Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Incompetent Politicians

Why are they incompetent? They think making a LAW against gun ownership will keep guns out of the hands of CRIMINALS, who don’t OBEY laws. They think killing infants still in the womb is “for the children.” (NY Gov. Cuomo actually SAID that) They think a good economy depends on how much money they can vacuum out of our pockets while PUNISHING the PRODUCERS of society and REWARDING non-producers. They think we can SPEND our way to economic health. And we (not me) keep electing and re-electing these fools.

A “LAUNDRY LIST OF TRAGEDIES”: Hillary, in her “testimony” before Congress, cited the many times in the past our embassies have been attacked and people killed. One she cited was the “takeover” of the embassy in Iran (by people who later became the government). She cited these as an “excuse” for not doing anything while four embassy people (including the ambassador) were murdered. With all this in our past, why did we not make this one more secure? Incompetent politicians. Damn!

HILLARY GETS NOTHING BUT PRAISE: Mostly from Democrat politicians, but that’s all the liberal media shows. You can’t even find any criticism of her on Fox, which usually is where the political TRUTH resides. It amazes me how the media IGNORES anything that will make a Democrat look bad.

THE “DOG AND PONY SHOW” CONTINUES: Hillary continues to obfuscate in the House. Most of what she got in the Senate was praise and a couple of what was just barely a criticism questions from the Democrat members that dominated there. The questions are a little more pointed in the House committee, but even so, not much except that she blames things on lack of funding from Congress. Which means Obama, whose policies are to reduce funding for EVERYTHING except his “giveaway programs.”

TOO MUCH BEING SPENT: I’m looking at the congressional “dog and pony show” who are “questioning” Hillary Clinton on why the State Department screwed up on embassy security to the point where working in our embassies is one of the most dangerous jobs going, and I’m seeing hundreds of people just SITTING there doing nothing (some of whom appear to be asleep). All of whom have big salaries. Watching while congresspeople (who also have big salaries) take turns asking mostly inane questions.

THIS IS A NEEDED AMENDMENT: “Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: ‘Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States’ ..." Congress recently passed (quietly) a law that specifically exempted them from the provisions of Obama’s health care swindle law which most passed without even reading.

OBAMA VIOLATES THE CONSTITUTION: He has violated it in many ways, over time. But the most obvious way he has violated it is by advancing NO BUDGET in the four years since he was elected by gullible Americans. If a Republican had gone four years without a budget, the liberal media would never allow us to forget it. But with Obama in office, they never speak of it.

TOTALITARIANISM IN THE MAKING: I’ve researched both Lenin and Hitler’s rise to power and the methods Obama is using to consolidate his power as he caters to the MOOCHERS of our society, who only want a “free ride” and don’t care about what kind of government they’ll get, so long as the “goodies” keep coming. Soon they’ll get what they want and WE’LL have to pay for it while suffering Obama for the rest of his miserable life.

HEALTH COSTS RISING: Obama promised that health costs would GO DOWN after Congress foolishly passed his health care swindle law (most without reading it). But, as with most of his LIES, he ignores the fact that, even BEFORE it goes into effect, health care costs are rising a LOT, in anticipation of his health care swindle law going into effect.

FUNNY, BUT PROBABLY TRUE: This sign is posted I don’t know where, but it’s probably true. Considering that a majority of Obama’s supporters are on one kind of “dole” or another and do not work. They depend on us, who DO work, for money to help support them. That’s why he got re-elected. Those people are in the majority.

“WE DON’T NEED ASSAULT RIFLES!” That’s what the anti-gun freaks keep telling us. Who the hell gave THEM the right to tell us what we NEED or don’t need? I don’t NEED to write my blogs. But I do, and will continue to do, regardless of that people think I NEED. I don’t plan my life on what other people think I “need.” It’s not their business to tell me what I “need.”

MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY: Hillary just finished her appearance at the congressional hearings (in the Senate) into the “Benghazi Incident,” as the murders of four of our diplomats and their staff have come to be called. I think they imported the “syrup” that was spread there. I only heard ONE congressman say ANYTHING bad about her performance, and then he complimented her on her “record” as Sec. of State. I wanted to puke!

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