Friday, May 31, 2019

"Just A Distraction"

Dumocrats are parroting the Dumocrat line that President Trump declassifying papers pertaining to the “Russian Collusion investigation” are a “distraction” to keep people’s minds off his own “crimes.” WHAT crimes? They can’t point to a SINGLE actual “crime.” Only their disagreement with his policies, which are myriad. 100%, in fact. If Trump is for it, they’re against it, even if they were for it previously. They fervently hope we won’t remember that. Truth is, the Dumocrats are TERRIFIED at what they fear will be revealed when the contents of those papers become known.

EMBOLDENING” GANG MEMBERS: The Houston, Texas police chief thinks “permitless carry” will “embolden” gang members. How stupid is that? How many gang members bother to get a permit where it is required? Most of them are too young to own a gun, anyway, but all of them do. This chief is making the usual mistake of assuming that gang members CARE about such things as “permitless carry.” They just get their guns illegally, and carry them, all the time. While in areas requiring permits, only those with NO criminal records who DO obey laws will not be armed, and thus defenseless against those people who care not about any laws, much less anti-gun laws.

MUELLER’S FINAL STATEMENT: He couldn’t find evidence that Trump was guilty of ANY crime, but he refused to “exonerate” him. Hey, Bob! That’s not what prosecutors do! If they cannot find evidence that the subject is guilty, they are constrained from saying so. Not so with Mueller. He must make his statement so ambiguous that Dumocrats can “jump on it” and “keep investigating.” Jerry Nadler says he will keep on looking for ways to prove President Trump’s “crimes” and “lies.” Which is much like that long ago sheriff’s statement that, “We will try this bloody murderer before we hang him for his crime.”

WEASEL WORDS: Robert Mueller spent nine minutes spouting “weasel words” about his “investigation.” He said the only reason he didn’t pursue charges against President Trump is because it would be unconstitutional. In addition, he said he “couldn’t exonerate the president.” But that isn’t what he is supposed do. His job is NOT to “exonerate” anybody. He must either find evidence of his guilt, or he is INNOCENT. He says “If we had confidence the president clearly didn’t commit a crime, we would have said so.” Again, that’s not your job, Bob. If you can’t find EVIDENCE he committed a crime, you just need to SHUT UP.

INCENDIARY REMARKS: The anti-gun fools are good at that, because they do it so much. Statements like, “Cops like to shoot kids.” Yes, some kids do get shot by the cops while they’re doing their jobs. But I don’t know a single cop who LIKES to shoot kids. If I did, I’d work hard for his or her dismissal, for cause. The truth is, there are kids who like to shoot COPS. At least, they’re kids by the definition of the anti-gun fools. They define “children” to be people up to the age of 21, or even older. Most gang members are children under that definition, which allows them to make such damned fool cracks as that.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: From what I know of the Dumocrat Party, I think they will probably demand that Jussie Smollett run for president on the Dumocrat ticket. As if they didn’t already have too many stupid candidates. They’re that dumb… Shades of 1984! That book created the idea of calling something the opposite of what it was. Now American University “Diversity Training” is telling students to “examine the race of their friends.” Something only racists do, but rational human beings do not… Peelosi’s as deluded as is Schiff. She says Trump is “afraid of patriotic, professional Adam Schiff.” No, Nancy, he’s not “afraid” of that fool, he’s just tired of him claiming he has “evidence” he does not have. If he has any evidence, he needs to bring it forward. Otherwise, he needs to SHUT UP… They just won’t face facts. CNN says their ratings drop is because of a “slow news week,” and not because their viewers are getting tired of being lied to...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

"Illegal Guns"

The Anti-gun fools always assume the guns used to victimize the innocent are legally-registered and owned guns, and that simply by passing a law, they can eliminate all “gun crime.” They CANNOT. Anybody considering a major crime such as a mas school shooting—or any crime using a gun—don’t bother with anti-gun laws. They couldn’t care less if their gun is legally bought and registered, or not. Which is why MOST “gun crimes” are committed, using guns that were obtained ILLEGALLY. Which means the “bad guys” usually IGNORE anti-gun laws.

DON’T ELECT MUSLIMS: Not because of their religion, but because of they way they think. Ilhan Omar recently said the US “killed children” at the border, which is a flat-out LIE. Rahisha Tlaib says reports of the Holocaust are false. Then there is the Deputy Chairman of the DNC, Kieth Ellison, who has made many anti-American statements. All three are “America haters,” and have proven it by their statements. They are ample illustrations of what we can expect as more and more Muslims get elected by gullible Americans. They are an example of Muslims doing by election what they can’t do militarily. These Muslims might not be terrorists, but their very way of thinking is anti-American and thus, should have never been elected.

STUPID ANTI-GUN LAWS: I can give you a list of ALL stupid anti-gun laws, right here, now. Ready? ALL OF THEM. There isn’t a single anti-gun law that does ANYTHING to “combat gun crime.” Why? Because criminals do not obey laws. ANY laws. They disobey laws every day. That’s why they’re called criminals. In addition, every anti-gun law in existence, and those to be made in the future, DEPEND ON a law-breaker to OBEY a law—which he doesn’t. And if the law-abiding person obeys them, he/she puts him/herself in deadly danger because, when faced with a criminal holding an ILLEGAL GUN, he/she is DEFENSELESS.

