Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Michael Moore Is Mad!

He has to admit that, no matter how many schemes the Dumocrats have tried, President Trump’s numbers haven’t gone down one inch. And he can’t explain that. If he would just open his mind, it’s easy to figure out. Trump has the full support of the electorate because he has done what he has promised. He has brought back the good economy. In fact, he has raised it to undreamed of levels. He has brought unemployment also DOWN to undreamed of levels. He has lowered taxes for the middle class, putting more money in their pockets. He has made progress in “draining the swamp,” in spite of all the roadblocks Dumocrats can put in his way. They know he is the man to keep it going, so they’re not going to turn against him. Now, or ever.

BANNING SELF DEFENSE: I don’t know why they don’t just ban self defense, and be done with it. Everything the anti-gun fools do stops ONLY innocent, law-abiding people from being able to defend themselves against the law-breakers who just IGNORE their many laws and get their guns illegally. Then they go out and shoot them with their illegal guns. I just don’t understand a society that abhors self defense. But, to be honest, it’s only the politicians (mostly Dumocrats) who are always responsible for all those silly anti-gun laws. Show me a politician who makes anti-gun laws, and, Republican or Dumocrat, I’ll show you a wannabe despot.

THE AG LIES: Attorneys General are supposed to be the pre-eminent authority on what is, or is not lawful in their state. I remember, years ago, when I started selling tear gas guns for self defense, asking the Indiana AG for a “ruling” on their legality, and got one. The most recent “ruling” by the Virginia AG is a LIE. He should be ashamed of himself. Yes, their “red flag laws” ARE laws. At least, as far as he is concerned. One little problem. If a law does not conform to the Constitution, it is NOT A LAW. It is as if it did not exist. And as such, you are not forced to obey it. Yes, the legislature passed it, and the governor signed it, both knowing it was unconstitutional.

SHE WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT: “Lizard Breath” Warren is one of the most prolific LIARS ever to run for president of the United States. She claimed to be of “native American descent” to get “special treatment” in gaining employment. She claimed to have sent her children to public schools, but conveniently forgot to mention sending her son to a PRIVATE school. There were other lies, as well. Now she was caught out in a lie by her own brother when she miraculously changed her father’s occupation from “maintenance man” to “janitor” to sound more “blue collar,” and better for her Dumocrat candidacy. And her own brother called her out on it.

PROTESTERS THREATEN ICE COP’S KIDS: They shouted, “We know where your kids live!” A veiled threat to harm their children. I’d put that demonstrator under arrest for making a “terroristic threat,” and put him/her away for as long as possible. It’s really underhanded to threaten children. The cops can take are of themselves. The children can’t, and those making such threats deserve to be imprisoned for as long as the law allows. Politics today is getting really crappy, and such things are being tacitly APPROVED by Dumocrats. Like when one fool Dumocrat told her supporters to “make them feel uncomfortable,” and to “confront them where they live.” Really crappy politics, and grounds for removal from office.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Cory Booker says Peelosi is “Just trying to make sure the impeachment trial is not a partisan circus.” Yeah, like the House proceeding was… “Lizard Breath” Warren is still taking in $millions from the very billionaires she promises to tax more heavily. One wonders why. Maybe it’s because they know she’s lying, and will never do it… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders says outfits like Amazon and Google didn’t pay a nickle in federal taxes last year. If they didn’t, it’s because they gave “Crazy Bernie” and his like too much money in political contributions… Actress Alyssa Milano says President Trump is guilty of “many impeachable offenses.” Why then, doesn’t someone PROVE any? Because they’re only in her imagination…

Monday, December 30, 2019

In spite of Obstacles

Donald Trump is used to people throwing obstacles in his path and still being able to attain his goals. So it doesn’t really bother him that Dumocrats oppose his every move, while he attains every goal he sets for himself. He announced his intent to run for the presidency and Dumocrats scoffed. “He doesn’t have a chance!” they said, and went on with their effort to elect Hillary if they had to cheat to do it. So now Trump is president, and they determined to place every “roadblock” they could in his way. But Trump is used to that, and he “rolled right over them” and created the best economy this nation has seen in decades.

