Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gun Rights Under Attack

Fred Gutenberg, whose daughter was killed in the Parkland School shooting, has let his grief overshadow his good sense when he said that, “Gun rights are not under attack anywhere in the U. S.” I don’t know where he gets that from, but the fact is, gun rights are under attack EVERYWHERE in the U. S. Each and every Dumocrat presidential candidate has promised to enact unconstitutional measures to “infringe” on our Second Amendment rights if elected. Other politicians all over the country work tirelessly to pass many different useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do NOT “reduce gun crime,” but in fact INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding.

JOE JUST DOESN’T GET IT: Joe Biden just can’t seem to understand why the right to own guns is a “bulwark against tyranny.” He actually thinks the government would use a “Hellfire Missile” against people is they refuse to get rid of their guns. Nor does he understand that having guns creates the fact that, in order to take our guns it might mean a bloody civikl war where a lot of people get killed, many on the government side, while they attempt it, He has a significant IGNORANCE about all things guns. He doesn’t know what a magazine is when he talks about “prohibiting 50 magazines in one gun.” Yet he wants to be president so he can sponsor legislation to regulate something he doesn’t understand.

MORE UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS: In New York State, you must first ask PERMISSION of some unnamed, unknown bureaucrat to buy a gun. To accomplish that, you have to “jump through some hoops” and be “given” a CARD that says you can buy a gun—IF you satisfy that bureaucrat that you have successfully jumped through those hoops. That gives that bureaucrat “veto power” over your right to buy a gun, even though the Constitution says your right to “bear arms” CANNOT be “infringed.” Such laws ARE “an infringement,” and are thus unconstitutional. In Rhode Island, before you can buy a gun you must apply for, and be “given” a “Blue Card” that says you have completed a certain “gun training course” which makes it the same thing as that in New York. Unconstitutional.

REGISTRY DOESN’T SAVE LIVES: It only makes it easier to find a shooter IF—and ONLY IF—that gun was bought legally, which is usually not the case when it comes to guns obtained for nefarious purposes. It is only an AFTER the killing that it can do anything, at all. Of course, other anti-gun laws similarly do nothing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but serve to INCREASE it, by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy targets” for the lawless, who mostly get their guns “under the table.” If this wording sounds familiar to you, it’s because I have written them many times before. They are almost “boilerplate.” I could keep them in a permanent file from which to “cut and paste” into articles I write, while being ignored.

AN ILLEGAL SUIT: It’s illegal to sue gun makers for the misuse of their guns. But Kansas City and “Everytown Against Guns (or something like that)” sued one, and won, forcing it into bankruptcy. They had no real proof of any wrongdoing, but they sued them, anyway. And a liberal judge, who apparently doesn’t give a Damn about the law, allowed the suit to go forward to allow a win. Kansas City blames that gun maker for the high crime in this liberal-run city, rather than blame their own silly anti-gun laws that don’t do anything to “fight gun control.” It’s easy to blame something other than your own mistakes for bad things, especially if you can count on a corrupt judge to go along with it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Jerry Nadler says is has been “absolutely proven” that Trump’s behavior was worse than Nixon’s. But he doesn’t show us this “proof” because it does not exist… Buttgurgle says anti-drug laws don’t work, so he wants to legalize drugs. The same is true about anti-gun laws, but they won’t hear of letting people defend themselves. Yet another double standard… Buttgurgle wants to get rid of the Electoral College because it makes it that much harder to steal the presidency… Nancy Peelosi’s petulant act of tearing up Trump’s SOTU Speech was NOT “spontaneous,” but planned well in advance to embarrass the president. She said he “shredded the truth so I shredded his speech.” Unfortunately she couldn’t give us an example of where he lied that wasn’t a simple disagreement on policy because there weren’t any…

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