THE COUP THAT FAILED: What you have been witnessing for the last two years plus, is a “failed coup” designed to unseat a legally-elected president. We may have had some before this, but this one is the most obvious there has ever been, if people will just open their eyes and see it. Dumocrats thought Donald Trump was just doing a publicity stunt when he announced, for the second time, a run for president. They continued their usual “dirty tricks” designed, as usual, to get their “hand-picked candidate,” Hillary Clinton, elected, so they could continue fleecing the nation. She lost, and the Dumocrats are still in a coma. They can’t believe that all their chicanery couldn’t get her elected, and they’ve been making excuses ever since.

WE’RE RIGHT AGAIN! In Japan, it is nearly impossible to get a gun to use in a mass killing spree, so they use what they can get. And knives aren’t very hard to come by in Japan. It is a “knife culture” over there. Knives are everywhere, and I don’t mean in just cooking. So this guy wanted to do some killing in Kawasaki, Japan, near Tokyo. He couldn’t get a gun, so he used a knife, and stabbed a bunch of young children at a bus stop, killing two, including one child. Fifteen other young girls were injured in the attack, according to Japanese officials. Most of those stabbed were little girls, between 6 and 7. Politicians, as usual, offer their “thoughts and prayers,” and then go out and pass some more anti-gun laws. Which don't work worth a damn.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Pencil Neck Adam Schiff says there is “clear and compelling evidence” of Trump’s collusion with the Russians. But, as usual, he doesn’t present any. That’s because there ISN’T any. There is NO evidence, except in his feeble imagination. Somebody needs to “rein in” this fool before he spends even more millions on a “wild goose chase”The cops are LIVID that the DA dropped the charges on Jussie Smollett, so they released all they had to the media and, right after, a “gag order” was issued to cover up their mistakes. Miscreants should not be able to issue a gag order to cover up their mistakes or crimes, and make it stick… A Representative from Pennsylvania who happens to be a Muslim is now saying “praying to Jesus is Islamophobia.” Which is as absurd as calling Muslim prayer, Christophobia.” This is just another example of a Muslim who is very impressed with her own importance making trouble for Christians in a Christian country in which she has schemed her way into Congress”...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Clooney Is Wrong

And he’s finding out just how wrong he is to support the stupid, unrealistic, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing except disarm the law-abiding, leaving them defenseless in the face of the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of criminals and Islamic terrorists. He has spoken out widely against guns and, apparently, the right to self defense. He has “contributed” a lot of money to anti-gun fool causes, and has promised to contribute another $500,000.00 to the “cause.” But his wife, who is a lawyer, has pushed cases against Islamic terrorists and their stupid deeds, and ISIS has “taken an interest” in them. So Clooney is forced to decide against defending his family and being a hypocrite, or putting them in danger. Not a decision I’d like to make.

ONLY THE FEDS: It amuses me what anti-gun fools will do and say to advance their drive to disarm all Americans (except for those working for the government in one way or another, of course). Now Mark Cuban says that, “Only the feds can’t stop you from owning guns. The states can do anything they want to you.” What a damned fool statement that is! The states CANNOT make laws that do not abide by the Constitution of the United States. That was part of the contract they signed when attaining statehood. They CANNOT “do anything they want to you.” They MUST abide by the Constitution.

HOW STUPID ARE THEY? The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The anti-gun fools have to know their highly vaunted “common sense gun laws” don’t do a thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” yet they keep on making more and more of them. They not only do not stop anything, they make life much more dangerous for the law-abiding, who OBEY their silly laws, even though they know they’re stupid laws. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is simple: ignorance is a lack of knowledge, while stupidity is HAVING knowledge, but doing the same things over and over again.

STUPID LIBERAL IDEAS: Liberals are stupid. They prove it every day with the stupid things they promote. One of the stupidest is the idea that there are more than two sexes. That is biologically impossible, yet they promote the idea, and call you names if you disagree. They consider people who have funny ideas of just what IS a male or female as BEING a “different sex. So transgenders are considered to be a different sex. But if you have a penis, you’re MALE; if you have a vagina, you’re a FEMALE. It’s as simple as that. But they deny it, and even insist that MEN can become pregnant and have a baby.

