Friday, August 30, 2019

It's Hard to Criticize

When the object of your criticism is doing so many good things. That’s the problem those myriad Dumocrat presidential candidates are having. Maybe that’s why five of the original 20 are “dropping like flies,” with more to come. They say Trump is stupid, has no idea what he’s doing. And wanders the halls of the White House talking to the portraits of past presidents. That he spends a lot of time watching Fox News and “sopping up” everything they say. Yes, he does watch Fox. As do millions of other intelligent Americans who want to get both sides of every issue, not just the liberal “take” on everything. People get very tired of it when all they get is lies and innuendo as they get from other sources.

THIS CHIEF GETS IT: Many police chiefs are for gun control, even though gun control does NOTHING to stop, or even slow down “gun crime.” But this police chief gets it. San Antonio, Texas Police Chief William McManus was quick to go public with the fact that he just doesn’t support the “gun buyback program” that the City Council advanced, because they just don’t work. I don’t know how he feels about the other silly anti-gun laws that are usually passed into law by stupid politicians, but I suspect he feels the same about them. He strikes me as being of superior intelligence to other police politicians who believe in those ineffective, unenforceable anti-gun laws.

THEY JUST DON’T CARE: Two congressmen pointed out several fallacies in “gun control” laws, but will that cause the anti-gun fools to rethink their position? Not likely. One thing they pointed out was that background checks did NOTHING to stop the most recent mass killings. That the perpetrators, who were not felons at the time, PASSED their background checks when they bought their guns. They pointed out that the famous “Red Flag Laws” so loved by politicians, are patently unconstitutional, and will ultimately be struck down, after the damage has been done, and people have died.

FAT CHANCE: Iran’s president wants the US to “bow down to Iran” as well as remove all their sanctions, while apologizing for its “economic terrorism” before he will even consider talking to us. This guy must be a comedian! If he thinks that will get any response but “screw you” from America, he’s nuts. And that’s all he’s gonna get, with Trump, not Obama in command. Obama might have been stupid enough to have acceded to his demands, but not the MAN we have in the White House now. We have done nothing but punish Iran for THEIR SINS, and we have nothing to apologize for, or “repent.” He’s a damned fool if he expects anything from Trump but a middle finger.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: NY Mayor and presidential campaigner Bill DeBlasio quoted Che Guevara and that rightly drew a lot of criticism. People say, “Many see Che Guevara as a mass murderer.” Actually, he IS a mass murderer, regardless of what people think. If DiBlasio thinks well enough of him to quote him, I don’t EVER want him as our president… AOC is not a proper Representative in Congress. She is just a “rabble-rouser” who conned her way into being elected in a completely liberal district, so she could be “taken seriously” when she does things like go down to the southern border where they are doing the best they can with little money and screams at them as if they were “the bad guys” while they do their Congress-mandated job… Bullsh-t claims by AOC that clean drinking water is not being provided to the criminals crashing our borders are, as usual, not true. We are providing as much clean drinking water as we can pay for while Congress (of which AOC is member) refuse to provide money to buy more…

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Deluded Biden

There’s a lot to be recommended about Joe Biden, but none of it says he could, or should become president. His gaffes are legendary, and reflect a “slippage of the mind.” He thinks things that are NOT. Chief among them is that the gun control law he helped write actually reduced gun crime. It did not, and WOULD not. First of all, it was an assault weapon ban, while the guns that are most often represented in “gun crime” are hand guns. Assault weapons are very rarely used in gun crime, and banning them would reduce only a small part of what is called “gun crime.” Secondly, there is NO kind of a gun ban that would have ANY effect on “gun crime” because criminals would, and DO, get their guns illegally.

CONSPIRACY THEORY? It is becoming more and more clear that Jeffery Epstein was murdered in his cell in a New York prison. The “authorities” immediately call ANY suggestion in that direction a “conspiracy theory,” thus attempting to blunt any suggestion that they were complicit in his murder without answering any of the troubling questions about it. First, why was a man who is said to have attempted suicide at least one time NOT kept on a suicide watch? Then why was a report that he was attacked in his cell not properly investigated? And why was his cellmate moved elsewhere just before he died? And is he getting death threats, as he has asserted? Many questions. No answers.

