Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Impossible Promises

I get really tired of all the impossible promises that the Dumocrat presidential candidates make, the most recent (today) being Elizabeth Warren’s promise to “END global warming” when she becomes president. The first thing is, she’s never going to get NEAR the Oval Office as president. Second, global warming is a scam. A swindle perpetrated by Al Gore, former Dumocrat Vice President, to make himself a multi-millionaire, on the backs of gullible people who will believe anything they’re told, often enough. And they’re never going to “END it,” because it lets them con more money and power out of the people, who believe their BS.

MEANINGLESS ACCUSATIONS: Dumocrats have so overused the “racist” and “sexist” insults that I have come to discount anything they call either. It’s like calling a Jew a “Nazi.” It shows their complete misunderstanding and misuse of the very words, and illustrates the fact that they have nothing else. I’ve been called both names, AND “Nazi” many times, because I expose their lies—and they don’t like that. They can’t come up with anything real, so they call me one or more of those phony names. Sometimes, something even more insulting. They’re grasping at straws, and I have to laugh at them.

DRIP, DRIP, DRIP: Remember the old story about “How To Boil A Frog,” where you put him in cold water, and bring it to a boil with him in it? He will never notice until he is boiled to death. That’s the same way corrupt politicians and anti-gun fools are slowly taking away our right to self defense, one small right at a time, until one day we wake up to realize that self defense is now ILLEGAL. If we do ANYTHING to defend ourselves from predators, we can go to prison with the criminals. One such effort in Virginia (a well-known anti-gun state) is a new law they’re considering to make just teaching “gun safety” a crime, bu REDEFINING it as “felony paramilitary training,” and thus grounds for imprisonment.

HILLARY WON’T GO AWAY: She lost TWICE in her bid to become president, and now the Dumocrats are giddy at the possibility that she will run again. Not the halfway smart Dumocrats. But there aren’t too many of them, since you have to be really stupid to BE a Dumocrat. Her recent appearance on the Howard Stern show has ignited speculation that she intends yet another try. And “try” is all it will be because there is NO WAY intelligent people will ever vote her in, with all her “baggage.” She’s like the “horror” I a horror movie you thought you had killed—until she pops up again and you have to kill her again.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Washington Post has declared it’s unmitigated stupidity by saying Barack Obama is a CONSERVATIVE! Talk about fake news! They must want to make it plain how stupid they are… I’ve said it before and “Crazy Bernie” keeps making me repeat it. He must not want to be president, because he keeps telling us what he will do if elected, and it’s all things we want no part of. Like his latest vow to heavily tax everybody making more than $29,000 a year. That’s almost everybody who actually works… Peelosi turns our judicial system on its head with her pronouncement that Trump must “prove his innocence” in a country where the accused is “innocent until proven guilty”…

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