USING THE LEFT’S PLAYBOOK: And it is making them dirty their drawers. They sponsored “sanctuary cities” all over the country where liberal city governments declared themselves “above the law” and would not help ICE in their lawful efforts to enforce immigration law. They said it was okay to refuse to follow the law. Then pro-gun people declared “gun sanctuary cities (and counties) where they would not enforce those UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun confiscation laws, and anti-gun fools lost their minds. The Virginia AG even came right out and “ruled” that they MUST obey those laws, because it “is the law.” But it isn’t. If ANY LAW violates the Constitution, it is NO LAW.

NOBODY’S ABOVE THE LAW!” That’s the favorite refrain by liberals (Dumocrats) to denigrate President Trump. But they can’t seem to come up with anything REAL of which to accuse him. They’re disparaging him for trying to get the Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden, saying it’s only a ploy to help himself to be re-elected. What is not said is that he doesn’t NEED such a thing to defeat Hunter’s father. Joe Biden doesn’t have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of beating Trump. They say a political candidate should not be a subject for investigation. On the contrary, a political candidate against whom there is real evidence SHOULD be investigated.

CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION: Many liberals have talked about changing the Constitution to better allow them to usurp our rights. They want to change, or eliminate the First, and the Second Amendments. Some want to change other tenets, but these are the major ones. These Amendments need to remain the same. To amend, or eliminate the would allow a despot to “take over” and do as he/she pleases with us. What I propose is a change to eliminate one of the serious mistakes the Founders made when they wrote it. What my suggested change does is apply a PENALTY to legislatures and legislatures, at whatever level, if they make, or even TRY to make changes and pass laws that do not conform to the Constitution.

GUN CONTROL IS FOOLISH: Why am I writing this again? Gun control, as written, is a damned fool action. It does not do what it is advertised to do, and only violates the Second Amendment rights of innocent people, leaving the field open to those law-breakers who ignore such laws and victimize the innocent. I have to keep writing this over and over again because when I do, like the gun laws themselves, I am ignored by the gun-grabbers in their zeal to disarm all Americans, for whatever reason. They DO work the way the politicians wish they would work. They do reduce the possibility that those politicians’ minions will run into a gun when they come to take our property under color of law.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Imagine! Peelosi says she wants “a fair trial” in the Senate for Dumocrats after consistently denying President Trump any degree of fairness in her “impeachment process,” I believe she knows how shoddy her impeachment is and just wants to hold it over Trump’s head as long as she can… The biggest political lie of this century so far is the liberals declaring, without evidence, Trump to be a “danger” to democracy… A Muslim Imam counseled Muslims to kill Jews and was “suspended” for a month. That’ll show him! I have to laugh at Muslims with their open Jew hatred moaning about themselves being subjected to “religious oppression.” Maybe some Muslims don’t hate Jews, but Jew hatred seems to be so much a part of their “religious teachings” that it must be hard for them NOT to hate them. Of course, they hate all other religions equally. I don’t call any group that almost universally calls for the DEATH of one people or another a religion

Friday, December 27, 2019

"They're Just Wrong!"

“Lizard-Breath” Warren, when told of economists saying her $8 Trillion tax plan would stunt growth, said, “They’re just wrong!” Of course she, without any kind of a background in economics, knows more than people who have been studying economics all their lives. She offers no “evidence” to support her statement indicating their incompetence, because there is none. There is only her ignorant and unsupported word that economics experts are “wrong,” and she is right. Damn, the arrogant GALL of that woman

NO SOCIAL LIFE: In Chicago, many would have no social life if it were not for attending the funerals and wakes for previous victims of shootings. Recently, in “tight gun laws” Chicago, 13 people were wounded while attending a “memorial party” for a previous gunshot victim. This shooting was described as “an isolated incident,” although how they figured that, I don’t know. This comes amid Chicago bragging that “gun crime” had gone down 14% so far, in Chicago. Only about 475 people have been killed through December. Not mentioned is the possibility this shooting was gang-related, but it was noted that it occurred in a “high-crime area,” which usually means gang activity.