SHUT UP, PENCIL NECK! Pencil Neck Adam Schiff says, again, that he has “ample evidence” that Trump colluded with the Russians, but, as usual, doesn’t tell us what that evidence is. That’s because he’s LYING, and there is no such evidence. Pencil Neck keeps saying that, hoping the world will believe him. But the world will not believe him of he doesn’t bring his “evidence” out in public—which he can’t, because it doesn’t exist. This is a common Dumocrat ploy, claim to have “evidence” they do not have, and make repeated “announcements” they do, without revealing what it is. Because there isn't any.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Without even knowing what’s in the “Mueller Report,” MSNBC’s Joy Reid says, “This feels like the seeds of a cover-up.” And she hasn’t a clue about how that illustrates her bias as well as anything. And it shows the stupidity of most liberals… It must be a joke: CNN won the “Walter Cronkhite Award for Excellence in Journalism” for their “coverage” of the Ft. Lauderdale school shooting, which consisted mostly of a “Two Minutes Scream” at pro-gun people… The UN calls some obvious terrorist “soldiers” civilians. That’s how they twist reality and prove again that the UN is entirely useless in “keeping things peaceful”… A young and successful liberal “journalist” says, “AOC and I have never experienced American Prosperity in our adult lives.” What is this “journalist” ON? We are now in the MIDDLE of record-breaking prosperity and he/she isn’t smart enough to recognize it…

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"Human Rights Violation"

Amnesty International says gun ownership is a “human rights violation.” It really amuses me when some liberal fool twists things like this. Gun ownership, at least, I America, is a constitutional right. NOT a “human rights violation. It is securely connected to the inalienable right to self defense, which is more than a constitutional right, it is a HUMAN RIGHT, and cannot be taken away by the government, no matter how much they may make it difficult to acquire the tools for self defense.

THE SWAMP IS TERRIFIED: They never thought their attempted coup would ever be investigated by the wimpy Republicans that seem to just take what comes and apologize. But they didn’t consider Donald Trump in their figuring. Donald Trump is not one to “take what comes and apologize.” He fights back—and he usually wins. It’s about time somebody investigated “Mueller’s Raiders” and their illegal and unconstitutional tactics that include questioning “subjects” without their attorneys present, or questioning them time after time for hours and hours at a time WITH their attorneys present, thus causing them to be “wiped out” financially, then threatening long prison terms they could not impose if they don’t “say something” against Donald Trump, true or not.

GUN-GRABBER TWISTS: Newspaper editors commonly write their headlines to fool those who usually read nothing BUT the headlines—which are far too many. This particular story’s headline indicates just the opposite of the real story. The headline reads, “Man Shot by Concealed Carrier Dies.” Now that would make most intelligent people think that “concealed carrier” shot that man, just for the fun of it. Buried deep in the article in the Chicago Tribune is the admission that the dead man was shot by that concealed carrier after he pulled his own gun and tried to kill him. So that “concealed carrier” shot him, and paralyzed him. That’s how they twist the news. Never believe them.

BRENNAN IS TERRIFIED: When President Trump decided to declassify all records pertaining to the “Russian Collusion Investigation,” Brennan knew his “goose was cooked,” and he started doing everything he could to discredit Trump before Brennan’s secrets came out for the world to see. Brennan committed many of the crimes we can attribute to the “investigators: in their so far unsuccessful coup attempt against the lawfully elected President Trump. Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is similarly terrified that President Trump would have the audacity to actually “investigate the investigators.” He says such an investigation is “unAmerican.” Apparently, only Dumocrat investigations are NOT “unAmerican.”

JUDGES ON NOTICE: Utah Judge Michael Kwan has learned, to his chagrin, not to trash President Trump on social media. After many anti-Trump posts to social media insulting Trump and “diagnosing” him as having an “inability to govern and political incompetence,” all without any training to make such comments, has been suspended for six months without pay. Other judges who have ruled on their own biases, rather than on what the Constitution says, as they are DIRECTED to do, may also learn, to their dismay, that they can be removed “for cause” if they are found to rule contrary to the Constitution and the rule of law that Constitution supports. President Trump is finally tired of liberal judges trying to block everything he does, as if they were the president of the United States. They are NOT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Well, it seems AOC is “applauding” New Zealand’s automatic weapons ban. Liberal zealots like her can be depended upon to like any stupid thing another liberal politician does… They just won’t quit. After Mueller finished his “witch hunt” without finding any witches (meaning nothing on Trump), other politicians are determined to keep on looking for something that isn’t there: any “evidence” of Trump’s “crimes.” That’s because there were, and are none. They’re even talking about subpoenaing Mueller, and his papers, intimating that he was hiding something. They’ll be continuing this long after Trump has been out of office for years, hoping to sully his name… Kamala Harris promises to prosecute Trump “for something” when she becomes president. She doesn’t know what, but she’ll “find something.” Don’t worry, Kamala, you’ll never get the chance… 

Monday, May 27, 2019

Anti-Gun Fool Lies

“The US is the location of MOST of the 'gun crime' in the world." Truth is, we are a distant 11th in “gun crime.” “Pro-gun people are in the minority. "The majority of Americans want GUN CONTROL.” Truth is, gun owners (the legal kind) number 120 MILLION and we are the MAJORITY of voting Americans. “Anybody with a gun is dangerous.” Not so. 53% of ALL shootings are done by black men under 30, meaning one-half of all shootings are done by 3% of the population, and 83% of ALL shootings are gang-or drug-related. Every time there is a “mass shooting,” they want to further limit our right to own and use some kind of rifle. But only 7% of all shootings are done with a rifle. “better gun control means less crime.” Truth is, Japan and Korea virtually BAN gun ownership and use by citizens, and both maintain high “gun crime” rates.

