Friday, June 28, 2019

They Caused the Problem!

Liberals (Dumocrats) are complaining because there aren’t enough toothbrushes and toilet paper to go around in the holding areas they use to hold the children brought along by illegal alien parents (mostly their parents, anyway). This is typical of the Dumocrats: cause a problem, then complain about it, blaming the other side for the problem THEY caused, in the first place. Dumocrats wonder why there isn’t enough toothbrushes or toilet paper down there, when they refused to appropriate the money to handle the massive influx of illegal aliens in the bunches of people they talked into coming, and paid for their transport. Those they didn’t force to walk a thousand miles, that is.

FORGET IT, HILLARY: There is a number of liberals (Dumocrats all) who think they can get rid of Donald Trump in such a fashion that will elevate the loser in the last presidential election, Hillary Clinton, to the highest office in the land. It ain’t agonna happen, people! Even if you do manage to prove that Trump “colluded with the Russians” to get elected (not likely) and, somehow get him removed from office because of it, Hillary is NOT in the line of succession to the presidency. Mike Pence would be our next president.

TRUMP IS NOT DIVISIVE! He is no more divisive than would be any opposing politician to the opposition. The biggest obstacle to getting anything done in DC is the Dumocrat Party, which is determined to keep Trump from doing as many things as they can, while blaming him for not getting some things done. The biggest thing they’re criticizing President Trump for is “not keeping his promise to build the wall,” even though he has made a lot of progress in doing just that, in spite of the solid opposition to his every effort, including filing suits to stop his progress every chance they get.

AVOIDING THE ISSUE: Chicago has a major gun violence problem. We all know the causes. One, their very tight anti-gun laws disarm the law-abiding, making life much easier for the law breakers, who ignore their anti-gun laws and victimize people with their ILLEGAL guns. And two, a major gang violence problem. Gang members regularly shoot each other, and anybody who gets in the way of their badly-fired bullets. They aren’t very well trained in proper use of guns, you know. But Chicago just doesn’t want to face reality and allow the law-abiding to be armed for self defense, thus allowing a “level playing field” for the law-abiding.

NO VICTORIES ANY KIND: Dumocrats are blaming President Trump for what they call “deplorable conditions” at our southern border. The liberal media even released a photo pf a man and his small daughter, who drowned trying to cross a river—as if that was the fault of the border control people. People who drown trying to enter the United States illegally brought it on themselves. That may sound cruel, but it is true, and is NOT the fault of the border people, who are merely enforcing the laws, silly as they are. Most of what they decry is caused by the lack of money to keep things up to par. Meanwhile, they refuse to allow a funding bill to alleviate those problems to go forward.

ONE MAN’S OPINION:Spartacus” says he’s going to bring a fight to the NRA, and he’s going to win! What the hell does he think the anti-gun fools have been doing right along, and LOSING? Typical politician. Making promises he can’t possibly keep… This is how evil liberals are: The Boston Globe openly tells waiters everywhere to “tamper with Trump officials’ food. Something that ought to get them an “official visit” from the Secret Service and will guarantee them a lawsuit… Proving her abysmal ignorance again, Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar says she regards Muslims as the “real victims” of 9/11… Nancy Peelosi says, “Undocumented immigrants are a ‘gift of love,’ but when offered a chance to show she means what she says, she objects to Trump sending her some “gifts of love”…

Thursday, June 27, 2019

MAGA Hats Banned?

You can always tell what frightens Dumocrats. They’ll tell you by wanting to ban them. Now they want to ban Trump’s “MAGA Hats because they frighten them. They’re deathly afraid of people who are strong enough to insist on wearing such symbols in spite of the fact that they frighten Dumocrats so much they want to violently attack people for wearing them. Anything Dumocrats don’t like, or which frightens them, they want to ban. They really think they have the power to ban things their opposition holds dear. That this reveals the fact that they think they have total power doesn’t even occur to them.