TRUMP’S STILL PRESIDENT: Some people now think Trump is no longer president. He’s been impeached! But that shows how little many people know about the way thing work. You have to tell them that removing a president from office comes in two phases. The first is in the House; the impeachment. That is just an ACCUSATION of wrongdoing, and is political, not judicial. Politicians have to vote impeachment in. The second is when the Senate then take it up, and PROSECUTES it. If they convict, THEN, and ONLY then, he is removed from office. What most people just don’t understand is that impeachment is NOT JUDICIAL. It’s political. Else, how can Donald Trump be impeached without a single Republican vote to impeach? Without a single crime even being mentioned?

STUPID OR WHAT? I just can’t understand politicians who call for gun confiscation, even though they have to know that is in violation of the Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform, or they are not laws, at all. Yet they continue to promise to do it. In the State of Virginia, many sheriffs have promised not to enforce their new anti-gun laws because they ARE unconstitutional. So now the governor is “looking at” using the National Guard to enforce “the laws.” He says, they are LAW, so will be enforced. But they aren’t. They do not conform to the Constitution, so are not laws, at all, even though damned fool politicians think they are, and try to enforce them. Then there is “Posse Comitatus.” The prohibition on using the military as police.

WISHFUL THINKING: A recent Rassmussen Report says Michelle Obama is the most likely to beat Trump, and she isn’t even running. She says she isn’t interested. But you know how that goes. The most excited, panting to get into things politicians often CLAIMS not to be interested, until they “convince” him/her to change his/her mind. But between you and me, Michelle is only a good candidate in the “fevered brains” of the Dumocrats. They think because of her “name recognition,” she will be a good candidate. But being married to a former president does NOT qualify her for the highest office in the land, no more than it did Hillary. I don’t know what it is with Dumocrats and “dynasties,” but they love them. They’d rather run the spouse of a FAILED president than go out and find a REAL candidate.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: It’s interesting; Minutes after finishing the “hurried impeachment” of President Trump, Nancy announced she’d send it to the Senate “when I got around to it.” Funny—I thought it was essential for it to get done quickly… Poor “Lizard Breath” Warren. She denigrated her opponents for attending a wine tasting featuring $900.00 a bottle wine, then got “shut down” when Pete Buttgiggle said, “I’m literally the only person on this stage who is NOT a millionaire”… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders got asked a question about race, and tried to change the subject to “climate change.” He got “slapped down” by the moderator, who insisted he “answer the question as asked”… Michael Bloomberg is a deluded boob. He is now claiming that 21 students are shot EVERY DAY under Trump. How stupid that is, I can’t say… 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

About "Other People's Money"

There’s one thing Dumocrats are very good at, and that is sucking as much money from those who EARN their way to GIVE to those who do not. They only tell us about the “giving” part. Whenever they’re asked about how they’re going to PAY for all their giveaway programs, they “shove it aside,” as Elizabeth Warren recently did when she said, “There’s always money” in answer to a question from a reporter on how she plans on paying for all the giveaway programs she has promised. Of course, those programs aren’t going to happen. The Dumocrats promise many things, but deliver few.

YOU CAN’T BELIEVE BLOOMBERG: He has been spewing false information about guns for years, and he’s still doing it. He claims there are 27 students shot EVERY DAY, Unfortunately, he hasn’t any proof of that because it doesn’t exist. It’s only in his imagination. And he is claiming 263 “school shootings” since Trump came into office. Again, there’s no real substantiation for that claim. He included shootings that only happened NEAR schools, shootings that didn’t happen, and accidental discharges of guns legally carried by concealed carriers. In one case, it included a case where a state university teacher accidentally shot himself in the foot. It was presented as a “school shooting,” and included in his statistics.

