Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Social Security Ponzi Scheme

I’ve said that Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme for a long time, and some people think I’m crazy. But a Ponzi scheme takes money from one person and “gives” it to another. The early participants benefit handsomely, but later participants, not so much. And one day there comes a time when it would take more people than are in existence to support the payouts. Social Security FORCED the participants to participate, and early participants benefited handsomely. Later participants, not so much. And today you hear the “echoes of failure” every day for Social Security, as they now reach that “tipping point” where more people are required to support it than are alive.

TURNING THE TABLES: I don’t know if he can win or not, but the baker who was sued by a couple of gay guys because he would not bake a cake for their wedding, celebrating their life style because he was against that lifestyle on religious grounds, and won, is now suing the State of Colorado for “anti-religious bias.” Depends on who he gets as a judge: a liberal or a conservative. Liberals will solidly rule against him, while conservatives are more likely to support this constitutional right the state has attempted to ignore. Islamic terrorists use the same scam to FORCE acceptance of their phony “religion,” and approval.

KAVANAUGH IS AGAINST MURDER: He is against it, in all its forms. Abortion is but one form of murder, and he is likely to oppose it. Those who support murdering the product of unprotected sex instead of using “preventative measures” such as a rubber or other birth control, are deathly afraid he will cause the repeal of “Roe V. Wade,” and they’re right. He IS more likely to get rid of that abomination, than not. I never thought willful murder of helpless infants would become a “mainstream issue,” but it has. Which tells me how low our “mainstream” has sunken.

HE “FEARED FOR HIS LIFE!” The Florida guy who shot and killed the man who pushed him to the ground while he was giving a woman a hard time for parking in a handicap zone, and then turned to walk away, said he “feared for his life.” And how is that? How can a man threaten your life by walking away? Yes, he pushed you down. But that’s not something that should demand the death penalty. Of course, what doesn’t seem to be talked about is the fact that you threatened HIS life in the past, and he didn’t get a gun and shoot you. So just how is pushing you down and walking away threatening your life?

IT’S NOT JUST BERNIE: Vermont seems recently as the state that actually has been regularly electing Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, for years. But Bernie is not all they’ve given us. They’ve now given us some courageous people who fight the anti-gun fools’ efforts to deny us our constitutional rights under the Second Amendment. Liberals keep trying to “nibble at the edges” of that right, by banning certain items, such as the “bump stocks” and requiring a federal firearms license for ANY gun sales, even private ones between family members.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They can’t find any evidence of “Russian collusion” with Trump in the election, so now they’re going back to an “investigation” of his business practices before he ever THOUGHT of running for president. The swamp is fighting back, HARD… South Africa is mad at Trump because he criticized their racist THEFT of the private property of white people, and the government MURDERS that accompanied it. That’s jist orful to criticize them for that!… I don’t much like John McCain’s politics, but I hate the way his life is going to end. My own father’s life ended the same way, of the same malady… The left is making a big thing about Cohen’s (alleged) campaign finance violation (if it’s even true) and saying Trump will be impeached over it. Never mentioning Obama’s campaign finance violations, for which he was fined $375,000.00, and impeachment wasn’t even THOUGHT about…

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