ABOVE THE LAW? Dumocrats constantly ask if President Trump is “above the law,” but never have anything to say about their own “investigators” being “above the law.” The Constitution says that the accused may never be questioned without their lawyer being present to advise them if they ask for it, and must be advised (correctly) of their rights BEFORE any questioning. Any “evidence” obtained from them after they ask for a lawyer is inadmissible unless a lawyer is allowed, and PROVIDED if they cannot afford it. Why then, can the FBI place somebody in a room by him/herself, WITHOUT a lawyer, with eight Trump-hating FBI agents shouting inane questions from all directions?

WHAT COVER-UP? Nancy Peelosi is now saying President Trump is “engaging in a cover-up.” But, as usual, does not tell us WHAT cover-up that is nor give us any details about WHAT “cover-up” there might be, because there IS no “cover-up. Nancy only wants to give the liberal media an excuse to run incessant stories about Trump’s “cover-up” until we begin to believe there may BE a “cover-up,” without ANY evidence of one. It’s the same with other Dumocrats claiming there is “ample evidence” of wrongdoing in the Mueller Report, again without detailing what “evidence” there is, and on what page it can be found. Again, because it is a LIE, designed to make us THINK there is evidence that has not been made public. This is a common Dumocrat scam, because it often works.

FOOLS BOYCOTT GEORGIA: Many fools out there, and they’re boycotting the State of Georgia because they passed a law limiting baby murder in their state. Colorado Sec. Of State had the temerity to boycott Georgia, and actually asked Planned Parenthood, the biggest infanticide provider, to “edit” her “official document” on the subject. Then one producer of a TV show to be shot in Georgia decided not to do it there—again because of Georgia’s recognition that abortion is MURDER. And there are many other individuals and organizations likewise boycotting Georgia for this stupid reason. Abortion IS murder because it requires murderous actions, like “sucking out the brains” of a live baby or stabbing it in the head to kill it before it is allowed to be born. And sometimes AFTER it is born.

UNCONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT: In Illinois, you have to buy a “permission card in order to buy a gun. That is an unconstitutional requirement, because it is an “abridgment” upon a constitutional right. It is supported by a law that is unconstitutional, and will ultimately be ruled so by the supreme court, if they ever rule on it. But, like most unconstitutional laws, it will be enforced until then. Millions of dollars will be collected by the state, and the rights of its citizens will be ignored. If someone is caught with a gun without that insignificant little card, he will be fined, or even imprisoned. The damage will have been done.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Well, they’ve launched yet another “investigation” into Hillary Clinton. Will anything happen because of it? Doubtful. She’s a Dumocrat, after all. They’ll probably do their usual “dog and pony show” and nothing will come of it. Unless it’s run by Republicans and then they “grow a pair”Never ending story. “Mueller hot in the trail of Russian collusion leads.” But, as usual, nothing will ever come of it, until the next “announcement”… “Always blame it in something else.” That’s what politicians do. Now critics of the Muslim reps and their actions are called “Islamaphobia,” completely ignoring the silly and stupid things these bimbos say, and do… It amuses me that people without a medical degree (such as Kellyanne Conway’s fat, sloppy husband) “diagnose” President Trump as “insane, yet the real professionals say otherwise…

Friday, May 24, 2019

Can't Subpoena Lawyers

Jerry Nadler really thinks he has the power to subpoena anybody and they “must show up.” Which is WRONG. Lawyers are covered by lawyer-client privilege. They cannot be forced to testify to what transpired between a lawyer and his client, even if that lawyer is a government employee. If we ever lose that, we’re lost, as a nation, and lawyers could always be subpoenaed by the opposition to discover “secrets” their clients would not like made public. Recently, there have even been RAIDS on lawyer’s offices, which are just as illegal, and an abuse of power.

ADJUDICATION IS FINAL: Except when you’re trying to unseat a legally-elected office holder, it seems. The Mueller Report made it plain: after two years of searching under every rock and crevice for evidence that Trump “collaborated” with the Russians to get elected, or anything else they could unearth or make up they could find NOTHING.. The jury is now OUT. If I was on trial for murder and was acquitted, they can no longer try me, using the same facts and figures, even if I went on national TV and bragged about being guilty. But that apparently doesn’t apply to The House, whose Jerry Nadler wants a “do-over,” examining the same facts yet again.

OBAMA’S “RECOVERY”: It really amuses me to hear liberals tell us that President Trump is merely taking credit for a boom that “started under Obama,” and continues to this day. What a LOAD of bullsh-t! Obama’s policies resulted in millions of unemployed, most of whom actually gave up on ever finding another job again in their lives. People were forced to find two or more part-time jobs (if they could) just to make ends meet. Obama confidently assured us that this is what we were going to have to get used to, that those jobs were “never coming back.” that “our best days were behind us,” and we’d better get used to it.

IT’S A PARTISAN MOVE: That’s what the liberal media is calling Barr’s investigation of the “Russian collusion “investigation.” I guess they only think it’s partisan when Republicans do it. They don’t count all the sham “investigations” mounted by the Dumocrats, hoping to find something they can use to “get rid of” President Trump. We can usually count on the liberal media to lie to us about what’s going on. They did in this case, and will continue to do, until we do something about it. In communist Russia, the government controlled the media, so they had to lie to the public. In America, the liberal media willingly lie to cover up what “the swamp” is doing. Traitors all. I call it an investigation that is long overdue. And we need one into how the liberal media lies to us on a daily basis, and who is behind it.