STUPIDITY vs. IGNORANCE: There’s a big difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is a simple lack of knowledge. People who act in simple ignorance can be forgiven for the damage they do. Stupidity is when you have that information, and still act in ignorance. That’s why I use the word “stupidity” so often to describe the anti-gun fools. They have to know their anti-gun laws do not work, in any way, to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but they just keep on making them, while they get people killed.

AGAINST BASIC LAW: The Constitution is the BASIS for every law that is made. They have to conform to the guidelines set out in the Constitution, or they are not laws, at all. The anti-gun fool movement IS against the Constitution. Every law they make that “infringes,” in any way, on our right to be armed, IS unconstitutional. That’s a given, But it’s something the anti-gun fools refuse to understand, as they go about scheming to find more and more ways to “make inroads” on your constitutional right to be armed, for self defense. The unfortunate part of it is, even unconstitutional laws can be, and are, enforced, until they are DECLARED to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Usually long after the damage is done.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: If Dumocrats were really worried about politicians “leveraging” current events for their own personal gain, they’d do something besides ignore Joe Biden’s blatant act of forcing the firing of a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s activities in Ukraine… When Biden was told he’d be the oldest president after his first term (IF he ever got that far), he replied, “What about Winston Churchill?” Seeming not to know Churchill was never president of the United States… Bloomberg is apparently as addled as Joe Biden—or is not concerned with the truth, when he claimed over 260 school shootings since Trump was elected… Even CNN had to report that trump’s economy earned the highest rating in nearly two decades…

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It's Christmas Time

IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME: It’s also Hanuka, and maybe special days from other religions. It’s a time to be with friends and family, not for politics. So there will be no updates here until December 26 so I can spend some time with my family. I’ll be back then, going “full-bore.”

Monday, December 23, 2019

Crooks Running Things

There’s one thing deadly wrong with our system. That is that we have no way of keeping criminals out of positions of authority where they get to make the rules for the rest of us to follow (of course, they always exempt themselves). One good example is the Dumocrat drive for “Medicare for All!” Meanwhile, every Member of Congress has a health care service we can only dream about, and that’s without paying a penny for it. They voted it to themselves many years ago and keep adding to it. Then there are the politicians (mostly Dumocrats) who want to disarm all Americans so we’re helpless against their “minions” when they come for our property under “color of law.”

NO LEGAL EFFECT”: The Virginia Attorney General is now saying that those ubiquitous gun sanctuary resolutions “have no legal effect.” Seems to me they want to “have their cake and eat it, too.” Liberals agree with the “sanctuary city” movement when it supports something with which they agree—like illegal immigration creating more Dumocrat votes. But they then say a similar thing supporting something with which they do not agree is “not legal.” For my part, both are illegal as a matter of law. If a county sheriff doesn’t want to enforce unconstitutional laws, he has but to NOT do so.

WON’T MAKE SCHOOLS SAFE: It makes me crazy when I think of the sheer stupidity shown by anti-gun fools when they want to make schools defenseless against mass shooters who see them as a favorite target. The concept is simple: you do NOT disarm yourself for self defense. In the old West, a man who did not carry a gun was a prime target for outlaws because they knew he was defenseless. The same is true of today’s schools. Whenever some fool goes into a school and murders a few students or staff, the anti-gun fools “jump all over it,” demanding they make themselves completely defenseless against the next fool.

CALIFORNIA BLAMES TRUMP: As usual, the liberals in California, whose policies have thrown the entire state into disarray, are blaming President trump for it. But anybody with any intelligence at all can see right through that. The problems in California are the direct result of the liberal policies of their ignorant politicians. As in Chicago, where their liberal mayor is blaming Trump for their gun problems, liberals are quick to twist facts to blame somebody else for their troubles. But THEY are responsible, and they can blame others all they want. That does not change things. Everywhere liberals are in charge, they are in trouble. That has been true for many years, and they deny it stiffly while their cities (and states) crumble before their eyes.