ARE THEY STUPID? Or what? Many politicians, including Eric Swalwell, think they have the power to BAN guns, and some even believe they can put people who refuse to give them up in jail. Swalwell has put forth some really stupid ideas on gun control. Ideas that involve all the stupid, unenforceable, useless anti-gun laws that have already been passed somewhere, and all of which have failed to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” But that doesn’t seem to dawn on them. I don’t really think they’re stupid. Ignorant, maybe. Ignorant people merely lack essential knowledge and act in spite of that ignorance. Stupid people HAVE that essential knowledge, yet act as if they did not, taking stupid actions.

I’M JUST WAITING: Rep. Ilhan Omar has committed many actionable offenses that I’ve been hearing about, including “marrying” her brother and committing several examples of election fraud. But so far, I haven’t heard even a whisper about her being called to account for any of those things. Why is that? Is it because she is a Dumocrat? Or is it because she’s a Muslim, and Muslims today are subject to “special treatment” because they have liberals cowed with their made-up word, “Islamaphobia?” She has gone out of her way to offend many people for no real reason, and, except for a few conservatives pointing out her transgressions, nobody has said a word about them. This woman is an abomination and shouldn’t be allowed to be in the Congress. Not because she’s a Muslim, but because of her attitude and her loyalties.

GUN CONTROL FAILS AGAIN: In Sacramento, California (the gun control state), a rookie cop was shot and killed—with an unregistered gun. Surprise, surprise! The hooter ignored their demand that the owners of such guns register them. They went in to answer a domestic violence call and ran into an ambush. Found inside the home later was not only one illegal gun, but several. They caught the killer, but whether or not he will be subject to being executed is in question, since California Governor Gavin Newsom has stopped all executions (but not that of the cops these people kill).

SHOUTING ME DOWN: I once attended an anti-gun rally just to see for myself the lies they told about gun control. After they were done telling their lies, they opened things to questions. When it was my turn, the organizers handed me the microphone and I started to ask this question: “Why do you keep passing laws that not only don’t work, but actually make it easier for holders of illegal guns to victimize the law-abiding, who obey your laws, even if they think they’re stupid?” I only got half through that question when the crowd started shouting me down because it was a question to which they had no answer, and they didn’t want me to be able to finish asking it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They are trying to prosecute Julian Assange for publishing truth about Dumocrat politicians. That’s NOT a crime if he didn’t personally HELP the person who gave him that information to get it illegally. Only if he was personally involved in the hacking, then he’s guilty of a crime and should be punished… “Progressives” (otherwise known as socialists) are struggling with knowing their socialist hero is guilty of being a millionaire, completely ignoring the fact that MOST socialist Dumocrats are as rich, or richer than he is. They’re just mad that he admitted it… Trump’s new solution to the border crisis of sending them to “sanctuary cities” is “triggering” liberals. But that’s okay, everything he does triggers liberals. He loves triggering liberals. So do I…

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"Circular Firing Squad"

Those on “The Five” on Fox call the 20 or more (it rises daily) Dumocrat presidential candidates a “circular firing squad” as they bash “Ol’ Joe” Biden for saying he actually worked with racists to get things done. Like you should hold everybody’s personal opinions against them forever and never agree with them on anything It’s getting to the point today that Dumocrats are against ANYBODY not themselves, and will attack them for the smallest of reasons if they figure it will advance their own candidacy, and to hell with “party unity.” They claim that the Republican Party is in “disarray,” but it is their own party that is. The sheer number of presidential candidates shows it plainly.

QUEERING GOD”: There’s a concentrated effort right now to destroy the Christian religion while building up the Muslim “religion.” While at the same time attempting to legitimize the gay lifestyle. “It provides a feminist and queer perspective of the Bible, while also exploring God’s gender identity.” I didn’t originate those words, they come right out of the article telling us about this outrage, being taught at Swarthmore College, which has a tuition of $54,000.00 to teach this drivel to our impressionable children. One of the students says, “This means spreading awareness and getting people to action through taking courses like this.” But I suspect it is, in addition to cheapening the Christian religion, is more about creating more opportunities for gays to find sex.

