Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fake News Again!

They thought they had him. Buzz Feed came out with a story based on very suspicious circumstances such as the unsupported word of a man under a prison sentence who, in a last ditch effort to shorten it, LIED, saying “President Trump ‘ordered me’ to falsify some ‘polls’ to make him look good so he could run for president.” They ran with it, no proof notwithstanding, and the liberals “ate it up,” thinking they “had” Trump this time, and calling for an “investigation leading to impeachment.” Unfortunately, Robert Mueller himself, to his credit, put the “kibosh” on the story, coming out with a statement saying the report “was not accurate,” a euphemism for, “it’s LIE.”

GUN CONTROL IMBECILES: That’s what they are. It is the most obvious thing in the world to those with any intelligence, at all. The entire idea of gun control is based on a fallacy. That you can actually eliminate all guns from our society by simply making a law. The very idea that this will eliminate “gun violence” is similarly imbecilic. Also imbecilic is the idea that you CAN eliminate all guns. All you can do is eliminate most of the LEGAL guns from society because only honest people OBEY laws. Dishonest people do not. They routinely ignore every “gun control” law passed by ignorant legislators, and the numbers of the guns they hold are in the MILLIONS.

$15 AND DONE: Now that the minimum wage in liberal-run New York City is $15.00 an hour, minimum wage workers are losing their jobs in droves, as those offering minimum wage jobs cut hours and staff because they can’t afford to pay an inflated wage to people who, through lack of training and experience, are not worth $15.00 an hour. It is imbecilic to force people to pay TWICE what a worker is worth. It is economically infeasible. But that has never stopped liberals from insisting on it before, and will probably not, again. Most of the things liberals try to force upon us are imbecilic and unfeasible.

ANTI SELF DEFENSE: If one looks carefully at every anti-gun law now on the books in many states, and in the process of being passed into law in many others, one can only come to one conclusion: those laws are NOT “anti-gun” so much as they are “anti-self defense.” Each one of them is designed to make it harder, or impossible for a law-abiding person to get his/her gun in action fast enough to oppose an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal, who is not bothered to obey such laws.

LIBERAL TWISTING OF FACTS: You probably heard of that “confrontation” between “MAGA” wearing hats teens and an elderly “Indian” man. Emphasized was the teens supposedly disrespecting this Indian man (Sorry PC Police, I don’t use the term “native American.”). But the release of other videos of the incident showed that the students were “doing their thing” and were approached by that Indian, saying, “White people go back to Europe where you belong!” Is that racist, or what? The boys did not approach the Indian, he approached, and degraded them with his words and actions. And they did nothing except what normal, everyday children do. They began mocking this racist Indian. The fact that they were wearing “MAGA” hats was irrelevant. It was the Indian harassing THEM.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A Muslim resident doctor admitted to wanting to purposely give some Jews the wrong medicine. She’s been fired. This just points out the fallacy of putting Muslims in important positions. They just don’t think the way we do. I know all Muslims don’t think that way, but too many of them do. What I don’t understand is her calling Jews Nazis. Nazis were as antisemitic as she is. Not that we should keep Muslims completely out of such positions, but that we should examine their motivations carefully before we do. This is not bigotry. It is common senseI opened my e-mail this morning and saw this: “Did Madonna Get Butt Implants?” Who the hell CARES? It came from Doug Giles of Clash Daily, who usually talks about important things. Maybe he’s still suffering from New Year’s Eve imbibing...The hypocrisy of Dumocrats is showing again. The now Justice Kavanaugh was painted with a “bad brush” by Dumocrats for drinking a beer when he was a student, but Dumocrats are extolling the “virtues” of “Pocahontas” drinking beer. Looks like her “sitting in a tank” moment, folks…

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