NANCY’S PERFIDY: Surprise! Nancy Peelosi has lied to us again! For a long time she has told us we need to get the impeachment done quickly so we can get back to “the nation’s business.” So they voted to approve two articles of impeachment, and she was supposed to send hem to the Senate immediately so they can quickly have a “trial” to decide the president’s fate. Not a chance! She has decided to just “hold onto them” for a while until she could “be assured of a fair trial.” Something she didn’t seem to be “concerned” about while the House paraded ‘witness” after “witness” who had NOTHING to testify to except their “feelings” and opinions. Al the while refusing to allow any Trump witnesses who might have testified to exculpatory information.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: There is one more thing I could add to my list of things liberals blame Trump for. That’s California’s many problems. But there isn’t enough computer memory to list everything they blame on Trump… Dumocrats think all they have to do to get elected is to promise to rip money off from one bunch and give it to another. But is won’t work. There just isn’t enough money in the world to do that… More liberal stupidity. They now want to fine property owners who have spaces they can’t seem to rent, for every day they’re not rented. This, of course, ignores the fact that the reasons they can’t rent them are the liberal policies of their politicians… Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg says biased Senators shouldn’t be involved in the impeachment trial. Why not? Biased representatives impeached him…

Friday, December 20, 2019

Anti-Gun Stupidity

I can’t believe the rampant stupidity that is represented by the anti-gun fool movement. Their very basic belief is stupid. They think, if they can “get rid of guns,” that will stop crime, altogether. They need to harken back to the middle ages, when the main weapon carried by bad guys and good guys alike was a knife or a sword. Crime was still rampant. Worse, in fact, than even today. They actually think they CAN “get rid of all guns.” But all their laws and regulations only apply to the LEGAL purchase and use of guns, which ignores the millions of ILLEGAL guns that are out there, in the hands of law-breakers. And there is NO WAY they can ever find, much less eliminate those millions of illegal guns.

THEY’LL FIND A WAY: Criminals are a resourceful lot. If you take away their guns (which, in itself, is an impossible dream), they’ll find a way. They’ll use a knife. Ora club. Or a tree limb. Anything with enough heft to put their victims down. The anti-gun fools thinl if they take the guns out of the picture they can eliminate crime. They’re wrong. There has been crime since one caveman hit another over the head with a club and stole his dinner. Taking away their tools doesn’t stop the law-breakers. They just find something else to use to victimize their victims. But the important thing to note is that “gun control” is NOT to stop crime. It is to HELP criminals. The ones who wear badges and come to take your property under color of law.

THERE IS NO IMPEACHMENT: The Dumocrats want you to think they have impeached President Trump because they voted to approve two articles of impeachment. But when Peelosi decided to “wait a while” before sending it to the Senate, she unwittingly reversed that until she sends it over. Until the paperwork has been sent to the Senate, there IS NO IMPEACHMENT. She hopes to stretch this “impeachment process” out until after the upcoming elections, hoping to be able to send it to the Senate with a Dumocrat majority after the election. But it ain’t gonna happen. Dumocrats are going to lose big in this election and she will no longer even control the House.

TURN IN YOUR GUNS!” That’s what we hear all the time. Every time somebody shoots a gun at another, even if it’s in self defense, the anti-gun fools and their dupes start yelling about “getting guns off the streets.” Which is an “impossible dream.” There is NO WAY you are going to get every gun in existence “off the street.” Every law they make will only be obeyed by the law-abiding, who are not the problem, at all. The problem is the law-breakers, who just ignore them and go right on victimizing the law-abiding, who do obey their stupid laws.

