Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Why We Need Guns

One of the mantras spouted by the anti-gun fools is, “nobody needs guns.” A corollary to that is this: “Nobody ever needs an AR-15.” But this story puts the lie to that. Several thugs entered a home and proceeded to beat the hell out of a man while collecting the things they wanted to steal. They were manhandling the man’s 11-year-old daughter, and there’s no telling what they would have done to her. Ordinarily, that would be the story, since that man was unarmed. He had to just accept being beat up and losing his property, maybe having his daughter raped, while hoping those thugs would not just kill him. Enter his pregnant wife—and her AR-15. She immediately shot one of the thugs, and they immediately changed their plans and vamoosed out of there in a hail of bullets.

MISSING THE POINT: Looney Tunes has eliminated Elmer Fudd’s gun from Elmer Fudd’s hunt for Bugs Bunny and replaced it with a scythe. This to please the anti-gun fool crowd. But that very act reveals that they missed the entire point. The point is VIOLENCE, of which there is still much in the cartoon—comic strip violence. In the real world, what we want to get rid of is the VIOLENCE. The gun is but a TOOL for violence. Getting rid of it, especially on one side only (the legal side) will only get law-abiding people killed, while law breakers continue to get their guns illegally—which is something the anti-gun fools miss, altogether.

AH, SWEET GUN CONTROL: There are more tight gun control laws in Chicago than in any other liberal-run city, so it should be the safest place there is, right? WRONG! Just last weekend, there were 35 shootings and 5 shot dead. That’s a fine testament to the effectiveness of gun control. But not the way the anti-gun fools thought. It proves that gun control doesn’t work, anywhere it has been tried. Which ought to be a wake-up call for the anti-gun fools, but it’s not. They have to be aware that none of their anti-gun laws work worth a damn, but they keep making more and more of them, every day, claiming, in their abysmal ignorance that anti-gun laws are necessary to protect us. But they are not, if they don’t work.

WHO YA GONNA CALL? Calls for defunding and even disbanding the cops are getting louder and louder among the dumbest of people in this country. I sincerely hope there are enough intelligent people left in this country to shut them up, because I wouldn’t want to live where there are no cops. And I probably wouldn’t live very long without cops around. If some thugs are beating up on a citizen, who ya gonna call? A social worker? What’s a social worker going to do? Get beat up, right along with you? No. The only person you want trying to stop those thugs from beating up on you is a cop, who is tough enough to beat up on them, and even has his own gun. Have you ever wondered why cops have guns? Because criminals have guns, too. And they have to be ready and equipped to effectively oppose them, or they will die right along with you. Without cops, you’re totally defenseless.

HOW MANY FUNERALS? It seems that George Floyd has had a funeral a day for12 days. They bill some of them as “memorials,” but they’re funerals, believe it. How many funerals does a petty criminal who was murdered by a bad cop deserve? Who is paying for all these funerals? They’re really milking it for all it’s worth. They don’t seem to care that all these “funerals” are actually promoting the violence surrounding his death. The media is painting him as a saint, but I know better. He has been in prison several times and has committed many crimes. But that doesn’t rate the death sentence, carried out by a bad cop. It’s just that I get tired of the media painting him as a saint, when he was NOT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Stupidity compounding stupidity. Word is, most of the rioters that have been arrested in DC will be released without charges, escaping felony rioting sentences… “Defund the police!” Madness! The cops are the first and last barrier to mob rule. Without them thugs will be coming openly to your door with their illegal guns and taking your property, without anything, or anybody to stop them—unless you have a big enough gun and the will to use it… ANTIFA are today’s Nazi “Brown Shirts.” An organization dedicated to violence. As the Brown shirts wore their brown shirts in Germany during the Second World War, they wear their black clothes as a uniform and beat up on conservative demonstrators. They claim to be against Fascism, but they are Fascists in disguise… NYC Councilman is saying they should cancel “benefits” for those engaged in rioting, and I agree. But not just in NYC. In cities everywhere. And put them in prison, too…

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