PURSUING A FANTASY: Gabby Giffords was shot in the head and survived. Six others at that time and place did not, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl. The shooter was a felon and thus not allowed to have a gun. But he did, and he killed many people in his abortive effort to assassinate Giffords. What anti-gun law would have stopped these killings? None of them. But Giffords has spent much of the rest of her life trying to get more of them passed, mostly unsuccessfully because most lawmakers (who are not Dumocrats) realize there is NO LAW they could pass that would have any effect. Therefore, they resist passing more laws that put people like her, that judge, and that child in deadly danger by disarming them.

SWALWELL’S 65-POINT PLAN: Eric Swalwell thinks he’s got it done. All he has to do is get his 65-point plan to control guns and ammunition into effect. His plan contains nothing new, and is a collection of all the tired old laws and regulations that have not worked worth a damn to “stop gun crime.” It’s an effort for this Dumocrat presidential candidate to revive his flagging presidential campaign, and it won’t work any better that all his potential anti-gun laws worked. Since he listens only to liberal Dumocrats, he thinks the world wants gun control, without knowing what gun control will ever stop, or even slow down “gun crime.”

TRUMP RAPE ACCUSATION: Columnist E. Jean Carroll has accused President Trump of a rape attempt 20 years ago in a department store changing room. But she says she will not “bring charges” against him because it would not be fair to the women who are being raped on our southern border, thus making it impossible for Trump to demand evidence of the supposed rape attempt while putting it out there for the public to assume the truth or non-truth of the matter. Trump says he doesn’t know her and has never met her, which she counters with a photograph of him in a “meet and greet” line with his wife at his side. Not mentioned is that a president will shake hands with many people in his life, while actually KNOWING none of them. What is not said is that being rich, he would have his pick of women, so why would he stoop to rape?

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Mount Holyoke College police chief was “put on leave” for “liking conservative Tweets.” Has it come to this? That people can be punished for what they think? Or what they read? If so, we’re LOST as a free nation… Liberals are “incensed” that AG Barr would actually think they spied on Trump’s election campaign while they certainly DID. They call it “approved intelligence gathering,” but it was NOT. It was one candidate using the offices of government to SPY on another with the help of a sitting president, Barack ObamaLiberal attacks a conservative speaker at UMKC, throwing an unknown substance in his face. Media yawns because it was a conservative speaker. Show me any number of times a conservative attacked a LIBERAL speaker. If it ever happened, the media would be all over it. Their bias is obvious…

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Anti-Gun Fables

“You should be willing to give up your constitutional right to be armed for self defense because the government can protect you.” ...NOT! This is a common lie told by the anti-gun fools, even though it cannot be proven to be true, and indeed has been proven, over and over again, to be false. They still tell this lie after it has been disproved many times over. They make law after law to limit the purchase and use of guns by law-abiding people, and they obey them. And get killed by those who just ignore those laws and get their guns illegally.

OH, HOW AWFUL! “Transgenders are ‘suffering’ because ‘straight guys’ won’t date them.” That’s jist orful! I can’t think of a single reason for a straight guy to date a transgender. It would be the same thing as dating another MAN. I’m sure there are enough gay men who will date them. They‘re always looking for people with their kind of plumbing to date. Nothing has changed, except that transgenders have “come out of the closet” with the help of the liberal media. Recognizing, and approving of thransgenderism has become a “thing” with the liberal media, along with allowing men who “identify” as women to enter women’s restrooms and changing rooms, and even compete against smaller, weaker women, thus ruining their sports and making a mockery of the events.

LEAD THE HORSE TO WATER…” Somebody needs to tell Oregon’s lefty governor that the cops are not her personal “enforcers.” They are bound by laws, and those laws do not allow them to arrest lawmakers and force them to vote for her fool global warming damned foolishness. And I guarantee you if they try it, and bring those lawmakers back to the capital at the point of a gun, she will have open warfare. She might be able to force them to vote, but not to vote the way she wants. And if I’m reading things right, she may be precipitating a shooting war between her and her elected legislators—over whom she is NOT the boss.