WELCOME TO COLORADO!” “Where you can get away with MURDER, as long as it is only that “nonviable mass” in a potential mother’s stomach that used to be thought of as a child. Abortion is legal here, and you can have all the unprotected sex you wish without ever having to worry about having to raise the result, if you don’t want to. I’m sorry to say I live in Colorado, but you won’t ever see me having anything to do with an abortion, because I wouldn’t ever want to KILL a defenseless infant. If I didn’t want to raise one I had sired, there is always adoption. An abortion is just as hard on a woman’s body as is childbirth, and there is no shortage of people who actually WANT your child, if you don’t.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Many socialist/liberals/Dumocrats think that Bernie Sanders could have actually beaten Trump in 2016 if the primaries hadn’t been STOLEN fro him. Dream on, people! Bernie couldn’t have beaten his way out of a paper bag then, and he can’t, now… When Dumocrats lose, they then set out to “change the rules” so they can better cheat their way to an election win later. They lost in 2016 so now they want to abolish the electoral College and “stack” the Supreme Court, while getting rid of ICE and other institutions to make it easier for them to steal the next election… A Muslim doctor actually praised President Trump on the air, and CNN immediately yanked her off the air, They don’t even care any more if their irrational Trump hatred is obvious… In New Zealand, they see a “clear and present danger” with guns. So they take away the guns owned by the law-abiding, leaving them defenseless against those who don’t obey laws and keep their guns to use to victimize the law-abiding, many more of which will be disarmed, now… 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Democrats Are So Worried

Dumocrats are oh, so worried about Trump. He’s appointing many judges and justices that will rule on the LAW, rather on liberal principles, and that frightens them. They say his judges will rule on “right-wing ideas,” and they don’t like that. But “right-wing ideas” are to rule based on THE LAW and the Constitution, as they are supposed to do, rather on liberal “flights of fancy.” The thing is, they see the courts no longer being LED by liberal interests, and they don’t like that, so they “bad-mouth” what Trump is doing.

IT’S DEMOCRAT’S FAULT: Have you ever noticed that most of our problems happen in places run by Dumocrats? Chicago, for instance. It has mostly always been run by a Dumocrat machine, and it has some of the worst problems anywhere. They have some of the highest numbers of gun deaths anywhere, because of Dumocrat anti-gun fool policies. And like most cities run by Dumocrats, they are in money trouble. They don’t have enough money to pay their current bills, yet Dumocrats are creating more and more giveaway programs, to spend even more of “other people’s money” to buy the votes that keep Dumocrats in office.

24 ANGRY DEMOCRATS: So far, as this is written. It’s very funny to me to see how many Dumocrats really think they have a snowball’s chance in hell of beating President Trump. They come out daily with all their stupid proposed policies. One has proposed an “equal pay tax” on employers who have “unequal pay” for their workers, thinking the guy who has no skills at all and doesn’t even wipe down the walls well, should earn as much as the guy whose ideas have made the company $millions, maybe even $billions. Others want to establish “Medicare For All,” when there isn’t enough money to continue to pay for it just for us “old folks.”

IRREFUTABLE PROOF: The anti-gun fools are dead set against allowing teachers and other school staff to be armed, lest they become mass killers if their students anger them, just because they have access to a gun. Unfortunately, for them, not a single school that allows their teachers and other staff to bring their already legally-carried guns to school with them have had a school shooting. In Israel, where they have long allowed teachers to be armed, have had just TWO attempted school shootings that resulted in dead wannabe school shooters. No others. This is irrefutable proof that arming teachers DOES work, like no anti-gun laws ever have.

GUN CONTROL MYTHS: The anti-gun fools like to say that looser gun laws contribute to more crime. But empirical figures do not support that notion. Areas where gun laws are the tightest (like Chicago) see correspondingly high gun and other crime rates, while areas where gun laws are looser see a corresponding LOWERING of crime rates, including gun crime. They like to say violent crime is up because of slightly less tight gun laws, but that is a myth, too. Crime has been on the decline for decades, while they insist it is rising. Mass shootings are not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is ILLEGALLY-held guns and suicides.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I’m fast losing confidence in Fox News as they go about removing the conservatives from their staff, even if they’re big moneymakers. The latest to be removed to please the Muslim extremists is “Judge” Janine (Update: She has returned). Will the next to go be Tucker Carlson? The liberals are already trying hard to get rid of him. Then Sean Hannity looks to be the next after Tucker, neither of which will “go quietly into the night.” Liberals are slowly “liberalizing” Fox, which is (for now) the “last bastion” of reason among cable sources. Others are rising, but will grow quickly as Fox reveals itself to be just another liberal quagmire that has revealed itself by hiring liberal Dumocrat Donna Brazile as a paid “contributor”Declaring her stupidity, Nancy Peelosi says, “I’ve always been for lowering the voting age to 16”… I’ve figured out how to be “the face of the Dumocrat Party.” Just be as far left as humanly possible and yell louder than Nancy Peelosi demanding impossible giveaways of “other people’s money” helps a lot, too...

