Monday, December 9, 2019

Islamic Terrorists Are the Enemy!

They have announced their intent to overcome us, and impose Islamic law upon us, and they’re working hard to do that, with the willing cooperation of the liberals (Tories). Liberals insist any opposition to the entry of Muslims into this country is “racism,” or “religious oppression,” or somesuch, and that we shouldn’t interfere with Muslims in any way. That’s foolish, and dangerous, with Muslim extremists promising to END our way of life, and subjecting us to their primitive and dictatorial “Sharia Law,” which is against everything we stand for.

MEXICO HAS GUN CONTROL: Is it working? Not on yer tintype! Mexican drug cartels practically RULE in Mexico, and they shoot up the landscape, pretty much at will. All with illegal guns. They’re illegal because Mexican law makes it practically impossible to get a gun legally—unless you’ve got a lot of money to use in bribing some bureaucrat into issuing you a “gun permit.” But the cartels don’t bother with that. They just get their guns illegally, and “buy off” the bureaucrats and other politicians to “look the other way.” when that fails, they just come in and shoot the place up. They did that in the town of Villa Union, just about an hour’s drive south of Eagle Pass, Texas. They “Rolled in” like a victorious army.

CALL IT WHATCHA WANT: If you can’t win an argument, just insult your opposition. That’s routine with Dumocrats (liberals). They usually last in any debate about 30 seconds before calling their opposition names, hoping they will start defending against the names and forget they won the argument. They can’t win in the drive to disarm all Americans, making them defenseless against law-breakers, who don’t care a whit about their stupid anti-gun laws. So now one liberal anti-gun fool professor now says “Second Amendment supporters are a death cult.” That’s nonsensical. It means nothing, and it’s WRONG. They are simply people who want to be able to defend themselves, and have the right (guaranteed by the Constitution) to be armed for self defense.

WILD WEST ATMOSPHERE”: That’s a favorite claim from anti-gun fools when they talk about places like Oklahoma, where anybody who owns a LEGAL gun can carry it without a license being required. Unfortunately for them, it hasn’t happened. There have been (with ONE exception) only reports of legal gun owners coming to the defense of non-carriers who are in trouble. As in the case of a man who pulled his legally-carried gun on a couple of major shoplifters who were about to kill a couple of Best Buy employees in a parking lot without having to fire a shot. He saw the murder about to happen and aimed his gun at the would-be murderer, who quickly “got gone” without killing those people.

ABOLISHING ELECTORAL COLLEGE: That’s what Dumocrat presidential candidate Elizabeth warren says SHE will do, if elected. Of course, first, she needs to be NOMINATED, and that’s a slim possibility. Then she needs to beat the Trump juggernaut, and that’s going to be impossible. Then she needs to sponsor a constitutional amendment, and it must be approved by Congress, then it must be approved by a 2/3 majority of voting Americans, and that’s not gonna happen. If it does, that will prove the stupidity of 2/3 of Americans, and they will get the kind of government they deserve. But I don’t think there are that many stupid people in this country, even if it gets that far. She thinks she can do it, herself. She cannot.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A transgender “girl” (a MAN, really, pretending to be a girl) is all upset because men will not date “her” because she still has a penis and that “turns them off.” Understandable. Men don’t like to date other men—unless they’re gay… Atheists are terrified that Kayne West is going to ruin all their plans. He is working hard to make Christianity come back to its deserved prominence, and they’re mad. He got through to a bunch of prisoners recently and they want that never to happen again… Greg Gutfeld said it. “That fart Swalwell dropped on MSNBC (live) was the best thing to ever come out of Eric Swalwell”… Swalwell fell out of the presidential race, but he’s thinking about getting back in.”He smelled an opening.” Says Greg Gutfeld…

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