WHY BERNIE? Are we stupid? Have we been taking stupid pills? Bernie Sanders is an admitted socialist who wants to do things that will BANKRUPT this nation. For years, just being a socialist was DEATH for a politician, and with good reason. Yet today, the top Dumocrat politicians are ALL socialists, and they are getting approval numbers unheard of for a socialist. Why is that? The reason is that socialist professors and other “opinion-molders” have spent years telling our impressionable youth that socialism is the way to go. That the free market—what they insultingly call capitalism—is wrong, even though it is the very reason our economy is the envy of nations all over the world, and the reason people fight to enter this country, legally or illegally.

DEMOCRATS WANT TYRANNY: But with themselves in charge. They’re now saying, “We need to burn down the Republican Party.” They openly want a one-party rule in this country. What that spells to me is a dictatorship, with the Dumocrats the dictators. They already want “climate deniers” to be prosecuted and sent to prison for disagreeing with their “global warming/climate change” bullsh-t because they can’t think up a reason to explain why the Earth has not gotten hotter in the last 20 years, or so, and they want desperately to cling to that fantasy because it has made them a lot of money and made it much easier for them to fleece the nation.

ARROGANCE PERSONIFIED: A LGBT (Q?) activist arrogantly told women and little girls that if they didn’t like boys in their locker rooms they should “use the nurse’s station” to change. And why the hell SHOULD they? It’s their locker room, and any males who want in should have the door shut in their faces. This guy shows the unmitigated arrogance of men who think they’re women, but who just want to see little girls in a state of undress. It’s just like gays who think they can IMPOSE their gayness on the rest of us by calling us by that fictitious name, “homophobia,” as if being against gayness is, somehow, an illness or mental aberration.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Why does anybody listen to Jimmy Carter? He was one of the WORST presidents in history. So when he says President Trump is an “illegitimate president who LOST the election,” he shows his plain IGNORANCE. Trump WON the election the same way ALL presidents have won—in the Electoral College, which is THE LAW… “When I am president.” That’s a favorite comment from the 20 (as this was written) Dumocrat candidates for president, but what they don’t realize is that NONE of them has a “snowball’s chance in hell” of ever getting NEAR the Oval Office, except maybe as a visitor to the properly elected Republican president… Ellen Barkin shows her ignorance when she said, “Trump’s supporters are the most right-wing since the Nazis.” One little problem: the Nazis were SOCIALISTS, which is NOT “right wing.” She showed her complete IGNORANCE of just what Nazis were…

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Murdering Innocent Babies

Liberals liked to accuse returning Viet Nam veterans of being “baby murderers,” but the real baby murderers are the liberals, themselves. They’re using a misguided decision by the Supreme Court (Roe v. Wade) as an excuse to call these murders legal, and Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest bunch of “hired killers” on the planet. And Planned Parenthood uses Gestapo tactics to stop any investigation into their murderous activities. Somebody recently “got the goods” on them, and they got them arrested and imprisoned while ignoring their evidence.

BANNING FREE SPEECH: A student at North Carolina State wants to ban pro-Trump booths from Welcome Week. They can’t find anything real to use against Trump, so they want to keep pro-Trumpers from being able to speak. And they want you to think TRUMP is a dictator while they use dictator tactics to keep pro-Trump people from being able to operate. If Trump booths are allowed to operate, they’ll probably walk up and punch those in the booths in the mouth. That’s their style. If you have nothing concrete to say against your opponent, just smack his supporters in the mouth.

THEY HAVE NOBODY: Dumocrats are so bankrupt of candidates, their “Front-runner” is an old fart who can’t remember how to zip up his pants after going to the bathroom. His verbal blunders are legendary. He is displaying all the symptoms of approaching senility, now known as “Alzheimer’s Disease.” And they want him as president, so they can manipulate him and be able to better fleece the country. Their other candidates can’t seem to draw crowds, while Trump fills stadiums and the overflow looks better than the Dumocrat's total crowds while they take close-up pictures t make their feeble crowds LOOK bigger than they are. They thought they got beat badly in 2016. Just wait until there’s another 49-state winner on the Republican (Trump) side.

DISARMING AMERICA: Stupid politicians in America have a “knee-jerk reaction” to any use of a gun to kill innocent people: make it easier for those using their illegal guns to kill innocent people by BANNING the use of guns in self defense. Think about it. In the old West, if a gunman comes into town wanting to kill somebody, make sure that somebody is unarmed, and defenseless. That would be stupid, unless you hated that someone and WANTED him to be killed. So why do today’s politicians (mostly Dumocrats, of course) want to make sure that potential victims of mass killings are defenseless against the shooters? That’s what they’re doing in Douglas County, Colorado. A Douglas County charter school is allowing their teachers and other staff to be armed in the school, so the Douglas County School District is telling them tho “get lost.”

