Friday, December 15, 2017

Well, They Did It

They trotted out fictitious sexual misconduct accusations that were not only unproven, but were supported by forged notes in a school yearbook and Doug narrowly won the election--mostly because more "city Dumocrats" turned out than rural Republicans. It was a close race, chiefly because a lot of people just didn't believe the accusations. They were too perfectly timed, to derail Moore's candidacy. Who waits 40 YEARS after being sexually abused before coming forward with an accusation just a month before the supposed abuser runs for the senate? And who claims he signed her yearbook, and then writes her own part of the signature, denying, until the last minute, she did? Then admitting the forgery?

"I SUPPORT THE 2ND AMENDMENT" So sayeth former astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of former congresswoman Gabbby Giffords, who was shot in the head and survived, He never fails to emphasize the fact that he has gone into space four times, but that doesn't qualify him and his hard headed wife to work so hard to DENY us our Second Amendment rights. How he reconciles his efforts to deny Americans their constitutional right to be armed for self defense in his own mind, I don't know. It's a mystery. But he and Gabby are out there every day trying. Among other things, they seem to think they are the best arbiters of how many bullets should be in our magazines, and how fast we should be able to get what guns we DO have in operation when a thug comes at us with his ILLEGAL gun already in his hand.

WHAT LAW WOULD WORK? I'd like to ask the anti-gun fools a few questions: "What one of the current anti-gun laws actually WORK to reduce gun violence? And can you name me one that does? With proof? Do you really believe that disarming yourself is the way to self defense against a criminal with his ILLEGAL gun? These questions, and others are questions they just CAN'T answer, so they don't even try. They go immediately into the "name-calling" phase. They immediately accuse you of being a "gun nut," and an "NRA member," (used as an insult) and other insults designed to mask the fact that they can't answer these questions.

JUST AS I THOUGHT: Bill O'Reilly isn't done yet. He's actively investigating the accusations of sexual misconduct boom, and he recently uncovered a case where a lawyer offered a woman $200.000 to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct. He says there is a TAPE that talks about THREE such instances, and is urging the person who has the tape to turn it over to prosecutors. You say O'Reilly saying so doesn't make it so? You're right. And these women saying they were sexually abused by people like Trump without proof doesn't make THAT true, either. Which so far unsupported statement do you believe?

GETTING RID OF CONSERVATIVES: I think the recent rash of unproven, unsupported accusations of sexual improprieties laid on conservative figures, including politicians and television commentators, all of them conservatives, is a nationwide scheme to get rid of outspoken conservatives and shut them up. I think the liberals (Dumocrats) didn't plan on it, but two can play at that game, and the liberals (starting in Hollywood) also became victims to these unsupported accusations. Dumocrats scored one main victory in the Alabama election that elected a Dumocrat senator, the first Dumocrat to be elected there in many years. But the very fact that a MAJORITY of the accusations are UNSUPPORTED by any kind of proof is telling to intelligent people.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: Hillary speechwriter writes: "If Obama cured cancer, Trump would bring it back." Which ignores the fact that Obama never did ANYTHING good. All of it was bad, and SHOULD be reversed.... Al Franken compares himself to Trump and Moore, but there's one major difference. There is photographic EVIDENCE of his sexual misconduct, There is NONE for Trump or Moore. Only accusations and innuendo. Trump admitted to NOTHING. He was talking about Hollywood execs. Moore's accusation is based on a LIE.... A (female--I think) Dumocrat politician in Michigan is basing her candidacy on the fact that she doesn't have a penis. Rah, rah! If that were a winning strategy, Hillary would now be president. But she's not, and that shows the ignorance of Dumocrat politicians....

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