Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Stupid Claims

The anti-gun fools are now saying, “A good guy with a gun does not exist.” This in spite of undeniable proof that is a LIE. But they don’t care, They think if they tell that lie enough times, people (some who aren’t too bright, anyway, and that is the people to whom they appeal) will believe it. VICE ran an article that basically tried to convince us that having a gun in the house was more dangerous to the residents than anybody else. Which is typical of the STUPIDITY of anti-gun fools, who think criminals OBEY their silly laws, while the law-abiding, DO, making them “easy targets” for those who do NOT obey ANY laws. Unfortunately, there have been 760,000 defensive uses of a gun per YEAR.

DISARMED AND DEFENSELESS: Politicians (most of them, anyway) want Americans to be DISARMED and DEFENSELESS. That is the basic purpose of all their damned fool anti-gun laws. They certainly don’t do anything to stop the bad guys from victimizing the law-abiding, who DO obey their short-sighted and stupid anti-gun laws. That’s because they (most of them) plan on coming one day for your possessions and they don’t want to meet a loaded gun in the hands of their intended victims. They’ve already begun that push with the RICO laws.

WHAT DOES STORMY WANT? Stormy Daniels is a whore. She screws people (sometimes men) for money. That is the DEFINITION of a whore. She just does it a little differently than most whores. She CLAIMS to have had a consensual “one-night stand” with President Trump. More than a decade ago—long before Trump even thought of running for president. She also CLAIMS to have signed a “non-disclosure agreement” and received a check for $130,000.00 for her silence. Why then, has she spoken so loudly about it—if it indeed, really happened. If she DID sign a non-disclosure agreement in return for $130,000.00, why then, is she making so much noise about it, now?

UNPROVEN CLAIMS: As usual, the Dumocrats have paid some woman to claim sexual perversion on the part of a “squeaky clean” judicial nominee. They haven’t been able to come up with ANYTHING to use in disqualifying him for the Supreme Court, so they’re making it up as they go along. It took them a while to come up with this phony accusation, based on NOTHING but the unsupported word of the accuser, after long hours, days, and months of diligent searching. And about something that MIGHT have happened when this fine judge was in HIGH SCHOOL. Wow! They had to go back that far to find something to accuse him of, so late in the process that the Republicans will have no time to come up with an answer.

TAKE GUNS, KILL ‘EM”: That’s what has happened in countless countries. They make “laws” to take the guns away from the law-abiding, making their citizens “easy targets for criminals (many of whom wear badges), then come back and make “laws” that allow the government to take money and property belonging to them. It happened in Nazi Germany, and then the Nazi government MURDERED 6 MILLION Jews, just because Hitler didn’t like Jews. “Gun confiscation holds a special place in the halls of political repression.” (Mises Wire)

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The childish display by Dumocrats at the beginning of the Kavanaugh hearings shows what they’re made of: nothing. It’s like a child lying on the floor kicking his feet and holding his breath… The anti-Trump rally pretending to be a funeral for McCain featured Barack Obama saying, “So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, trafficking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage.” He could have been describing his own actions and that of his Dumocrat buddies without realizing it… CNN’s Jeffery Toobin says Trump’s Tweet criticizing AG Sessions was an “impeachable offense.” Kinda reaching there, aren’t ya, Jeff? Don’t have anything better, huh? You might want to look up the real conditions for impeachment. Maybe you could get somebody to read them to you if you can't handle that

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