MORE GUNS THAN HUMANS!” “Beto” O’Rourke says, “America has more guns than than beings.” And he’s right. But most of them are illegally-owned, and used by criminals and crazies. What he thinks a LAW will do about that, I don’t know. And I don’t think he does, either. He’s just grandstanding, which is all he can do because there is NOTHING that can be done with a law to change things. Criminals don’t obey laws. That’s a given. That’s why we call them criminals. So no amount of law-making is going to have any effect on their activities. Beto thinks if he becomes president (a forlorn hope for him) he can confiscate all our legal guns, leaving the millions of ILLEGAL guns still out there. Then there’s that “pesky old” Second Amendment to get in his way.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Wayfair refused to stop selling to the border control people because they hated what was happening. So they all walked out to make it worse… Every time I see or hear something Dumocrats say, about anything, I want to holler, “Bullsh-t!” That’s because everything they propose is bull droppings. I know that, and all INTELLIGENT people know that. But they get elected by unintelligent people who pay no attention to politics and believe their lies… Dumocrats ridicule Republicans for calling them socialists. What amazes me is why. They ARE socialists, and there is no denying it. You only have to look at what they’re ALL proposing. Free stuff! Free stuff! It’s all socialismDumocrat presidential candidate Julian Castro thinks “transgendered MEN” should get government paid-for abortions. What the hell would they NEED that for? It’s an impossibility for a man to get pregnant, so why would he EVER need an abortion? Talk about stupid politicians…

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stupid Politicians

Why do we keep electing such stupid people to office? Dumocrat Rep. Cedric Richmond says, “We can ban plastic straws, why can’t we ban guns?” How stupid! Plastic straws aren’t protected by a constitutional amendment, that’s why. Plastic straws are “fair game” for Dumocrat stupidity, while guns have their own constitutional amendment to protect them from Dumocrat stupidity. We need to start examining the people we elect more carefully for intelligence, BEFORE we elect them, to avoid electing such stupid people so they can screw things up in their stupidity.

STUDY PROVES IT: If there is one thing we know, it is that criminals don’t obey laws. And a recent study proves it, again. We needed a study to know that? With or without a study, it proves itself every day, as criminals go about victimizing people with their illegal guns. And, of course, somebody found it necessary to “do a study” to find out what we already know. I wish somebody would give me a lot of money to conduct a study to find out what we all know, anyway. I could use the money. What I want to know, is, how stupid do you have to be to NOT know that criminals don’t obey laws? That’s why they’re called criminals, isn’t it?

OBAMA’S A LIAR! No kidding. I don’t think any president has told as many lies as has this one. Not even Bill Clinton, and that’s saying something. His most famous lies are, “If you like your doctor, you can keep him.” Or, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Or “Obamacare will reduce your health insurance cost by $2,500.00!” But the one represented here is all that crap he has been spouting about “The sea levels rising, putting all beachfront properties under water, very soon, if we don’t do something.” So now he has put almost $15 million into beach front property on Mrtha’s Vineyard, proving conclusively that he was LYING again when he spouted all that global warming/climate change crap.

MILLIONS OF VOTES!” There wasn’t any “Russian collusion” by then candidate Trump to “steal the election,” as proven by the Mueller Report, but there certainly WAS “election interference” by the Dumocrat Party, facilitated by Google. According to Hillary-supporting Professor, Dr. Robert Epstein, no Trump lover, he, Google influenced maybe as many as 16 million votes FOR Hillary in the 2016 election. The liberal media “fact-checked it to death” after he testified, and Google predictably denied it. Dumocrats say they “debunked” his report, but they didn’t. They just denied it, and their denial was not believable. Epstein is a Dumocrat. He is a Hillary supporter. But he is also an honest man, apparently. He revealed this in his testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee.

