Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hung On Site

Some wag asked an interesting question: "What if the guy who was a five-time felon who had entered this country illegally seven times and killed Kate Steinle in San Francisco had been an NRA member? He'd have been strung up on site by a bunch of "concerned Dumocrats!" As it is, a jury of mostly liberals, with a liberal judge, in a liberal court, in a city that "coddles" criminals if they're illegal aliens, found the murderer NOT GUILTY of any kind of a crime in her death. All they convicted him of was possession of a gun by a felon, a "liberal crime." And, with "time served," he might be out on the streets next week

"WE'LL DO WHAT WE WANT!" President Trump has told that toothless giant, the United Nations, that they cannot do ANYTHING to stop us from doing exactly what we want on immigration. Immigration is something we have a COMPLETE right to control, absolutely, and they can do nothing about it. The U. S. pulled out of the UN pact on immigration and refugees, telling them that immigration is something they have no business telling us what to do. He told them, “We simply cannot, in good faith, support a process that could undermine the sovereign right of the United States to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders.”

TIRED OF THE LIES: Every time the Dumocrats open their pie holes, they LIE. I'm getting tired of it. Trump lowers taxes and they think that will take money away from their pet projects to give it away to those who didn't EARN it, and they make up all kinds of lies to defeat it. Before they could possibly even have read it, they say it will increase the national debt, and will "hurt the middle class." They ignore the good things it will do for them, and emphasize a couple of minor bad things. They never notice that the last time a Republican (Reagan) lowered taxes, the "tax take" almost DOUBLED, and it created a long lasting economic boom. There's more, but I don't have room here, to tell it all.

"COPS KEEP US SAFE": The anti-gun fools confidently tell us that the cops can keep us safe from mass murderers. Oh? How have they done so far? How many were murdered in Las Vegas recently? How about Orlando, Florida, or Sutherland Springs, Texas? Were the cops able to do ANYTHING to stop these killings? How about elsewhere? Not a chance. But the anti-gun fools still think the cops can be everywhere so they can stop a mass shooter from killing people. But the cops will be the first to tell you they can't. The cops in the trenches will honestly tell you they wish more law-abiding people could carry guns, while the police politicians (who mostly have never been in the trenches where the real action happens) think otherwise.

HE'S NOT RESIGNING: He's retiring, NOW. This minute. It's simple semantics. Dumocrat Rep. John Conyers, who has been in Congress since 1964, is QUITTING. But not resigning. What the difference is, is beyond my comprehension. The important thing is, he's QUITTING as a result of the pressure on him TO resign because of his sexual misconduct accusations. But that's not why. The reason why is because he spent thousands of dollars of OUR MONEY to shut the women who accused him up by paying them off with taxpayer money. That's his biggest CRIME.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: Racist claims racism. the headline says it all: "Dem Rep. Conyers' accusers may not be credible because they're WHITE".... And another racist speaks: "All white babies need to be killed," says one racist nurse.... Racism is now rampant, but it's black against white racism, created by black racists.... CNN actually had the gall to accuse Trump of putting out false information. Do they not like competition, or what?.... Texas Rep. Joe Barton is "embarrassed" by a nude photo of himself seen on the Internet. His embarrassment must come from the ugliness of ANY naked photo of him. I'm 80 and I certainly would be embarrassed if one of ME ever showed up. I wouldn't want to inflict that on anybody....

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