PAYING GANG MEMBERS: In Sacramento, California, they want to pay gang members to get out of the “gang life.” They really think that gang members will take their money and not continue to be gang members. The politicians supporting this farce need to be recalled, immediately for stupidity. You don’t pay a leopard to drop his spots. It’s not in his nature. And to think you can, reflects stupidity on your part. Stupidity that should be grounds for removal from any office that will allow you to set policy for others. Where we get these stupid politicians, I don’t know. But this is California, so political stupidity is rampant.

MEDIA BASHES TRUMP: This time it was for NOT attacking Iran. If he had attacked Iran, it would have bashed him for attacking Iran. They are every day poised to attack him for whatever he does—or whatever he doesn’t do. It doesn’t make any difference what he does, or doesn’t do, they bash him. If he just takes a day off and does nothing at all, they’ll bash him for that. Personally, I wouldn’t have been sad if he had blown away those installations that were responsible for shooting down our multi-million dollar drone for no reason, at all, even though I agree with him it would not have been “a proportional response” for shooting down an UNMANNED drone.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes claims that criticizing Ilian Omar for her ignorant 9/11 comments “endangers her life.” Truth is, SHE endangered her own life when she made such a stupid statement. All her critics did was call her on itHillary’s former press secretary during her failed presidential campaign is now drumming up support to stop Brett Kavanaugh from teaching at George Mason University. He says, “We can’t give him a platform to teach.” Naturally liberals don’t want a conservative to have a platform to teach things of which the numerous liberal professors don’t approve. So why do we give liberals a “platform from which to teach? We need to get rid of all biased teaching… Hillary’s Brian Fallon says, “Kavanaugh’s conformation doesn’t absolve him of guilt.” But you liberals weren’t able to prove ANY of your accusations, which is why he was confirmed…

Monday, June 24, 2019

Out of Her Hat?

Nancy Peelosi is well known for lying about President Trump, bringing “charges” out of her hat. She seems to come out with a lie about him every day. Now she’s accusing him of using illegal drugs. Like with most of her lies, she has no proof of anything, but that hasn’t stopped her before and probably won’t stop her in the future. Every day she says she “has evidence of his crimes,” but never reveals any—because there isn’t any. She just wants the electorate to THINK there are, hoping this will cause him to lose in 2020. But that is a forlorn hope. His base cannot be more solid. People who want the government to stop looting them and know that Trump is the best deterrent to that.

IMPEACH TRUMP!” That seems to be the “war cry” for many Dumocrats today, even though they can’t tell us what they want to impeach him FOR. Nancy Peelosi seems to be the only feeble voice against it, because she knows an impeachment is not going to get past the Republican majority in the Senate. That would almost guarantee President Trump being re-elected in 2020, and she doesn’t want that, although she’s going to get it. They held an “Impeach Trump” gathering outside the White House to inspire Congress to impeach President Trump, and all of 15 people showed up. Meanwhile, thousands and thousands of Trump supporters showed up fr a Trump rally in Florida.

IS IT TERRORISM? A liberal professor (a repetition that) says that President Trump actually enforcing the law at our Southern border is terrorism! How stupid is that? Professor Eddie Laude, professor of religion and African American studies (a clearly liberal subject), although I don’t see how this fool could teach anything good about religion, at Princeton, is the one to make this absolutely stupid statement. Only stupid people would make such a statement, and being stupid should be grounds for dismissal as a professor at such a college, since that would reduce the respect anybody would hold for Princeton if they keep such stupid professors on staff.

SMART GUNS TO END GANG VIOLENCE? All Dumocrat presidential candidates seem to be anti-gun fools, and former VP Joe Biden is no different. A theme also running through the many, many Dumocrat candidates, is the stupidity reflected in their pronouncements. Joe’s latest is that he feels that “smart guns” could end gun violence. Anti-gun fools have made similar claims often, and none of their “solutions” to “gun violence” have ever stopped a single shooting. What he fails to understand is that gang violence was not caused by the existence of guns, and even the complete disappearance of all guns (an impossibility) would stop gang violence. They’d go at each other with knives, clubs, and even fists if there were no guns.

