Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Democrats: Party of Violence

Dumbocrats are well known for accusing their opponents of doing what they are, in fact, doing, themselves. On the subject of the current violence, NONE is directed toward Dumbocrats. It’s all directed toward Republicans and, especially, Trump supporters. Trump supporters don’t dare even wear one of Trump’s ubiquitous “red hats” for fear of being assaulted by a crazed Dumbocrat. One Dumbocrat even had the audacity of asking Rush Limbaugh to keep his listeners from committing violence when his followers have never even hinted at doing violence to Dumbocrats.

SIGNING MUST BE HELL: I’m sure you’ve noticed those ubiquitous “hand signers” beside of behind many political speaker when they make their speeches. Signing is hard enough, but I’m sure they’re tying themselves into knots and breaking their fingers trying to sign some of the strange words Joe Biden throws out, in his senility. Here is where I make a plea to reject him for president because he IS senile and can’t seem to string three words together without a teleprompter, but I won’t. I’m sure you already know that. The Dumbocrats are torturing an old man by putting him out front and propping him up so they can get the presidency for communist Kamila Harris when he dies—which he will. He will not be able to withstand the pressures put on a president, and she will take over and make us into a communist state.

SEND IN THE MARSHALS: The U. S. Marshals service is empowered to act when a government institution violates the law. The people running the election process in Philadelphia have broken the law in an obvious way and the remedy shouldn’t be simply suing them, while their phony ballots elect the wrong guy as president. Again. Nobody knows how many phony ballots they have counted, because they have barred Republican “poll watchers” from getting close enough to even see the ballots, while the law REQUIRES “ballot watchers.” This is an obvious violation of the law and the “watchers” should return, backed by the marshals, and force entry in a meaningful way.

DEMOCRATS BLAME TRUMP: For everything. The “unrest” in the Dumbocrat-run cities, the fact that the virus is still with us, notwithstanding the advances Trump’s actions have caused to be made, in spite of determined opposition from every Dumbocrat in the land. Trump “fixes” the problems CAUSED by the Dumbocrats and they whine and cry that he’s “destroying America” when that dubious “honor” goes to Obama and the Dumbocrats. Every “problem” he fixes was CAUSED by the Dumbocrats. Of course, they vociferously deny that’s true, hoping we’ll believe them. Dumbocrats have spent more than the last fifty years screwing up the nation while blaming Republicans (and lately Trump) for it.

DEMS “ROLLING BACK”: The Dumbocrats have promised to “roll back” all the good things President Trump has done for this country, so if you actually vote them back in power, you’re “cutting off your nose to spite your face,” and that ain’t too smart. I had high hopes most of America was smarter than that, when “push came to shove.” It remains to see if I was right. If Biden wins, I will be very busy for the next four years (or however long he lasts) pointing out what he does wrong. And especially if he doesn’t last long and “President Harris” gains the president’s seat so she can make this into a communist country.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Stupid Joe Biden has just given us yet another reason NOT to vote for him. He has pledged to appoint Muslims at every level of “his government”—a government he will hopefully never run… In Lancaster, PA, there is an intelligent judge who didn’t release rioters to riot again the next night, and he set bail amounts impossible for them to attain—so they stayed in jail instead of going back out and rioting again the next night The other rioters are pissed. I’m so sorry (NOT)… Abysmal ignorance at Cornell University. Some fool there decided that men could menstruate, even though they don’t have the right plumbing to do so. They’ve put Tampon dispensers in the men’s room. What a laugher that is… Biden is really frightened. If he really wasn’t involved in his son’s schemes, he’d simply answer the questions asked, and deny it. But he doesn’t. He “lashes out” at reporters for having the temerity to even ask. Which is an obvious “tell” he is lying…


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