DON’T WANT TO IMPEACH”: The Dumocrats swear they never wanted to impeach President Trump, although they’ve been working to do so ever since he walked down that escalator and announced he was running. They really think we believe they never wanted to impeach him. They claim it’s only to “uphold the Constitution” that they worked so hard to accomplish something they SAY they didn’t want to do. But they have violated the Constitution in many ways in the methods they used to come up with those insipid “two articles of impeachment.” They’re going to learn just how much the voters see through their lies, come the next elections.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Talk about desperate! “Ol’ Joe” Biden has made yet another impossible promise. He is promising to “cure cancer” if elected on 2020. Does this fool not know how long they’ve been trying without success to do that? He might as well promise to change the color of the sky to brown… Dumocrats blame Trump for everything bad, whether or not he could have been responsible. One of the things he is blamed for is overweight black women, which is about as stupid as there is. They even blame him for the death of Elija Cummings, who was ancient, and in very poor health… Dumocrats want us to believe some very stupid things. They’re telling us there are more than two sexes, which is a biological impossibility. They take aberrations in sexuality and swear that is yet another sex. They say sex is “assigned” at birth. No, it is DISCOVERED at birth by observing which of only TWO sex organs the baby has…

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Suing the Gun Maker

That’s as stupid as suing the sun for you getting sunburned. If there is any competent judge in this country (or any country) who is not dedicated to pushing the liberal platform, I hope this gets in front of him/her. Frankly, if this is allowed to be adjudicated, then think about the thousands of lawsuits that are going to be filed against automakers because one of their customers did something stupid with their cars. There’s nothing “actionable” in making guns. The only time the gun is able to hurt someone is when it is held in the hand of an evil-doer, and the manufacturer cannot be responsible for that.

CRIMINALS SET THE RULES: Only in Congress. Anywhere else, somebody who was prosecuted and punished for criminal acts would not get to “set the rules” for the prosecution of someone else. But in congress, this is entirely possible. Congressman Alcee Hastings, who was impeached from his judgeship for taking bribes, then went on to fool enough people to get himself elected to Congress, has been given the job of “setting the rules” for the impeachment of a president. No, that’s not satire, folks! “Holier Than Thou” Alcee will set the rules for the upcoming impeachment of President Trump, on manufactured charges. Only in DC is a swamp dweller allowed to try and get rid of somebody who is “draining the swamp” before he gets to them.

WELL...THEY DUNIT: They took a lot of nothing and voted to impeach the finest president we’ve had, in my memory. They used two “articles of impeachment.” One is “contempt of Congress.” they seem to forget that the president cannot commit “contempt of Congress.” He is, by himself, an equal partner in governing the United States. If he can do that, then Congress can commit “contempt of president.” Then there’s “abuse of power.” There is nothing more fleeting than the definition of “abuse f power,” and they have defined one phrase in a phone call as “abuse of power.” And they had to misunderstand that phrase to do it.

THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! The founders apparently weren’t perfect, after all. They made several glaring errors in writing the Constitution. One was in not providing for punishment for lawmakers who knowingly violated the Constitution in the laws they made. Another was in not putting a time limit on the speaker within which he/she MUST bring any “Articles of Impeachment” passed to the Senate for trial. They paid full attention to the needs of the “accused” in criminal law for there to be a “speedy trial” so the accused would not be forced to spend years in prison awaiting trial because he/she might just be innocent. That doesn’t seem to apply to the “charges” that have been brought against the president of the United States. Nancy Peelosi, after rushing the voting on the articles of impeachment against President Trump, now says she will send them to the Senate “when I get around to it,” hoping that if Trump has it “hanging over his head” during the election this year, that will hurt him at the polls. Not so. Just his recent fund raising while, and after they were passed, shows that.

SLANDER AGAINST POLITICIANS: It seems to be “open season on sitting politicians, these days. Their opponents can go on national TV and slander them over and over, without consequences. “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, for instance, while engaged in “deciding” whether or not Trump should be impeached, regularly showed up on b=various TV shows claiming to have “ample evidence” of Trump’s wrongdoing. But they never reealed what it was because there wasn’t any. And when the vote came, none of the “charges” they said were “open and shut” appeared in the “articles.” Because they didn’t exist. These people should be punished for that. We can only hope they will get their punishment in the next election for which they must stand.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Greta Thunberg LIED about “riding on an overcrowded train” and even Tweeted a picture of herself sitting in the floor among her luggage. Only trouble is, it was a LIE. She was actually in first class, with ll its amenities. Typical global warming fool, LYING to fool people… Jill Biden told MSNBC that Trump is “afraid to run against Joe.” She’s apparently as stupid as Joe… Elizabeth Warren, when asked where she was going to get the money to pay fr all her fanciful plans, replied, “Oh, there’s always money.” That statement alone should kill her run for president. I wouldn’t want this stupid bimbo anywhere near our money… 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

