Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Dangerous? Or Just Confused?

Corey Booker has no idea what he’s talking about, and that’s dangerous, because he’s in a position to be able to get laws made that affect us all. As a lawmaker, he is supposed to have at least a passing knowledge of the Constitution, but he apparently does not. He thinks he can make a law to confiscate all the legally-owned firearms and imprison, maybe even KILL those who will not turn them over. That’s in spite of the fact that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States FORBIDS making such a law because it would be an abridgment upon our constitutional RIGHT to “bear arms.” Apparently he thinks he can just ignore that, but he cannot.

IT DIDN’T TAKE LONG: As usual, before the echoes of the gunfire in a Denver suburb had faded away, anti-gun fools were out screaming and crying to get even more of their USELESS, people-killing anti-gun laws made. A couple of kids, at least one of which had “bought” the Islamic terrorist bulldroppings decided to kill a few other students, and brought a couple of handguns to school with them. But when they brought them out and opened up, several other brave students jumped them, preventing what could easily have eclipsed the Columbine killings, only a couple of miles away. One of those brave students is the only one so far dead in this atrocity.

IT’S NOT HUMAN! That’s what I heard one abortion supporter say the other day. That the “mass” in her stomach after she had unprotected sex is not human, and deserves no constitutional rights. That it’s all about HER right to control what happens to her own body, and to hell with that life she inadvertently created, and does not want to take responsibility for, and raise. For it to be human is “inconvenient” for her. I got a clue for this arrogant, selfish witch who would rather MURDER her offspring than raise it. It IS human, and it’s NOT about your right to control what happens to your body. You did that when you elected to have sex without “protection.” That “mass” is a human being, with all the rights to which every human being is entitled.

ALLOW ALIENS TO VOTE? The “Student Government” at UC Berkeley (where else?) wants to allow non-citizens to vote in city elections. This is an INSANE wish. Non-citizens CANNOT vote in our elections, and no amount of crying by a bunch of students too young to know how things work will cause it to be right—even if some incompetent “officials” let it happen to appease those ignorant kids. And Dumocrats actually want to allow CHILDREN to vote at age 16—before they’ve learned enough to recognize the schemes and cons the Dumocrats throw at them. These kids are even older than that, and they’re still ignorant.

ARE THEY THAT STUPID? I’m concerned about the intelligence of the anti-gun fools. Can they really be as stupid as they appear? Beto O’Rourke is one of many Dumocrats running for president, and he is apparently stupid enough to believe that background checks will STOP school shootings. Another politician in Baltimore says that, if we ban trannies, there will be no more school shootings. Joe Biden, another of the many Dumocrat presidential candidates (again) says, “We must deal with the Second Amendment rationally.” How does one deal with it “irrationally?”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Tucker slaps back. The head of “Media Matters,” who uncovered a couple of “throwaway lines” from Tucker Carlson’s past, has some bad comments of his own, which Tucker has exposed. Comments a lot worse than anything they could throw at Tucker. They may regret attacking Tucker. He bites backA Tennessee Republican wants to ditch “free speech zones.” Seems to me a “free speech zone” ought to be the entire country, including the universities… Petty Nancy Peelosi has symbolically “punished” VP Pence by taking away his office space near the senate. Like that’s going to make life harder for the vice- president. She probably feels like she did something momentous… Can anybody name just one of Beto O’Rourke’s accomplishments? Apparently, Speaker Peelosi couldn’t… Where were the cops? In New Zealand, that mass shooter of Muslims leisurely walked around killing people in TWO mosques, until he ran into a Muslim with a gun, who ran him off. He did it for 16 minutes without the cops arriving. Can the cops protect you? Only if they can get there in time…

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