HEBRON JEW MASSACRE: When did Jews ever massacre Palestinians? Never, of course. When did Palestinians massacre Jews? In Hebron, in 1929, in an effort to “cleanse” it of Jews. Meanwhile, self-loving liberals condemn every effort Israel makes to defend itself from the incessant, daily attacks by Palestinians while ignoring the daily rocket attacks on innocent Israelis, in Israel. Liberals are well known for their hatred of Israel and of Jews in particular. It even has a name: Antisemitism. But that hatred is ignored by just about every liberal news media source—which includes just about all of them.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Madonna says, “Jesus would agree with women having abortions.” How stupid is this bimbo? From what I’ve seen of Jesus, he would not be for ANYTHING that caused needless deaths or sufferingJust watching anti-Trump crap coming from the mouth of a member of the “Black Caucus” in Congress. How the hell do they get away with such stuff? What would happen if somebody started a “White Caucus?” There’d be a riot… Biden doesn’t want to be president. I’m now convinced of it. He has announced that he will repeal Trump’s tax cuts “on day one” if he is elected president. He can’t be stupid enough to believe that will get him elected… AOC was invited to see a real concentration camp and refused. She wants to remain ignorant, I guess… The most recent woman who accused Trump of sexual impropriety won’t give a reason why she won’t press charges. I guess it’s because she knows she can’t prove them and just wants to sell her book…

Monday, August 26, 2019

They Don't Know Anything

Every Dumocrat presidential candidate out there wants to take away your right to self defense, and to own and use the means to that, a gun, but they just don’t know how to do it. They amazingly think that making a law against using guns for crime will somehow make CRIMINALS stop using guns. Every time some fool decides to go out and kill a bunch of innocent people, they go after the gun rights of the law-abiding. That will NOT stop them fro doing that. If the law prevents them from getting that gun they plan to use in killing people, they’ll just buy it ILLEGALLY, or steal it—as at least one mass killer did—he stole the gun from his mom.

SETH WHO?” Seth Moulton has announced that he is “dropping out” of his Dumocrat presidential run. Really? I don’t think anybody but him even knew he was running. Maybe I should announce that I’M dropping out of the presidential race. I’m not running, but nobody knows that—like with Seth. There are so many Dumocrats who thought they had a chance of unseating President Trump, that nobody notices when one of them drops out. In fact, FOUR Dumocrats have dropped out recently, and very few people even noticed they were running. He says he has no plans to endorse any of the other candidates, but who cares? His endorsement would be as worthless as was his candidacy.

DECLARING YOUR OWN STUPIDITY: That seems to be what “Young Turks” host Hasan Piker did when he made one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard about Rep. Dan Crenshaw, calling the terrorist who put his eye out a “brave soldier” for putting his eye out, and saying “America deserved 9/11.” I don’t care what your politics, NOBODY “deserves” such a thing as the wanton MURDER of more than 3,000 innocent people, and Piker is abysmally STUPID for saying so. But then, he favors the people who want to destroy America, so he can’t be too intelligent. Somebody needs to give that boy an “attitude adjustment.”

IT’S WAY TOO MUCH: Most people who have had even one bout with Cancer, when reaching the age of 86, would retire and go spend some time with their family, knowing their “last days” are approaching, but not Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She hates President Trump so much, she is determined to die in office if she can keep him from getting to appoint another more conservative Justice to the Supreme Court. She’s willing to suffer the agony of hell to stifle Trump in his effort to “right the wrongs” in America.

GUN CONTROL STUPID: There are two reasons to be for “gun control.” Either you’re stupid, or you have an ulterior motive. That’s because NO LAW will ever stop, or even slow down “gun crime” because criminals don’t obey laws. Anti-gun fools have to know this, but they keep on making their silly, stupid laws that only get the law-abiding killed because it makes them defenseless against the millions of illegal guns out there. The ulterior motive is CONTROL. The ability to tell the rest of us what we can, and cannot do. Gun control is just the vehicle. Criminals will always get their guns, no matter what the law says. If they ever succeed in doing away with the Second Amendment, I, for one, will become a criminal when I buy a gun, illegally. and I WILL. And I'll shoot any SOB who comes to my door looking for my gun, or guns. Guaranteed.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A Dumocrat is criticizing Trump for “not solving the immigration crisis.” What unmitigated GALL! It is the DUMOCRATS who have blocked his every move to solve it, and they complain about him not solving it? What fools they are… “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill that, if it becomes law, will cancel student debt for many. Dumocrats are very good at spending someone else’s money… “Beto” O’Rourke says Trump is “gunning for war in Iran.” No Beto. Iran is the one “gunning for war” and Trump just might accommodate them, for the few days it'll take to destroy them… Every time I see a picture of AOC, her mouth is wide open. That seems like a natural pose for her. Screaming at the people who point out her stupidities… A study shows that almost no “straight” men would date a transgender “girl.” Why would they? They might as well just date a gay man. That’s what they’d be doing…

Friday, August 23, 2019

His Last Mistake

A robber came into a Family Dollar Store intending to rob it. So he pointed his gun at the clerk and demanded money. While the clerk was handing him money, he failed to notice the customer walking back from the rear of the store. That customer was a “concealed carrier” and he pulled out his gun and shot the robber to death. Big mistake. When robbing someone you gotta know what’s going on around you. If you don’t, it just might be the end for you, as it was for this robber. Or maybe not try to rob that store in the first place.