GABBY WANTS BACKGROUND CHECKS: She wants the old, tired “solution” to “gun violence” that has never worked before to stop a single case of gun violence.” She actually believes that background checks will stop all “gun crime.” She’s a fool and is blinded by the fact that she took a bullet in the head and survived. Ever since she’s tried to get rid of all the guns she can, never mind the only ones she could ever have any effect upon are those owned by law-abiding people. Criminals would still get their guns the same way they’ve always gotten them. Buy them illegally, get them “under the table” from their friends, of just steal them. Background checks will never stop that. Not in a million years.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: As an example of the quality of the Dumocrat opposition, “Creepy lawyer” Michael Avenatti, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her effort to con more money out of Donald Trump, has been indicted on 36 charges involving his keeping millions of dollars in settlements made to his clients, instead of giving the money to the rightful owners… President Trump wants to send those illegal aliens the law says must be released, while awaiting their court appearance, to “sanctuary cities.” A fitting solution. But the Dumocrats are whining, since they don’t really want them. All they want are their votes… Gun control advocate Kamala Harris owns a gun—for “personal safety.” Yet, as with most anti-gun politicians, she works hard to deny us that same right… President Trump just won’t accept the world the way it is, like most Dumocrats do, when they’re not trying to “change the world” to their liking—meaning socialism. Hey, Dumocrats! That’s why we elected him…

Friday, June 21, 2019

"Out of Control Capitalism"

Liberals are blaming the fact that more than 60% of the homeless in the whole country are living in California on “out-of-control capitalism.” They can’t describe what that is, but they blame the “homeless problem” in California on it. Reality will tell you there is no such thing as “out-of-control capitalism.” Capitalism is what has made this country the destination of choice for people from all over the world who want to better themselves. The free market, which the liberals call capitalism as a derisive word, is the reason that, in less than 300 years, we have surpassed the economic improvement of all other nations, some of which have been around for thousands of years.

DEMOCRATS JUST DON’T GET IT: A Dumocrat (like Hillary or Biden) holds a political rally and a few dozen or a few hundred show up. So they have to film it all in closeups to make it LOOK like there’s a big crowd. Trump says offhand that he “might” have a rally and 20 or 30 THOUSAND show up. Like at the Amway Center in Florida. They waited outside overnight to be able to get into a stadium that will hold 20,000, and they’re afraid they will have to turn away another 10,000 Trump supporters. If you’re a Dumocrat bully and want to knock one of those ubiquitous red hats off someone’s head, go right ahead—if you’ve got a death wish. Dumocrats say crowd size doesn’t matter. That’s just an excuse. It’s like a kid “whistling past a graveyard.

STACKING THE DECK: Pro-abortionist Senator (Dumocrat, of course) Kirsten Killibrand says no “pro-lifer” (anti-baby killing) judge should ever be appointed, therefore “stacking the deck” against the anti-abortion cases. This is what they’ve managed to do for years, and it was a liberal (pro-abortion) Supreme Court that “read into” some foggy wording in the Constitution a “right” for women to murder their offspring if they wanted to. They are dismayed now as President Trump appoints more and more non-liberal judges and justices to the various courts. They see themselves no longer able to get through the courts, what they couldn’t get by legislation.

REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE: One shooter at a time. In Kansas, a would-be robber jumped the counter at “Boost Mobil” store and was immediately shot dead by one of the employees. This guy won’t be robbing any more stores, and that’s for sure. As one commenter said, “In Maryland, that store clerk would be prosecuted for not running away and giving that robber the whole store.”Another commenter brought out that funeral homes and casket makers are doing a land office business where anti-gun laws are the tightest, and they’re right. Where there are tight anti-gun laws, like in Chicago and LA, the “gun crime” statistics are also very high. Which should send a message to the anti-gun fools, but it won’t. Which is why I call them fools.

