost destroying this country economically and otherwise had nothing to do with it, huh? Obama just can’t accept the fact that his POLICIES are the biggest reason Donald Trump was legally elected president instead of his hand-picked crony, Hillary. And as usual, when all else failed, cry racism! That’s always their last resort when they’re failing on the facts.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A top Dumbocrat says, “All Trump supporters should be thrown in prison.” this arrogant ass thinks disagreeing with him politically is CRIMINAL. I don’t know of any law, anywhere, that would support this. What really needs to happen is jerks like this need to be thrown in prison for stupidity… It’s funny how the very people who want to take away our right to self defense and to own and use the means to it, a gun, are ALL “protected” wherever they go, by armed “security”… It’s so funny, it’s funny. In Minneapolis, where they actually abolished the cops, they’re now bringing in cops from other police forces to help with the predicted crime spike. Talk about predictable… Where’s Black Lives Matter? A girl, 4 years of age, is fighting for her life after being shot by a thug aiming at another thug. I guess they don’t care much about black lives when it’s a black shooter…


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