Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Gun Control's A Fantasy

A fantasy supported by the fallacy that all you have to do is make a law against something and criminals, who obey NO laws, will magically OBEY this one. And another fallacy that it is even POSSIBLE to eliminate guns from the world. You cannot. It’s like putting toothpaste back in the tube. It can’t be done. There are billions of guns in existence, both legal and ILLEGAL, and millions of them are ILLEGAL. There is NO WAY a person can defend him/herself against one of those millions of illegal guns in the hands of criminals and other miscreants, without having his OWN gun. But the anti-gun fools will not hear of that.

SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Criminals MOSTLY don’t get their guns legally, even if they have not yet committed a crime that prohibits that. Something I’ve been telling the anti-gun fools for years, even though they seem to be “tone deaf” to that. They think, in their abysmal ignorance, that all criminals get their guns legally, so all they have to do is make a law and, magically, the criminals will obey it. Well, The Department of Justice did a survey of criminals in prison, basically asking them how they got the guns they used in the crimes for which they are incarcerated. They had no reason to lie about it, and the results show that a massive MAJORITY of criminals got their guns ILLEGALLY.

BEATING A DEAD HORSE: They’ve been beating a dead horse for two years, now, with the whole idea (unproven) that President Trump “colluded” with the Russians to get elected. After two years of searching under every rock, they have found NOTHING. So what are they going to do? Open a NEW INVESTIGATION into whether or not he “colluded” with the Russians to get elected, this one started by many fired or otherwise discredited corrupt former FBI people. People who have been discredited in many ways. They talk confidently about “all the investigations” Trump has “hovering over his head,” never mentioning that those “investigations” are by Dumocrats, in an effort to reverse the election of 2016.

TYPICAL SOCIALIST CRAP: New York City Mayor DeBlasio says there’s plenty of wealth around, “but it’s in the wrong hands.” That’s typical socialist crap if I ever heard any. What the hell gives him the right to judge who is “the wrong people” to have money? The people to whom he refers are the people who EARNED it. And he WANTS it. So he plans to use the power of the government to TAKE it. That’s what socialists do. Find somebody able and willing to EARN, and then LOOT what they have earned, for the benefit of those who do not, or CAN not earn it for themselves. That’s what socialism is, and socialism depends on there being SOMEBODY there who CAN earn, so they can loot them.

UNDOCUMENTED, UNAFRAID”: There are illegal aliens running around sporting signs that say, “Undocumented, Unafraid.” Which is a slap in the face to our efforts to control who may enter our country and to define what is required of them to be able to enter. The only reason they are so emboldened is that a large segment of our politicians (Dumocrats) don’t want to enforce our laws and are doing everything in their feeble power to prevent it. It offends me that they can be so little impressed with our ability to hunt them down and deport them, and it is only possible because the Dumocrats make it as difficult as possible to enforce our laws.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Michelle Obama tops Hillary as America’s most admired woman.” That’s what liberals say. What they don’t say is their idea of “America” is Dumocrats. They only ask Dumocrats in their polls, and that’s what they come up with. If they included Republicans in their polls they’d get a very different result… One church took their cross off the wall to avoid “offending” Muslims. Maybe we should be offended by their being offended by our Christian images. We don’t try and mess with their images… How racist is that? “California Women’s March is canceled because participants are too white.” Now reverse that and see what we have: “California Women’s March is canceled because participants are too black.” Is it not racist to discriminate against whites, just as with blacks? I see no difference… The term, “White Privilege” is “code words” to discriminate against white people… Elizabeth Warren really thinks she has a chance at the presidency. The reality is, she won’t even win the Dumocrat nomination…

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