Monday, May 20, 2019

Trump Finally Fighting Back

After more than two years of phony “investigations,” with which Trump fully cooperated in his own possible undoing because he thought it was “proper,” he has finally stopped cooperating in the efforts to unseat him, even though he is the properly elected president, and has done NOTHING to be punished for. The Mueller Report said they found NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing on his part after two years of searching under every rock and crevice, and that should be enough. But, NO! They're starting any number of new “investigations,” going over the same facts and figures, hoping to find something the Mueller Committee missed, which they can twist to give them a plausible excuse to impeach him.

HILLARY WANNABE: Dumocrat presidential candidate (one of many) Kirsten Hillebrand ‘s campaign is slowly sinking into oblivion, and she’s now blaming it on “gender bias.” Which is just another word for whining “because I’m a woman! A La Hillary Clinton, who infamously blamed her election failure on “being a woman,” among many other excuses. To a Dumocrat, nobody ever voted against them honestly. They always have to have an ulterior motive. “Otherwise, why would you vote against a Dumocrat?” That’s what they think.

WHAT SHOULD WE DO? The New Zealand Prime Minister wonders why America does nothing about gun control. Which is a stupid opinion, considering all the anti-gun laws we already have that do NOT stop the bad guys from getting their guns with which to victimize us. My question to her is, “What the hell should we DO?” Don’t criticize us for “doing nothing” about gun control without telling us what you think we SHOULD do. Criticism is easy when you don’t have to come up with some suggestions as to what to do. I notice none of the new anti-gun laws in New Zealand have been any more successful in stopping “gun crime” than have ours.

COREY BOOKER’S LIE: Corey Booker must be desperate for attention, as his presidential campaign lags. Now he’s making plainly impossible claims about gun control for which even liberal newspapers are criticizing him. His latest lie, that toy guns are more tightly regulated than are real guns, plainly shows his compete ignorance about gun laws. But then, ALL anti-gun fools are ignorant about gun laws. I think it’s a law. Booker thinks he’s “Spartacus,” and he’s probably right. Spartacus was ignorant, too. Brave, but ignorant.

DICTATORIAL, AND THEY’RE STUPID: Kamala Harris, one of many Dumocrat presidential candidates is really stupid. I think that’s a requirement. She thinks she can ban private gun sales by executive action when (IF) she becomes president. Fortunately, that ain’t never gonna happen. She’s no more likely to become president than I am, and I’m not even running. These stupid Dumocrats have a strange idea of what the executive orders are for, and what they can do. Executive Orders ONLY tell government employees and entities what they can do, and are supposed to do. They are NOT laws, and do not apply to anybody outside of government. They will never realize this. They’re not smart enough.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Stacey Abrams has decided to run for president after refusing to admit defeat in her run for Georgia governor. She has as much chance of winning this one as she had to become governor. She might as well. All the other Dumocrats are doing itAOC “blows a gasket” when she finds out how unfavorably she is regarded. Poor baby… Kim Kardashian, who lives behind a big wall and walks around surrounded by gun-toting “security” wishes America would adopt the “New Zealand style” ban on automatic weapons. You know, the ban that has never stopped a shooting, anywhere. She is protected by guns, but doesn’t want that for the rest of us. You know, us peons… Kardashian, who has “armed to the teeth” security, is a good example of liberals who don’t want us peons to be able to have armed self defense, but has it, in spades, for themselves. They’re too damned cocky to recognize the contradiction that is

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