Monday, February 24, 2020

I'm Baaack!

Didja miss me? Wedding over. My grandson’s an “instant father” since his new wife has two adorable little girls, one 7 the other 9, who were the flower girl and the ring bearer respectively. They were the hit of the wedding. It was an outdoor wedding on a cold day, but I survived. Now I’m back, and liberals hate that.

IT JUST DOESN’T DO IT: Like all the anti-gun laws, “assault rifle bans” do NOTHING to top, or even slow down mass shootings. Why is that, you ask? Because potential mass shooters, who are contemplating a VERY serious crime, just are not concerned about violating a silly little law that says they can’t get the guns they want to use to kill a lot of people legally. With one or two exceptions, every mass shooting that ever happened was accomplished with an ILLEGAL gun. So how the hell do they figure to stop mass killings by making a law against the very gun they get illegally? There is one thing that is common to ALL anti-gun laws. That is that THEY DON’T WORK.

LIBERALS LOSE THEIR MINDS!” That could be boilerplate added to any headline that begins, “Trump did…” Because anything President Trump does infuriates liberals. It’s an object of “religious faith.” Trump can do no right. Even if what he does is something liberals have pined for all their lives. If Trump did it, they’d grit their teeth (if they have any) and “lose their minds.” They ought to trademark that phrase as part of the Dumocrat branding, because it is. It is undeniable that they hate Donald Trump more than anything. They have done NOTHING for the last three years since his election as president, except “investigate” him, hoping to find a “crime” they can pin on him.

OBAMA TAKES CREDIT: Barack Obama was the worst president we’ve had in my memory—and my memory goes back a long way. Jimmy Carter and the “Misery Index” they applied to his economy was the second worst, but didn’t hold a candle to the horribleness of Obama’s “economy.” Obama, toward the end of his disastrous presidency had given up completely on ever being able to cause an improvement. He even told us so. He told us the millions of jobs his policies had LOST to overseas employers would never come back. That we would never again have a decent economy, and we’d better just “get used to it.” Then President Trump causes the greatest economy in recent history by REVERSING all of his policies, and he tries to take credit for the improvement.

NEW YORK THE WORST: New York State is the worst state in the union when it comes to laws that unnecessarily interfere with the rights of their citizens, and New York City is just as bad. NY City wanted to ban plastic straws and huge soft drinks, and a lot of other things. What the hell makes them think they have the RIGHT to ban things like that is a mystery. Maybe they’re taking “stupid pills” and believe they’re dictators. I don’t know. Now they want to make a law banning smoking IN PRIVATE HOMES! What business it is of politicians what people do in their private homes makes me wonder about their sanity. We live in a free country (so far), and they’re trying their best to change that by their actions.

SAME OL’ SAME OL’: Here come the Russians. Again. And who is the amazingly intelligent (sic) politician who is alerting us to this? The same one who tried to push the old idea that the Russians were working with Trump to get him elected the first time, and failed. “Pencil Neck’ Adam Schiff(ty). They can’t come up with anything new so they recycle the old scams that didn’t work the first time. And, of course, they expect them to work this time. Of course, there’s just enough truth in this scam for it to be swallowed, hook and line, by all Dumocrats. Russia IS working to get Trump re-elected—and they’re working to help socialist Bernie “Wild-Hair” Sanders, too. But not working WITH either one (well, maybe Bernie).

ONE MAN’S OPINION: How the mighty have fallen! And Trump had nothing to with anti-Trump lawyer Avenatti being convicted on all counts in his extortion case. Will he just be fined? Or will he see jail time? That remains to be seen… William Barr is blowing up the Mueller Travesty and that’s making the Dumocrats wet their pants, suck their thumbs and lie on the floor kicking their feet while crying crocodile tears… I didn’t know Times columnist Paul Krugman was a stand-up comedian, but he apparently is. He just told us (with a straight face) that Bernie Sanders is NOT a socialist. I just laughed, and laughed, and laughed… Peelosi says she prays for Trump every day. Yeah, right! She prays a boulder falls on him. Or that he gets run over by a car…

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