Thursday, September 27, 2018

"Wealth Redistribution"

That’s a shifty phrase that means, “stealing.” It’s an old, familiar phrase in regular use among Dumoctrats, and other socialists to make the THEFT of the fruits of the production of new wealth for the benefit of those who produce NO WEALTH sound reasonable, and good. It is an age old phrase to disguise the fact that socialism IS theft from the producer for the benefit of those who do NOT produce anything. It’s just one phrase the Dumocrats use regularly to fool the populace. Like “quantitative easing” for “printing money.” Meanwhile, printing money is why prices keep rising. The more money you print with nothing valuable behind it, the less all the money in circulation is worth. Hence, sellers must get more for what they sell, just to break even on the rising cost of their products. Inflation thus caused is the SINGLE REASON for the continued rise in prices. It is NOT “greed” on the part of sellers, as Dumocrats tell you.

STUPID DEMOCRAT CHICK: Chelsea Handler says, “One ‘known’ sexual pervert on the Supreme Court is apparently not enough for Republicans.” KNOWN sexual pervert? Hey, Chelsea, what standard of proof are you using to say Justice Thomas is “known” sexual predator? Known by whom? The unsupported word of a woman who followed Thomas from job to job and had nothing better to PROVE his guilt than an UNIDENTIFIED pubic hair on a Coke can? Sorry Chelsea, better proof is needed than that, in the real world, to say Thomas IS a “known sexual predator.” Same with Kavanaugh.

LIBERALS AND 6TH AMENDMENT: Liberals don’t like the Sixth Amendment—except where their own freedom is concerned. The Sixth amendment is as simple as the Second, and is just as important to our freedom. It says: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.The Dumocrat bimbo who has accused Judge Kavanaugh of sexual assault is making impossible demands of Congress. Unconstitutional demands.

GUILTY ‘TIL PROVEN INNOCENT! That’s the Dumocrat Standard for proof of sexual assaults. That is the “Neapolianic Code” everywhere else in the world but America (and maybe some countries that have copied America in the way they operate) In this country, you are INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. That’s the way the founders wanted it, and they wrote it into the Constitution. But today, if you are a conservative, any woman can accuse you of sexual misconduct, without ANY kind of proof, and Dumocrats will believe her. Especially if you are a judge, who has been appointed to the Supreme Court, and your known judgments are not what the left (Dumocrats) would like them to be.

OUT OF CHARACTER: I frankly don’t believe any accusation that has been made against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Not because no accuser has presented any evidence that it ever happened. Not because all accusers waited many years to come forward, at just a convenient time that can derail his being appointed to the Supreme Court. And not because these accusations can keep an honorable man who happens to be NOT a liberal, who believes in ruling according to the Constitution, not according to his own biases and opinions, off the Court. Not because of the many other reasons many people give. I don’t believe them because such acts are so OUT OF CHARACTER for this man.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Obama just doesn’t realize how PATHETIC he appears (IS) when he attempts to take credit for the good economy that only came about ONLY after Trump REVOKED everything he did… Muslims wonder why many of us don’t like them, after Muslims murdered 3,000 innocent people at the World Trade Center in 2001, for their “religion,” while Muslims continue to plague us with their incessant demands… If Muslims would just live their lives and leave us alone and stop making impossible demands, we’d leave them to their own devices. But no; they just keep “pecking” at us, demanding we get rid of things THEY disapprove of, but which are an important part of our lives Former comedian Jim Carrey likes socialism. Which proves he knows nothing about socialism. He should go to a socialist “paradise” like Cuba or Venezuela for a week. He’d soon be singing a different tune, or telling a different joke…

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