Wednesday, December 20, 2017

It's An Obvious Scam

Just before the Alabama election that sent the first Dumocrat to the Senate in years, somebody (unnamed, of course) sent word of a sexual misconduct allegation against Dumocrat Chuckie Schumer. Then, almost before the ink was dry in the newspapers, the accuser comes forward, saying it wasn't true. That the whole thing was phony. Good of her. I wish other so-called "accusers" would do likewise, particularly on the Republican side. I'm sure they're there. This is not to say that ALL the accusations are not true. It IS to say there are way too many of them for all of them to be true. And the level of proof is way too low.

CONSTITUTIONAL ENFORCEMENT: We need to establish an organization charged with enforcing the Constitution. This will not apply to the citizens. It will apply to the POLITICIANS who knowingly pass unconstitutional laws and enforce them until DECLARED unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, or even a lesser court. The problem now is that the Founders screwed up. They thought just the fact that unconstitutional laws could be nullified by the courts, that that was enough. It is NOT. And the damage to reputations, businesses, and LIVES done by those unconstitutional laws remains long after they are declared unconstitutional because unconstitutional laws can be enforced for YEARS until the courts move--and the courts are notoriously slow in doing their job.

HE "LIKELY" DID IT: The liberal media sprinkles many words in its "fake news" reports. words such as "likely" that they think absolve them of blame when their "reports" are proven false. But those words are designed to be ignored by the reader. such as the word, "likely" in the report about a mass shooting, where the killer is described as "likely" to have gotten his guns through "private sales," at a gun show, one of their "bugaboos." They SAY that would absolve him of the necessity of submitting to a background check, which would have revealed a previous felony conviction, and disallowed the sale of his guns. But that's a typical anti-gun fool LIE. Gun sales at gun shows DO require background checks.

THEY'RE SCARED TO DEATH" Have you been wondering why there is so MUCH opposition to Donald Trump as president? Most of it comes from the liberals, who CREATED the problems that would, if allowed to continue, destroy this nation, physically and financially. The rest comes from their dupes, some of whom are in the GOP. Trump promised to "drain the swamp" in DC, and he is proceeding to do just that. and that scares the "swamp dwellers" to death. They're sorely afraid he is going to destroy their little swindles and schemes--and he will, given time. He has already made a significant amount of progress, and many swamp dwellers no longer dwell there.

ANTI-GUN FOOL CRACKS: All the time they come out with their statements that tell us just how IGNORANT they are. One of the latest is this one: "Republicans only want reciprocity because they want more people to die." That's almost as ignorant a crack as Rep. Peelosi's crack that,"We must pass the (Obamacare) bill to find out what's in it." I can't believe such ignorant people are in charge of making laws for the rest of us. They fervently believe that CRIMINALS, who obey NO laws, will somehow OBEY the laws they make. And they're surprised when they do not.

ONE MAN'S OPINION: Question: have the Dumocrats EVER passed a tax cut? Not one of those "targeted" tax cuts they use to control what we do. A no holds barred, no "conditions" tax cut for EVERYBODY?.... Ignorant Chicago politicians want the UN to "occupy" their city and "fight gun violence." They actually think that would work. It would be funny if it weren't so stupid. What would work is putting all gang members in jail for life.... It's ignorant, and hideous. But it's something dictators do. Kim Jong Un made his people go out in the cold to "mourn" the death of his daddy, who was a dictator in N. Korea before him. I'm sure only fools would mourn such a man, but he insists. Or they're dead. It's really sickening to see bunches of people screaming at the sky, much like our "snowflakes." But ours do it willingly. His only do it on orders....

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