Friday, November 15, 2019

Too Many Stupid Politticians

I don’t know how we manage to get so many stupid politicians in office at the same time. They are in both parties, but mostly Dumocrats. The House Majority Leader is one of the dumbest. She is leading the effort to unseat a legally-elected president because she doesn’t like him. The Senate Minority Leader (both Dumocrats) likewise. Both come out almost daily with made-up “charges” against the president. Charges they in no way have proof of, but they chant them to the liberal media, anyway. And that liberal media “laps it up” like a puppy with an ice cream cone, then spreads it far and wide, never even trying to find out of they are true or not.

YES, THEY’RE THAT STUPID: In Oklahoma, at First Union Baptist Church, they put up signs that might as well say, “We’re defenseless. Come on in and kill us.” Actually, what they say is, “We are a gun-free zone.” Churches all over the state are following suit, as they rush to make sure their parishioners are totally defenseless if a gunman comes in to kill a few of them. It’s the usual stupid response to “gun violence.” Make yourself defenseless against the lawless, who ignore such signs and bring their guns, anyway.

GANGS WON’T SURRENDER GUNS: Surprise, surprise! The “police commissioner” in New Zealand met with a number of “gang leaders” in an effort to get them to give up their guns. Not unexpectedly, that effort fizzled. The gangs refused to give up their guns. They know that the new anti-gun laws are a boon for them, as they disarm more law-abiding people, making it easier for them to be victimized by those gangs, who will still have their guns. I doubt if it’s much different here, since most of the “gun violence” is committed by gangs. Especially in Chicago, but in any big city you could mention, too, and even in some smaller ones.. The lawless are the lawless, no matter what the laws.

AOC ADMITS IT: AOC was being interviewed by Wolf Blitzed, of CNN when she accidentally blurted out the real reason for the impeachment effort to unseat President Trump. Dumocrats generally are very afraid Trump has the backing of the entire country and will be re-elected for another four years if they don’t impeach him, first. So they’re using the impeachment process to usurp the election and make sure the next president will be “one of theirs,” so they will be able to continue fleecing America. Their favorite saying is, “Nobody is above the law,” and they’re right. That includes Hunter Biden and his father.

3-2-1-”GUN CONTROL!” In other news, “Water Is Wet.” The anti-gun fools are out in full force demanding more and more of their USELESS, unenforceable gun control laws that never do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime” after the latest school shooting in “gun-free” California. Each and every one of their stupid laws is in effect there, but somehow this 15-year-old student still got hold of the gun he used to kill two fellow students and almost himself. His actually HITTING those students must have been an accident because he is the only person I know who could put a gun in his mouth, pull the trigger, and miss.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They’re treating former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s entry into the Dumocrat Primary as a “big thing.” That it’s going to “turn it on its ear.” But when reality surfaces, they will realize it’s just one more befuzzled anti-gun moron who thinks he can beat the Trump juggernaut, which will “roll right over him,” as it has done to many such other fools… “Pencil Neck” Schiff says Barr’s investigation into the investigators is illegitimate, and he will “reject the findings” whether true, or not. Does he really think being a Dumocrat gives him that much power? It does NOT. He needs to wake up to reality… Kamala Harris thinks Trump should be impeached...for disagreeing with her politically. Among her disagreements with him is the abortion question, where she APPROVES of murdering babies in the womb, while he does not…

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