IT’S ALL ABOUT RACE!” You’d think these liberals would learn that each time they pull out the race card, everything they say after that is deleted by intelligent people because when they do, they’re admitting they have nothing they can say in opposition to what their opponents are saying. She’s saying the ONLY REASON Trump criticizes her, is because of race. To hell with the damned foolishness of what she’s saying, it has to be race. She spouts anti-Semitic drivel daily, and then has the gall to accuse her betters of racism. She just can’t understand that we’re onto her, and she just keeps it up. She’s going to be a “one-termer” because he’s alienated just about everybody we can think of.

OBAMA HATES THE RICH: Therefore, he hates himself. After getting himself elected president while having a very small net worth, like most politicians, leaves DC a rich man. How that happens on the salaries they pay, is a mystery that will only be answered if, and when, anybody investigates why. How do I know he’s rich? How do you buy a $14.8 million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard? I don’t even care if he finances it. that monthly payment will be a BEAR. Like most Dumocrats, he says he’s for the “poor.” And like all the other Dumocrats, he is rich, and nothing he does helps the poor in any way.

IS JOE CAPABLE? There is increasing concern about Joe Biden “going senile.” I know just his age doesn’t mean he is becoming senile, but the ever-growing list of his flubs shows a mind that is not functioning the way it should, no matter how old he is. That raises the question that if he actually gets elected president, with all the “reins of power” in his hands, will he be able to make decisions, or will he just dither about, hoping to make the right decisions. This is true, whether you’re a Dumocrat or a Republican. It is a serious concern. Will he be able to fulfill his duties as president, or will he accidentally start a nuclear war in his dotage? Quite frankly, I’m 82, and I wouldn’t want the weight of this entire country on my shoulders. I just don’t have the energy required of a president. I don’t know why he would want it, at his age.

COMMONALITY IN MASS SHOOTINGS: What is the same in just about every instance of a mass shooting? That’s a question asked by many in their attempts to “do something” about “gun crime.” The answer is simple: gun-free zones.” Almost every mass shooting incident has occurred IN a “gun-free zone.” Many have happened is schools, ALL of which are gun-free zones. Just about every mass gathering, such as a “rock concert,” is a DECLARED gun-free zone, even if the entire city or state in which it happens is not a gun-free zone, as is California, and many other states. California has some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, and the entire state is pretty much a gun-free zone. Then how do such things as the most recent mass shooting IN California happen? That shooter should not be able to even buy a gun, unless he has a “clean record,” up to now? And those with clean records CAN get their guns legally. But if they can’t get them legally, there’s always that guy in that back alley somewhere with all kinds of guns in the trunk of his car he will sell them, regardless of their criminal history.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Ol’ Joe” Biden is senile. He thinks he can “cure cancer” as president. Never mind the best minds in medicine have been trying, unsuccessfully, to do just that for decades. And he thinks as president, he could do it. The number of stupid Dumocrats rises daily… They “got nuthin’ on Trump.” They’re so desperate, they “resurrected” John Dean from Watergate (I thought he was dead), and predictably, he didn’t add anything to their case… Trump calls “Sleepy Joe” Biden a dummy just hours before he proves it by promising to cure cancer if he is elected… Nancy Peelosi says she’s “through fighting with Trump,” then goes on an anti-Trump tirade. I wonder if she knows the meaning of the word “through”… Biden thinks Iowans are really ignorant, and don’t know where Delaware is. I think it’s “Ol’ Joe” who doesn’t know where IOWA is without his staff telling him… 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

"Monument to White Supremacy"

That’s what fool liberals (Dumocrats) are now calling Mt. Rushmore. They say, “The faces of the four presidents (white conquerors) peer southeast toward a reservation housing vanquished Lakota, who mostly live out forgotten, impoverished lives…” Oh yes, those “poor natives” who routinely murdered settlers every day as they went about trying to “improve their lives,” as are today’s illegal aliens—but without violating the law in doing it. Indians, who delighted in torturing settlers to death in some of the most vile ways if they caught them, raping the women before murdering them, too.