"Elephant In the Room"

Failed former FBI Director Comey rejected all thoughts of bias and lawbreaking in the FBI’s handling of the “investigation” into Donald Trump as he ran for president, claiming merely sloppy investigation procedures and “mistakes.” Not mentioned is the fact that they KNEW the “Steele Dossier” was pure bunk from the get-go, but many times, while knowing, used it to get warrants from the FISA Court. That’s the “elephant in the room.” He may have escaped going to prison for his corruption, since he was advancing the Dumocrat position, but that does not make him innocent, in any way.

WEAPONIZED RELIGION: That’s what Islam is. It is not a religion, it is a political system DISGUISED as a religion. A Hood River, Oregon preacher is “under fire” because of a truthful sign he put up outside his church that caused Muslims to “lose their minds. I guess it’s okay for Muslims to insult members of all other religions and insult them, even wanting to KILL them for “not converting” to Islam, but it’s not okay for a Christian preacher to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in front of his church. Truth is, Allah is NOT our God. That’s a fact, not supposition, even if Muslims won’t admit it. And the Koran is NOT a “Holy Book,” it’s “just another book.” Now, Muslims will want to kill me for saying that. But I’ve never known of a true Christian wanting to kill me for saying something about their religion they didn’t like. That’s the difference.

IT’S ALL GUN VIOLENCE: Even self defense with a gun against a law-breaker with an ILLEGAL gun. So if both shoot each other, it’s “gun violence.” That’s how they inflate heir numbers, folks. They also regard suicide as “gun violence.” And suicide victims of themselves are COUNTED as “gun violence,” as are cases of cops shooting back when fired upon. Each case yields TWO numbers for them to shout about. Except for suicides, which yields only one. They’re even trying to do something about that, so as to inflate their numbers, even more. Anti-gun laws won’t stop any of these, but don’t tell them.

PURE AND SIMPLE”: That insidious impeachment effort, promoted only by the Dumocrats is a transparent attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 election, and to tamper with the 2020 election before it even occurs. It is that, pure and simple. If the “denizens of the swamp” can’t tell that, it’s because it is the only way (they hope) to keep President Trump from winning in 2020. Some Dumocrats have actually ADMITTED it, in public. There needs to be created a way to stop such things from being successful, and for the promoters to be punished, in some way, for even trying. Currently, there is no way to stop a political party from impeaching a president on spurious “charges” for political gain.

THEY LIE, AND THEY LIE: Nancy Peelosi lied repeatedly about the number of kids 19 or younger having been killed by guns. The actual number is 7 children killed in a day, not 47, as she repeatedly “reported.” You have to really lie a lot to get “Four Pinocchios” from the Washington Post, but she did it. And gun control is not the only thing she has lied about. Unfortunately, I could write a book about the many lies she has told. When questioned about the disparity, she tried to make the questioner believe she just misspoke—many times. Another lie she tells—a lie of omission—is that most of those she lists were young gang members who were the instigators of their shootings and usually shot first.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Megan Rapinoe—you know, that gay soccer player-- has just “endorsed” Elizabeth warren for the presidential nomination. But who the hell CARES who she supports? I certainly don’t. Not because she’s gay, but because she’s stupid… People are asking why Trump is “cyberbullying” a 16-year-old girl? He has a good reason. She’s too young to know anything, and she’s making stupid waves all over the place. If she’s big enough to open her yap, she ought to be big enough to accept criticism without counting on her youth and sex to be her “armor.” Nobody—even a pretty little kid, is not “off limits” to criticism if she criticizes othersNow they’re “triggered” by a “Secret Santa!” How far will they go to ruin everything good? Looks like that’s what liberals are after…

