Monday, June 3, 2019

Don't Remember Soviet Union

Young people don’t remember the Soviet Union and communism, which is why they can be taken in by communists and socialists (both forms of collectivism) by those trying to sell it. So what’s Bernie Sanders’ excuse? He lived, knowing about the Soviet Union and the failures of collectivism. But he is today, one of the most vocal salesmen of socialism. What the hell is he ON? Does he not know that socialism has meant the DEATH of millions? That it has ruined the economies of countless nations? The Soviet Union and Venezuela are just major demonstrations of the failure of socialism.

BLAMING LAX GUN LAWS: In Trenton, NJ, the mayor is giving the feds hell for not having tight enough gun laws, after 11 people were injured in a drive-by shooting. What is not mentioned is that New Jersey already has some of the tightest gun laws going, and that didn’t interfere, in any way, with the shooting. Something else not mentioned is whether or not the guns used were gotten legally, or illegally. That’s never mentioned in these cases, when politicians want to blame “lax gun laws” for shootings done usually using illegally-gotten guns. Then there is the unalterable fact that NONE of the currently existing anti-gun laws, anywhere, have done a single thing to prevent evil-doers from getting their guns.

DEATH GOES ON: In Chicago, which has some of he tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, maintains some the highest gun death statistics in the nation, also. Which ought to tell the anti-gun fools something, but it does not. They still clamor for the passage of more and bigger anti-gun laws, KNOWING they don’t work worth a damn. And in Chicago (again) 43 people were shot in one weekend, most with illegally-obtained guns. Seven of those were killed. This happens way too often, while politicians ignore it and go on making their useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws. We keep pleading with them to stop making the law-abiding defenseless against those illegal guns, but they don’t listen.

IT’S AN INVASION! Liberals deny it, but the thousands of people “beating down the doors” at our Southern border is an organized invasion. Not necessarily of people who want to kill us (although some do), but one comprised of parents and their children (some of them imaginary), designed to overwhelm our border control. When you can see buses pulling up to a “lightly defended” border point, and a hundreds of people pile out and walk across the border, you have to ask yourself: who organized that huge group of people to get onto those buses? Who PAID for those buses? What Mexican politician decided to ALLOW those busloads of people to move through their country to the border?

JUSTIFYING GUN CONTROL: Maine Rep. Victoria Morales (A Dumocrat, of course) saw a man enter a school with his hand in his pocket and was terrified. So she wants more useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws made. She really is stupid enough to believe that a LAW will stop that man (if, he indeed is a danger) from getting a gun. And she is able to actually get such stupid laws made, in her ignorance. And we (not me) keep electing such people to places where they CAN get such laws made, even if they do get people killed by making them defenseless against the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Stacey Abrams, failed gubernatorial candidate, says she doesn’t want to be “BiteMe’s” running mate. She thinks she has as much chance of becoming president as he does. She’s right; slim to none… Dumocrat Rep. Al Green says, “I’ll continue to seek Trump’s impeachment.” I say, “I’ll seek Green’s impeachment.” That’ll have about as much a chance of succeeding as will Green’s quest… They’re asking if Rachel Maddow’s anti-Trump grift is over now Mueller has released his report with no collusion findings. Not a chance. Rachel isn’t intelligent enough to realize it’s “all over”… Will the Penn Biden Center rename itself after Biden was accused of sexual impropriety? Probably not. He’s a Dumocrat, after all. They usually get a pass on the same things Republicans get hung for… 

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