SHOULD TRUMP GET CREDIT? Should he get credit for the “hot economy” we’re in right now? I keep getting e-mails asking that question, and they annoy me. Yes. Absolutely! Trump should get credit for it because he created it. Obama is trying to take credit for it, but he seems to forget that he told this nation that “our best days are behind us” and that “the jobs that went overseas under his ‘leadership’ weren’t coming back.” Well, they DID come back, and now we have a problem finding people to fill all the openings. Obama had given up on the economy ever improving, because he had no idea how to bring it back. So he told us to “get used to it.” Then along came Trump, and immediately it began to improve.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Netanyahu’s Victory has the liberal media in a tizzy. As if they had a right to say anything about it. They say, “Right-Wing Triumphs, Palestine Loses.” Strange thing about that, there wouldn’t BE a “Palestine” if Israel didn’t allow it. And they have no right to say anything about his victory, just as the Dumocrats, in America, should have nothing to say about Trump’s victory. He won. Get used to it, Dumocrats… The Palestinians hate it that Netanyahu won the Israeli election, and they are determined to continue their terrorist ways, no matter who won… Way to get media time, Buttigeig: pick a fight with the VP that did not even exist. Kinda hard to get media attention in a field of 21 candidates… “Mad Max(ine)” Waters humiliates herself (again) when she took lenders to task about student loans, not knowing Obama nationalized student loans. Something you’d think a Member of Congress would know… 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Idiotic Anti-Gun Quotes

Former VP “Ol’ Joe” Biden told us all you have to do is “fire a shotgun through the door” zzto run off a potential shooter. Of course, if anybody did that, he’d probably end up in jail, or kill the pizza delivery guy or even a spouse. Or both. Biden has said many stupid things, but this is one of the worst. New York Dumocrat Louise Slaughter thinks the Second Amendment only covers people who what all the guns they can have, and covers nobody else. Never mind the Constitution applies to everybody. She blames the Second Amendment for “gun crime,” completely ignoring the fact that MOST of the gun crime is done by those who use ILLEGAL guns.

IMPEACH OR NOT IMPEACH: That is the question. Whether to impeach President Trump for nothing or not impeach him for the same, that is the quandary. Dumocrats all hate President Trump with a passion because he whipped the crap out of them in the 2016 elections and has been slapping them silly ever since, and they can’t have that. He came out of nowhere and they thought he was just a joke. They thought he didn’t even want to be president. That he was running as a publicity stunt to promote his television work. Then he won. He won with the promise to “drain the swamp,” and he usually does what he promises.

PHONY “SURVEYS”: The Dumocrats are famous for their phony “surveys” in which they try (often successfully) to “manage the news.” They use these “surveys” to convince the electorate that the Dumocrats are winning, and there is no use trying to stop them. They had many “surveys” before the 2016 election where they had Hillary Clinton winning by a large margin. They believed their own lies right up to 9 PM on election night, when it became obvious they had lost—and they have not recovered since. They’re still in shock, and confidently think they can “beat him this time.” But it ain’t gonna happen. They’re going to lose again, and that will be it.

UPSIDE DOWN WORLD! What the hell have we come to? Republican Congressman William Hurd has come under unrelenting criticism because he refuses to support the MURDER of helpless infants in the womb! He was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the “Black Hat” cybersecurity conference because of his pro-life views. No, this is not parody. It is true. Tech Crunch Security’s Zack Whittaker said his being the keynote speaker was “an affront to diversity,” even though Hurd is a black man. The world has turned upside down! Murder is being celebrated, and to be against it is considered “an affront!” If anybody had told me, 50years ago, that infanticide would be the law of the land during my lifetime, I’d have laughed the teller out of the room. But it’s real. It’s not a world I want to live in.