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Unworkable Gun Laws

Anti-gun laws don’t work. Surprise, surprise! New Jersey has some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, but that didn’t stop the criminals who shot two civilians and a cop in Jersey City from getting the numerous guns they used in their mass shooting spree that was originally aimed at a Jewish synagogue. NJ officials blame imports from states with weaker anti-gun laws for the influx of ILLEGAL guns into New Jersey. But their so-called “lesser” gun laws don’t have any effect on guns bought ILLEGALLY in a back alley somewhere. Such guns are not covered by anti-gun laws, that only deal with those guns bought LEGALLY. Law-breakers don’t obey laws. That’s why they’re called law-breakers. So no amount of anti-gun laws are going to stop them from getting the guns they use.

TO BAN SELF DEFENSE: Anti-gun fools just can’t help themselves. They just have to keep making as many useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws as humanly possible, while law-abiding people die because they can’t obtain the means to defend themselves. And then they’re not even satisfied at that, they have to put “roadblocks” in the way of the COPS in their efforts to do the job the law-abiding can’t do without guns, and TRY to defend them. In California, they now made a law keeping the COPS and war veterans from being able to buy ammunition! Not directly, of course, it all has to do with sloppy entries into the database used to approve ammunition purchases. But that is sufficiently widespread to suggest those errors are purposeful, made by anti-gun fools who make those entries.

GENDER PRONOUN” STUPIDITY: Liberals are constantly coming up with stupid ideas, and then force them upon the rest of the country. One such stupid idea is that there are more than two sexes, and that sex is “assigned” at birth, arbitrarily. Nothing could be more stupid than that. But then they go even further, and let people decide for themselves what sex they are, and what “gender pronoun” others MUST use, whether they like it, or not. And people with any intelligence at all object, so they move to force them to take “gender pronoun classes” or suffer consequences. That this is biologically impossible and violates the basic right to free expression doesn’t seem to bother them.

ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT”: They need to be filed against a number of congresspeople, including “Pencil Neck” Adam Shiff and “Neck Belt” Jerry Nadler, both of whom have LIED to Congress in their incessant attempts to undermine the lawful administration of President Trump. There are others who similarly should be impeached, of course, and one of them is Nancy Peelosi. Another is Maxine Waters, who, in addition to wanting to impeach Trump, is fomenting violence against Trump supporters and staff, with every speech. There are others, too numerous to even mention, and they should suffer the consequences of their actions.

CRIMINALS PROSECUTING THE INNOCENT: It’s disgusting the way the “law” allows the criminals to prosecute an innocent man. That’s exactly what is happening in DC today, as corrupt politicians try and trump up “charges” against President Trump. What they’re doing is painfully obvious. They thought they had the 2016 election “in the bag” for Hillary, and he “wiped their rears” for them.” That made them very angry, and they immediately determined to reverse the results of that election by using the law to “get rid of Trump” before the next election, hoping to “poison the well” against him so much the voters will turn against him. In that they have failed miserably, because as impeachment efforts continue Trump’s numbers continue to rise.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: So now they’ve dunit! They’ve posted a couple of fanciful “Articles of Impeachment” against President trump, even though it means political DOOM for them in 2020… Since when is “contempt of Congress” punishable. If that’s true, they’ll be coming after me next because I have nothing but contempt for this CongressDumocrat Rep. Karen Bass revealed the Dumocrat strategy that if this impeachment doesn’t get Trump removed from office. They will do it again and again and again, wasting millions of dollars in taxpayer money until they’re successful or Trump dies of old age. Then they will try and impeach his dead bodyThe Dumocrat drive to impeach Trump is not to remove him from office, but to “tarnish” him enough that he will be defeated in 2020. If this isn’t “election tampering,” I don’t know what is…