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Anti-Gun Fanatics

The headline reads: “Explosion At Gun Store! Four Dead!” Immediately the “antis” scream for explosives to be banned! Meanwhile laughing up their sleeves.”There oughta be a law against explosives!” Wait...there already IS a law against explosives, except in very well controlled situations, for good reason. I guess that law isn’t any more effective than all their anti-gun laws, which only make it easier for the bad guys to victimize the law-abiding, because they are the only people who OBEY those laws, even if they think they’re stupid laws. Of course, this is only a spoof to show how silly and ineffective the anti-gun laws are.

LOCK UP YOUR GUNS!” That is what the LA times thinks you should do to defend yourself (against yourself and others), since just owning a gun will make you “go crazy” and shoot someone, you see. They just can’t see the fact that the only way to self defense is to ARM yourself, so you will “have parity” with the criminals, who don’t care about their silly, unenforceable anti-gun laws that only get the law-abiding people, who DO obey their stupid laws, killed or injured. They really believe that the lawless will obey THEIR laws, when they obey no others. Is it something in the water that makes these people so stupid?

UNCLE JOE’S” LIES: In a recent speech he told of how TRUMP “separated families” at the border and “locked up” children in cages. Something that has already been proven wrong, many times, and is something that the OBAMA administration actually DID, while Trump STOPPED it. Yes, SOME children were separated from their “parents” when they were proven NOT to be their parents, and were just being used to bypass our laws on “humanitarian grounds.” What the Dumocrats do best is accuse Republicans of the very things Dumocrats ARE doing, but which they DENY doing. Lying comes easy to a Dumocrat, since they do it so much.

ISN’T IT FUNNY? They catch the progeny of Republicans with drugs, or driving drunk, and they get charges. The liberal media has field day. But when the progeny of Dumocrats get similarly caught out, they “decline to prosecute.” It does seem like the Dumocrats are held to a different standard than Repubicans. When several of the Bush progeny got caught, we are all told about it. When they caught Hunter BIDEN with a crack pipe, and some “white powder (never analyzed), just days before the 2016 elections, we never heard a word about it, except that they “declined to prosecute.” Why did they “decline?” Cuz’ he’s a Dumocrat, of course.

SEX STRIKE SUPPORTING MURDER: Alyssa Milano is really stupid. She is calling for women to refuse sex if their men are against abortion. She says if they engage in sex they should commit to getting pregnant, and be able to MURDER the result if they aren’t (my words, not hers). But that’s what she means. What she’s supporting is MURDER! Abortion IS murder! She may not even realize this because she, like all Dumocrats, have been completely conditioned to believe that nonsense about abortion being only about a woman’s right to control what happens to her own body. But that child has an inalienable right to LIFE! And that is being ignored for the parent’s convenience.

WHAT CHANGE? People gathered the other day as the site of Colorado’s latest school shooting to DEMAND change. One guy said, “We’re tired of sending our kids to school wondering if they’ll come home alive.” There was one ten year-old KID who made a speech in favor of gun control, being completely ignorant of the fact that gun control does nothing except make the law-abiding defenseless against people who get their guns illegally, as most mass shooters do. Or they get them legally of they have committed no crimes or have not been “said” to be “unstable” by a brother-in-law and “liable to shoot everybody around.” So I have to ask, “WHAT change?” People who demand change need to make suggestions, but they don’t know any more than we do on what changes to make. People who demand change need to make suggestions, but they don’t know any more than we do on what changes to make.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Beto O’Rourke just outraised Bernie in “contributions.” Does that mean he actually has a chance to beat President Trump after all the good things ha has done for this country? Not a chance. That just means he’s the best fund raiser of the rest of the losers… Bernie says he has to do a better job of explaining what socialism is so people can understand it (they’re so dense). No, Bernie. We fully understand what socialism is, that’s why we want no part of it, or you. The only people who want you are those who “would rather not work for a living.” And they are in the minority… Liberal protesters were asked if they would trade Trump for Maduro, and many said yes. Showing their absolute stupidity. Anybody who wants a dictator has got to be abysmally stupid…

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Two Can Play

President Trump is now telling the Dumocrats that “Two can play at that game,” by appointing his own special prosecutor to investigate the phony “investigations” the Dumocrats have been doing incessantly, ever since he was elected, in spite of all their “dirty tricks” and vote stealing and buying. I have long wondered why he didn’t do this a long time ago. Maybe he figures the world is now able to accept the fact that all those Dumocrat “investigations” were not only phony, they were pointless and stupid. They were nothing but an attempt to reverse the results of a legal and proper election that the Dumocrats were unable to steal. They have spent more than $35 million taxpayer dollars to do it, and that’s only the amount of money we can be sure of.

