Thursday, December 27, 2018

Why No Trump Wall?

The Dumocrats are going way out of their way to oppose letting President Trump spend a paltry $5 billion dollars (I never thought I’d ever see me writing something like that, but it's a tiny part of the total national budget) on the wall he PROMISED in his campaign for president. They talk as if it were an unreasonable request, but it is NOT. Then you consider the $150 billion dollars Obama sent to Iran, one of our implacable enemies. Where did HE get that money so he could send a PALLET of cash to Iran? Did he get approval from Congress? Was there ever actually a VOTE to allow him to do it, or did he just divert money from other budgets? Even if he did, it was a stupid expenditure, and convinced our enemies that we were wussies they could “wind around their little fingers.”

LIBERALS ARE DAMNED FOOLS: They are now in the process of CREATING racism against white people. They are even teaching it in college. “The University of Virginia held a one-credit hour course during the fall 2018 semester that was aimed at describing why ‘liberal whites’ use microaggressions as a way to vent their frustrations over racial, cultural, and sexual equality.” That is pure racism against white people. At the same time, a Clemson University prof thinks human extinction will save the planet. If he really thinks that, let him go first. That's IF he really believes his fool statement.

THE SEEDS OF OUR DESTRUCTION: Liberals in our government are causing us to “cast the seeds of our own destruction.” “The Nation of Islam, led by rabid anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, is a hate group. Farrakhan constantly spits out hate towards whites and Jews. The man referred to Jews as termites and hailed Hitler as a great man. He authored the book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews where he accused Jews of spreading the slavery trade and controlling the global economy. Farrakhan has even said he thinks the Jews masterminded 9/11.” They’re giving this hater free access to many malcontents in prison. That can only be to our detriment.

BACKGROUND CHECKS DON’T WORK:Last year, thousands of people trying to buy guns from dealers made false statements about their past on the required federal form, then went on to fail the background check due to a serious criminal record or other disqualifiers. Lying to a licensed gun dealer is a felony punishable by a fine or up to 10 years in prison. But an ATF study showed that, in 12,710 cases of background check denials where the applicants LIED—which is a felony—only 12 were prosecuted for lying on their application. If there is no prosecution for lying, what is there to keep applicants FROM lying? In 2016, an internal ATF briefing paper showed that those who lie on their applications are far more likely to commit a gun crime than those who are honest.

TYPICAL LIBERAL LIE: All liberals are not anti-gun fools, although MOST of them are. And liberals routinely lie, in one way or another, to get their way. One way they lie in the “gun control controversy” is to include ADULTS up to 19 years of age in their “CHILDREN” statistics when they talk about “children being shot.” Those figures then include GANG MEMBERS, all of whom are illegally armed, since they’re too young to even be able to buy a gun legally. Then they go out and kill each other, and many innocent passers-by who happen to get in the way of their badly-aimed bullets. Such “twisting the numbers” should be a prison offense. They KNOW they are lying, but they do it, on purpose, to get their way, since they have nothing REAL to offer.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Mueller has spent the better part of two years searching for some kind of proof that Trump “colluded” with the Russians to get elected without finding one single shred of such evidence. You’d think he’d finally give up and go home. But not as long as he gets unlimited taxpayer funds to continue his fruitless “investigation” which gives him money that can be “skimmed”… What is it with Dumocrats that they support MUSLIM freedom of religion, but not CHRISTIAN freedom of religion? Looks very suspicious to me… That silly Hogg kid says, “Bible verses don’t protect kids from bullets.” No kidding. Neither do any of your silly anti-gun laws. Proving yet again his complete ignoranceFormer FBI Director Comey implores Dumocrats to “use every breath we take” to defeat President Trump. Boy, are they getting desperate! They’re going to have a hard time just staying in business…

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