THEY NEVER LEARN: After a former employee came into the municipal building in Virginia Beach, VA, they want now to pass a special law banning guns in municipal buildings. They lament the fact that the city council can prevent city employees from bring guns into the buildings, and they want a law made to prevent the public from bringing them in, too. This assumes that a gunman wishing to kill a few people there will actually OBEY such a law This reflects the ignorance of lawmakers who think making a LAW against something will actually stop people from doing it. But a person who wants to commit a very serious crime such as murder or mass murder is not going to be concerned with obeying their silly anti-gun laws.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Alec Baldwin is thinking about running for president. He says, President Trump would be “so easy to defeat.” Dream on, Alec. Hillary thought so, too… I love kittens, and I think it was a great thing when 4 Dumocrats voted in favor of a bill to protect baby kittens. But I hate it that the same 4 Dumocrats voted to NOT recognize an infant’s right to stay alive if it survives an abortion. Abortion is MURDER. No way around it, and I’ll vote against ANY politician that votes for abortion. I’d put them in prison if I could. Something has gone horribly wrong morally in this country when politicians can vote to KILL BABIES and still get re-electedJust saw a picture of Chicago’s “State’s Attorney,” Kim Foxx, and next to her was a constipated-looking racist scam artist named Jesse Jackson, which should tell you where she stands.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Outlaw President

No. I’m not talking about Donald Trump, no matter how much the Dumocrats would like that. I’m talking about Barack Obama. Obama did everything he could to destroy the economy of this nation, and nearly succeeded. He helped put millions of willing workers out of work, then advised them to “get used to it,” that those jobs were never coming back, that they should just depend on the government for their support. He drove millions of jobs overseas by the high taxes he imposed, and the “rules” he set upon employers. And again, he told us those jobs were gone forever, and we should just get used to it, That our best days were behind us. His foreign policies were a joke. He actually BOWED before kings and dictators, even though, as president of this great nation, he was their equal—for a while.

GUN MAKERS KILLING CUSTOMERS”: That’s what the anti-gun fools are saying, anyway, intimating that selling guns to their customers are getting them killed. Quite the contrary, in fact. People buy guns to defend themselves from those who want to victimize them with their ILLEGAL guns. Gun makers are therefore helping keep their customers alive. Just the opposite of what the anti-gun fools are saying. But that’s not unusual’ The anti-gun fools commonly lie and twist things to suit themselves in their quest to make the law-abiding defenseless against those who use illegal guns with which to victimize them. Anti-gun fools always assume that “gun crime” is committed by people who buy their guns legally. Therefore, their anti-gun laws are supposed to be the solution to gun crime. It is NOT.

NOT LEGAL GUN OWNERS! The anti-gun fools make the basic mistake of assuming that those who would do harm with guns buy them legally, and thus laws to limit legal gun ownership and use will solve the problem of “gun crime.” They will not. People who wish to victimize others with guns don’t usually get their guns legally and thus will not be affected by the laws the anti-gun fools get made. The bad guys either buy them ILLEGALLY, or just steal them. Therefore, no law against their purchase or use will ever stop them, or even slow them down. One glaring example is the “gun-free zone.” Each and every mass shooting has occurred IN a gun-free zone.

THEY CAN’T ALWAYS WIN: The Gibson Bakery/Oberlin College case shows liberals they can’t always win when they attempt to use the courts to intimidate people into “obeying” their commands. They commonly use the courts to intimidate people when they can’t do it legislatively. But with the advent of Donald Trump, there aren’t going to be nearly as many liberal judges to rule in their favor in spite of the law saying otherwise. The liberals have literally controlled the courts for way too long. It’s time there were more judges who ruled, based on the LAW, rather than on their liberal preconceptions. The number of HONEST judges has increased markedly since President Trump began appointing federal judges.

ANTI-GUN LAWS KILL: There can be no argument about that, even though the anti-gun fools attempt it. But a dead body is a dead body. Especially when that dead body belongs to a woman who had the legal right to carry a gun, but was denied that right when she was at work in the Virginia Beach, VA municipal building. She “knew” one of the employees, set to be fired, would “be back” and shoot the place up. But she didn’t bring her gun with her to work because of the rules against bringing guns to work for city employees. But that man did bring his gun. So now she’s dead, because of that anti-gun rule that made her defenseless when that employee did come back and shoot the place up.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrat presidential candidate Pete Buttgeig has apologized for saying “All Lives Matter,” even though there was never a truer statement. It just doesn’t agree with the bull droppings put out by Dumocrats… A seminar at UCLA compares communist dictator and mass murderer Che Guevera with Jesus. I can’t think of anything more STUPID that liberals have come out with… Palestininan terrorists have started a hunger strike over the Israelis jamming their smuggled-in cell phones. They really think anybody cares if they starve themselves to death because the Israelis “scotched” their illegal plans… Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx, with several racists standing with her, suggests that it is racism to object to her dropping charges against Jussie Smollett. That’s a common scam for liberals: accuse anybody who disagrees with them of racism…