SOMEONE FINALLY DID IT: I’ve been watching after man after man invaded women’s competitions and beat them, taking away any chance for those smaller, often weaker women to win against them, and the people running the competitions, most of them liberals, allowed it. It’s despicable for someone who is in every way a big, husky MAN to compete against women because he can’t win when he goes against real men. So he claims that he “identifies” as a woman so he can win a few trophies the easy way. I’ve been watching for a man to LOSE against some women, thus proving he couldn’t even beat a woman, but haven’t found any. They must have not wanted to destroy their competition here, and took his FOUR world records away from him, rightly so.

ALWAYS BELIEVE THE WOMAN”: They say, “Women don’t lie” when they accuse a man of sexual impropriety, but they do. There are cases every day were women are PROVEN to have lied and accused a man of sexual impropriety because they didn’t get something they wanted from him. I read the other day about a woman who accused her lover of RAPE because she “forgot” that she didn’t “say no” before having consensual sex with him. In one case, this woman didn’t get an “A” from this professor, so she accused him of sexual impropriety—until she got caught and had to “fess up.”

ARMED TEACHERS A “BAD IDEA”: That’s what the anti-gun fools think, anyway. Apparently they think murdered students AND teachers is NOT a “dumb idea.” What kind of logic (if any) leads to this kind of thinking is beyond me. But then, liberals (anti-gun fools are all liberals) think there is no such thing as logic, anyway. I guess they figure if there is no logic, they won’t have to use it in making their stupid decisions. Dumocrat presidential candidate (among many others) Kirsten Gillibrand says armed teachers are “dumb idea,” and are a result of the “NRA greed.” She says that, “all the NRA cares about is gun sales.” I guess she doesn’t think the NRA cares about our constitutional right to be armed, and it’s all about the money, which is what all liberals think. And that’s a lot of bullsh-t.

YOU’RE NOT ENTITLED”: The 23rd Dumocrat presidential candidate, Joe Biden, says that,The Second Amendment doesn’t say you’re entitled to have a gun.“Well, it certainly DOES, Joe! What kind of addle-brained crack is that? What kind of faulty reasoning does it take for an “otherwise intelligent man” (sic) to say that the Second Amendment does not do what it does? The Second Amendment clearly says, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged.” How more clear can you get, Joe? Liberals are always trying to get us to think the constitution doesn’t say what it says, so they can misread it to suit themselves.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I never thought I’d ever speak up for Chelsea Clinton, but I’m with her on this one: she’s getting flack and being blamed for the New Zealand killings because she had the temerity to actually criticize a Muslim (Ilhan Omar) for her bigotry. She’s no more to blame for that than the NRA could ever be, (even if you believed the liberal bullsh-t) for the other shootings because they support the Second Amendment… The lies Morris Dees has told have now caught up with him. He was fired by the Southern Poverty Law Center for “unspecified misconduct”… They wonder why Mueller took so long to release his “report.” I know. He spent two years looking under every rock for SOMETHING he could use against Trump and found NOTHING. So he stalled, hoping until the 2020 election, still hoping to defeat Trump. A forlorn hope at best

Monday, May 20, 2019

Trump Finally Fighting Back

After more than two years of phony “investigations,” with which Trump fully cooperated in his own possible undoing because he thought it was “proper,” he has finally stopped cooperating in the efforts to unseat him, even though he is the properly elected president, and has done NOTHING to be punished for. The Mueller Report said they found NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing on his part after two years of searching under every rock and crevice, and that should be enough. But, NO! They're starting any number of new “investigations,” going over the same facts and figures, hoping to find something the Mueller Committee missed, which they can twist to give them a plausible excuse to impeach him.

HILLARY WANNABE: Dumocrat presidential candidate (one of many) Kirsten Hillebrand ‘s campaign is slowly sinking into oblivion, and she’s now blaming it on “gender bias.” Which is just another word for whining “because I’m a woman! A La Hillary Clinton, who infamously blamed her election failure on “being a woman,” among many other excuses. To a Dumocrat, nobody ever voted against them honestly. They always have to have an ulterior motive. “Otherwise, why would you vote against a Dumocrat?” That’s what they think.

WHAT SHOULD WE DO? The New Zealand Prime Minister wonders why America does nothing about gun control. Which is a stupid opinion, considering all the anti-gun laws we already have that do NOT stop the bad guys from getting their guns with which to victimize us. My question to her is, “What the hell should we DO?” Don’t criticize us for “doing nothing” about gun control without telling us what you think we SHOULD do. Criticism is easy when you don’t have to come up with some suggestions as to what to do. I notice none of the new anti-gun laws in New Zealand have been any more successful in stopping “gun crime” than have ours.

COREY BOOKER’S LIE: Corey Booker must be desperate for attention, as his presidential campaign lags. Now he’s making plainly impossible claims about gun control for which even liberal newspapers are criticizing him. His latest lie, that toy guns are more tightly regulated than are real guns, plainly shows his compete ignorance about gun laws. But then, ALL anti-gun fools are ignorant about gun laws. I think it’s a law. Booker thinks he’s “Spartacus,” and he’s probably right. Spartacus was ignorant, too. Brave, but ignorant.

