Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Insider Trading" is Legal

Did you know that it is NOT illegal for members of Congress to do “insider trading?” Yet another way for those who MAKE the laws to ignore them for themselves. They are daily privy to information they could use to enrich themselves by engaging in “insider trading.” Like “counterfeiting,” it’s only illegal if WE do it. Nobody (but people like me) even SUGGESTS they might be “stacking the deck” in their favor. No matter they’re all rich, no matter if they were poor when they came there.

OBAMA TO “GO IT ALONE:” If Congress won’t okay his stupid policies, he will institute them himself without congress, by “executive action.” Did I miss the memo? When did Obama become a dictator? Seems to me he is taking in a little more territory than he is allowed by law. That makes him a CRIMINAL subject to impeachment. But will anybody do it? Doubtful. Democrats won’t, and the Republicans don’t have the backbone.

DO TEA PARTY MEMBERS HIDE THEIR FACES? I wonder why “Occupy Wall Street” (or whatever else they can occupy) hide their faces? Tea Party members don’t, because they know they’re not breaking the law. OWS members PLAN on breaking the law so they break the law by using American flags as masks. Breaking the law is what the kind of people in the OWS “movement” do; thus, the masks.

FIRST LADY EATS UNHEALTHY: Despite her campaign to force us to “eat healthy,” she gorges herself on deep fried French fries, fried shrimp, and other fried foods. And she’s livid that Paula Dean revealed that fried shrimp was her favorite food, and on television. She hates it that she has been revealed to be a “high calorie gorger.” She thinks that, like her husband, she can tell everybody else what, how, and how much to eat (or do) while gorging herself on deep fried shrimp and “hot wings” (or do what SHE wants) .You know, “do as I say, not as I DO.”

LIBERALS HATE “BIG CORPORATIONS”: But without “big corporations” and what they produce, we could not survive. OWS demonstrators get to their demonstrations in autos, made by them; they eat food provided by them. They organize by use of cell phones, produced by them. Then they get on buses or in their cars, both of which are provided by big corporations. It is the big corporations that invest money in projects that create jobs for all of us by investing their money. They’re not like “Scrooge McDuck.” They don’t keep their money in a big warehouse and play in it all day. They USE it to make more money—for themselves, and as a by-product, for others. They’re “killing the goose that lays the golden egg.”

OBAMA IS A “CANCEROUS TUMOR”: And we need to cut him out. We have been going downhill faster and faster since he got elected and the only way to stop our downward slide is to GET RID OF OBAMA. No, I don’t mean assassinate him. He’s got too many like him right in line behind him. That’s good insurance against assassination. We just need to “cut him out” at the next opportunity, which is the 2012 election.

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