Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cult of Personality

Didja notice that the N. Korean government is STILL pushing Kim Jong Il, even though he’s dead? The picture on top of one of the cars in his funeral procession is almost bigger than the car. It’s a good thing it’s not a windy day or that car would be blown away. And his third son, the one who is SUPPOSED to be “taking over,” but who is now “sharing power” with his uncle gets to WALK along beside the hearse. I figure he’ll last a few months before his uncle decided he’s outlived his usefulness.

N. KOREANS CRY FOR KIM: They have a really big funeral, in which the biggest picture of a dictator I’ve ever seen is mounted on the top of one of the cars in the procession while his third son, now “sharing power” with his uncle WALKS beside the hearse. And N. Koreans cry loudly for Kim. They’d damn well BETTER, or the army will seek them out and KILL them.

NO PARADES FOR IRAQ TROOPS: At least ignorant people aren’t spitting on them as they were after Viet Nam. But not too many wars got less appreciation from Americans OR the people who benefited from it than this one. We got rid of a murdering dictator and weakened significantly the al-Qaida elements in Iraq. But they waited and bided their time until our wimpy president declared the war “over” and pulled his troops out on a scheduled date, the day after which the Islamic terrorists killed a lot of people we should have been protecting. It’s no wonder the troops’ return was underwhelming.

LESS THAN NOTHING: While our liberal “leaders” are throwing money around as if we had some, we need to remember that we need to pay back $15 TRILLION dollars, just to get to the point where we HAVE nothing.

“NOT TO SCARE AMERICANS”: Obama says “We made a decision not to scare the American people,” and then spent most of his days doing just that. As usual, what happens is just the OPPOSITE of what this “serial liar” says.

“BUYING OFF AMERICANS”: Obama figures he can “buy off” Americans for $20 a week. And that’s what he did with his insistence on retaining the reduction in the Social Security “tax” taken from everybody’s paycheck. He now CALLS it a “tax,” but it ISN’T. It is the money the government takes from us at the point of a gun from every paycheck to pay for Social Security (If you don’t believe that gun bit, just try not paying it).

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