Friday, November 22, 2019

They All Said the Same

Each and every one of the “witnesses” in the Thursday Dog and Pony show basically said the same thing: there was NO quid pro quo asked for or given in that phone call between President Trump and the president of the Ukraine. Not a single bit. And none of them could testify to anything they heard, first hand. All they could talk about was things people told them about that call, and their “impressions.” None of that means anything. So another attempt on President Trump fails, and the next attempt will begin when they all get back from vacation. Still without evidence.

HIRES HACKERS, ARRESTS THEM: The State of Oklahoma hired a bunch of hackers and told them to see if they could break into their computers. They did. So they arrested them for doing it. They said they wanted to see where they were vulnerable and what they could do to improve the safety of their information. Two employees of the company hired to do so, and find out how easy it was to gain unauthorized entry into their building. They did so, and a local sheriff showed up and arrested them. They spent the night in jail until sanity returned.

DEMOCRATS KILL BABIES: After the Viet Nam war, returning troops were met by liberal fools who accused them falsely of being “baby killers.” Now those selfsame Dumocrats RE “baby killers,” for real. Every one of the Dumocrat presidential candidates are in favor of abortion on demand. That is murdering the result of unprotected sex for the CONVENIENCE of the parents, who don’t want the responsibility of raising the result. That’s MURDER. It “stills a beating heart.” That’s the very DEFINITION of murder.

CAT OUT OF BAG: Dumocrats don’t want the world to know that the only reason they’re running that “Dog and Pony Show” in the House is to “get rid of Trump” so he can’t be re-elected in 2020. They KNOW if he is allowed to run, he WILL win. And they can’t have that, again. So they’re spending millions of dollars of YOUR MONEY to impeach him—IF they can find, of INVENT something against him. They’re been trying for 3 years now, and failing. They still hope thy can succeed. they’re fools that way. The other day, AOC blurted it out for all to see, and they’re mortified.

ANOTHER BIDEN GAFFE: “Ol’ Joe” Biden stood up in front of the audience at the latest Dumocrat Debate and LIED bout his “support” among blacks, and talked about the ONE black woman ever elected to Congress while the second one was standing right next to him. Of course, he was called out on it, and another candidate said “maybe he is just high.” I don’t think he’s high. He’s just senile. He can’t remember, from one minute to the next, what he said. I don’t think he can remember to zip up his pants.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The UN is deluded if they think we will go along with their demand for “reparations” to black people for the “past sins” of our forefathers. Those of us who were not even alive (and that’s all of us) during the slavery years are NOT LIABLE for such foolishness, and the UN can go pound sand. They’re about as useless as “tits on a boar,” anyway… In Miami, a thug broke into a home to steal someone’s belongings, and got shot dead for his trouble. So his family said that homeowner should not have killed him, “He had a bright future that is now gone.” Yeah, a “bright future” as a burglar, and probably worse as he went along. She was a woman, so he probably thought he could “take her down.” He was wrong…

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