Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Locks Are Stupid!

All “gun locks” are stupid. People who want to use their guns to commit crimes usually have ILLEGAL guns and wouldn’t even CONSIDER a gun lock. But such locks make it harder for responsible people with guns to get them into action when threatened by an armed criminal. They do nothing else. They’re DESIGNED to inhibit gun use in self-defense.

THERE’S A GOOD REASON FOR IT: Word is, NRA membership grew by a QUARTER MILLION in ONE MONTH in response to the chance that Obama is going to BAN gun ownership for responsible people. There’s a good reason for that, and Obama had BETTER take notice of it. More gun laws are NOT WANTED by the responsible people of this nation and if he bans our guns or makes it harder to use them by requiring a license to buy bullets he will suffer at the ballot box.

“NO GUN ZONES KILL” Every “no gun zone” is an open invitation to those who want to come in and kill people without being worried that there MIGHT be someone there with their own guns who can KILL them and stop their rampage. Only ONE such shooting I know of happened in a GUN STORE and the shooter looks like “Swiss cheese” now. You might as well post a sign saying, “No guns here. Come on in and kill us!”

EXTREME CLOSEUPS: You can expect them any time a news show airs a segment about gun control or about smoking, or about any other things they don’t approve of. They’ll show extreme close-ups of people smoking or shooting at targets that make them look ridiculous. It’s a common scam to discredit people

TAXING VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES: Taxing for punishment is not something allowed in this country. But they’re going to do it anyway. What they’re saying is, go ahead and make your violent video games, just pay us for the right to do so and it’s okay. But what is next? Taxing violent movies? Television shows? Taxing ANYTHING a politician or activist doesn’t like? Show me where in the Constitution it says the government may tax ANYTHING somebody doesn’t like?

OBAMA WANTS DOCTORS TO "RAT OUT" THEIR PATIENTS: Even though there's a provision in Obama's health care swindle law that says they can't, Obama is telling doctors to go ahead and ASK their patients, especially young children, if there are guns in their house. The proper answer is 'None of your damned business." They can't FORCE an answer and if they try, there's another doctor in the same building or right down the street.

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