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Flailing In All Directions

The anti-gun fools can’t get guns banned. To do so would be a major violation of the Constitution. The Second Amendment clearly says, “The right of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall not be abridged.” It’s that simple. The anti-gun fools have tried every other way to get rid of our RIGHT to “keep and bear arms,” and now they’re trying to make gun manufacturers subject to being sued for big bucks when someone MISUSES one of their legal products. Which would also open up auto makers to suits when one of their customers misuses one of their cars. It would be a disaster of major proportions.

IRAN GETS A HINT: Iran secretly attached mines to two oil tankers, and the US Navy sent 2 drones within minutes to observe. Then Iran surface to air missiles were fired at one drone—and missed— and didn't miss the other. Which should send a signal to Iran that their “military might” isn’t as “mighty” as they might figure. That they’d better be afraid—very afraid—of the possible retaliation by American forces to an obvious provocation. I’m waiting for them to try firing on one of those Navy vessels themselves. That would be a grave mistake, and could very well lead to the END of Iran as a viable country.

INVENTING STATISTICS: Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar just invented yet another “statistic” for the anti-gun fools to take up and spread, although they know it is false. She says that “500 people die EVERY DAY from gun violence.” Where the hell she gets such numbers is beyond imagination, except to see that it is IN her imagination. She’s fulfilling her “obligation” to make as much trouble as she can as an elected representative. That obligation being her obligation to be loyal to ISLAM, not the United States, even though she swore to be faithful to, and protect the Constitution of the United States as a member of Congress. Omar is following the lead of AOC in making up statistics to “prove” a false narrative. AOC does it every day, and she’s very good at inventing false statistics.

DIVIDING AMERICA”: Liberals (Dumocrats) love to say President Trump is “dividing America,” when it is LIBERALS who are working HARD to “divide America.” Some liberal daily slams President Trump without any evidence of ANYTHING, and then goes on to accuse President Trump of “dividing America.” One of the latest is “Morning Joe” Scarborough, where he and Mika said President Trump is “Demented, and not smart, and Horrendous.” This while Trump is busily engaged in doing the things Dumocrats have always promised, but have never accomplished. The economy is now where Obama said it would never be again. Millions of jobs have come back from overseas, N. Korea is coming to the table, even if they ARE still “doing their own thing.” At least, they’re talking.

SOCIALISM IS SOCIALISM: “Crazy Bernie” Sanders is trying valiantly to separate his brand of socialism (called “Democratic Socialism”) from that supported and promoted by other Dumocrats. What he fails to tell you is that socialism CANNOT be “democratic.” Socialism REQUIRES an authoritarian government for it to even look like it is working. It cannot be imposed without it. Socialism is but ONE form of collectivism. Collectivism uses many names to fool the gullible people who buy the BS of socialism. Socialism, communism, progressivism, Fascism, and many other names are used to describe systems that are simply collectivism with “cosmetic differences.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: There is no such thing as an “undocumented immigrant.” Calling ILLEGAL ALIENS that is just the Dumocrat’s way of minimizing the criminality of their crimes… They say it’s not a joke that one Texas mayor is a homosexual transvestite who wears 4” high heels. Actually, it IS a joke. On that Texas city… Nancy Peelosi just got the “Profiles In Courage” award—for what, I have no idea. She’s not good for much more than insulting our president and oppose everything he wants to do, even if she previously wanted to do the same thing. I guess it’s another example of how liberals give each other “awards” to make themselves look better… “Hate Speech” is a liberal code word to mean, “anything I don’t agree with”…