DICTATORIAL, AND THEY’RE STUPID: Kamala Harris, one of many Dumocrat presidential candidates is really stupid. I think that’s a requirement. She thinks she can ban private gun sales by executive action when (IF) she becomes president. Fortunately, that ain’t never gonna happen. She’s no more likely to become president than I am, and I’m not even running. These stupid Dumocrats have a strange idea of what the executive orders are for, and what they can do. Executive Orders ONLY tell government employees and entities what they can do, and are supposed to do. They are NOT laws, and do not apply to anybody outside of government. They will never realize this. They’re not smart enough.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Stacey Abrams has decided to run for president after refusing to admit defeat in her run for Georgia governor. She has as much chance of winning this one as she had to become governor. She might as well. All the other Dumocrats are doing itAOC “blows a gasket” when she finds out how unfavorably she is regarded. Poor baby… Kim Kardashian, who lives behind a big wall and walks around surrounded by gun-toting “security” wishes America would adopt the “New Zealand style” ban on automatic weapons. You know, the ban that has never stopped a shooting, anywhere. She is protected by guns, but doesn’t want that for the rest of us. You know, us peons… Kardashian, who has “armed to the teeth” security, is a good example of liberals who don’t want us peons to be able to have armed self defense, but has it, in spades, for themselves. They’re too damned cocky to recognize the contradiction that is

Friday, May 17, 2019

Stupid Liberal Ideas

Every day, the liberals seem to come out with yet another stupid idea. That is never more true than in the case of gun control. Their latest on that is this: “If more people would learn how to play a guitar, there would be fewer shooting deaths.” Now Corey Booker wants to sic the IRS on the NRA. They can’t seem to stop them from ruining their unconstitutional plans any other way, so now they’re going to try and ruin them from within by finding something they can use against them in their taxes. The same ploy they want to use on President Trump. Never any new ideas, those liberals. There’s a lot more, but I don’t have enough room, here.

ABOUT YESTERDAY: Well, I told you posting would be spotty this week. Yesterday, we had a momentary power outage, due to a rain storm, that shut down our WiFi so I could not post last night. It’s back on today, although it’s “iffy.” I hope I can get through posting, today.

NOT DOING ANYTHING: Liberals love to take us “gun nuts” to task about our legislators “doing nothing about gun control,” but in response, we have to ask, “What should we do? Tell us what we can do that will make a difference. And they can’t answer. So they just start calling us names. It’s what they always do when they can’t answer our questions. In Colorado alone, which is RUN by liberal politicians, we have just passed one of these awful “red line laws” that allow guns to be taken from anybody just on somebody’s OPINION” that the gun owner “might” be dangerous. All schools are already “gun-free zones,” which is supposed to guarantee that no guns will ever be brought into the schools—except, of course, those brought into the schools by somebody who doesn’t give a damn about those gun-free zones and wants to kill a few children.

CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS? Yes. Absolutely. But one CAUSED by the Dumocrats, no matter how hard they try to convince us it was caused by President Trump. Whatever constitutional crisis there is, was actually caused by the Dumocrats “blowing holes in the Bill of Rights” while telling us, and the world. “Look at what YOU did, Mr. Trump.” Like intelligent people can’t see that it was the holes they blew in the Bill of Rights that CAUSED the constitutional crisis. Too many people DO believe that Trump caused it, because their “captive media” continues to lie and tell them constantly that he is responsible. And people who look no further than the liberal media will ever know what is really happening.

NO CRIME ZONE”: I think it’s a joke, but it might not be, if West Palm Beach, Florida is run by liberals, as are way too many cities. There is at least one sign outside the city limits that says, “Entering a designated no crime zone, by order of West Palm Beach Police Department.” That looks to be just as effective as are all those silly anti-gun laws, which is not at all. If they are serious, this just demonstrates graphically, the political stupidity that’s “going around.” Which tells me they’re gonna lose, and lose BIG, in 2020, and beyond. And beyond this is all the stupid things Dumocrats do, that makes them look like they’re trying HARD to lose in 2020.

TODAY'S GUN SAVE: Anti-gun fools say it never happens. They say concealed carriers are more likely to shoot themselves than anybody else. They say that the average person carrying a gun NEVER is able to stop violence from being committed. They're WRONG, as usual. And today's “gun save” proves it, yet again. Two guys entered this man’s garage, intending to rob him. Unfortunately for them, this guy had a gun and wasn’t afraid to use it. He pulled his gun and shot one of them. His friends, who also had guns, exchanged shots with the man, but hit nobody.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: More “racist training.” The Graduate Program at CUNY is sponsoring a program to “combat the ‘problem’ of whiteness.” Boy, they’re working HARD to create discrimination against white people, aren’t they? I never saw colleges trying to create more discrimination against black people in the past. Maybe they hadn’t thought of it in those days. Liberals get dumber every day… Liberal dupes are demonstrating in favor of that bloody dictator in Venezuela, Nicolรกs Maduro. They CLAIM that Trump “might” refuse to step down if he loses in 2020, but Maduro actually DID it. And he’s actually blocking relief efforts so his people will starve more quickly and “knuckle under”An Islamic State spokesman just can’t understand why they are hated and bombed and killed in many other ways. Maybe it’s THEIR bombing and killing so many innocent people that’s at fault…