SECONDARY GUN BAN”: The left can’t just ban guns. Our absolute RIGHT to be armed for self defense is guaranteed in the Constitution, which is the BASIS to which ALL our laws MUST comply, or not be a law, at all. So they do everything they can to make it impossible to USE the guns we have. From banning ammunition and doing everything they can to make ammunition impossible to get, thereby causing a “secondary gun ban,” to intimidating bankers into refusing to lend money to anybody engaged in the gun-making, or gun-selling trades, which is what they’re doing, now.

IS TRUMP A DICTATOR? The left loves to paint President Trump as a dictator, or dictator wanna-be. But Trump has displayed none of the actions of a dictator while the left HAS. If you listen to their rhetoric, you can see the “strains” of a dictatorship that plans to limit free speech and imprison enemies. Even now they want to make doubting that global warming swindle a criminal offense that can put “deniers” in prison. It’s only a step away from making it an executable offense. They want to make it a crime to disagree with the left’s position on all things—and they are not even in power. They daily call President Trump all kinds of foul names and they do not go to prison. If Trump was a dictator they would be in prison.

AND LIBERALS WENT NUTS!” You could put that down as a “boilerplate” headline because it’s one most often used, in one way or another. Every day Trump does something and they whine about it. NO matter what it is, good, or bad. If he lowers taxes, they whine about the lack of funding for their giveaway programs. If he raises taxes (not likely) they wonder about how the people will pay for it. They propose giveaway programs that will cost taxpayers $TRILLIONS of dollars, without saying who has to pay for them, and criticize Trump if he points that out. If Trump lets a fart, they complain about him “fouling the atmosphere.”

IGNORING REALITY: Liberals routinely ignore reality and pursue their silly, unworkable, stupid ideas. Example: MSNBC host Chris Matthews “heaped praise on California” for all their anti-gun laws, completely ignoring the fact that none of those laws prevented the “Gilroy Massacre.” Matthews continues to be “tone deaf” to the liberal fiascoes. If he was really honest, he’d know that none of their anti-gun laws have done a single thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but he does not. Or if he does know, he ignores it and pretends “all is well” in that liberal-dominated state that is “going down the tubes.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Peelosi wants to see Trump in prison. What the hell FOR? She can’t say, because there ISN’T any reason to send this president to prison. For what it’s worth, I’d like to see PEELOSI sent to prison. That’s just as likely to happen. If anybody deserves to be in prison it’s Nancy. She can keep Hillary company… Fool Joe Biden is now promising to cure cancer if he gets elected president, which shows graphically that he has “gone ‘round the bend.” He’s now making promises he has to know he can’t keep. Or if he thinks he can, he’s totally deluded… Another deluded Dumocrat; “Crazy Bernie” Sanders says Americans “would be delighted to pay more taxes.” Wow! He must be trying for the “stupidest Dumocrat” title… Stupidity must be in the water Dumocrats drink. Now “Ol’ Joe” Biden is saying (again) that there “wasn’t even a hint of scandal during the Obama administration.” We all know about the MANY “hints” of scandal then that never got investigated, while they “investigated” Trump to death…

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

"Restricting Freedom of Speech"

That’s what their supporters are calling Israel’s initial refusal to let Israel-hater Members of Congress in to visit one of their grandmothers. But it is NOT. First of all, Israel is not bound to respect their “freedom of speech” rights under the United states Constitution, and they are entitled to bar those who hate Israel and want it destroyed from entering. The way these bit… er, witches work, they might even be bringing in the means FOR the destruction of Israel, no matter what “offices” they hold in America. They are Palestinian partisans, and at least one IS a Palestinian. You know, the bunch who rocket bombs Israel every day?

END GUN-FREE ZONES”: They say we should end gun-free zones on campus. I agree fully. But why limit it to campus? Gun-free zones are deadly. They are an open invitation to potential mass shooters and other kinds of criminals to come in and shoot people without opposition from the law-abiding, who DO obey anti-gun laws, even if they know they are stupid. Convicted mass shooters have told us that they SEARCH OUT gun-free zones for their “dirty work” because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding there will not be armed, and thus will be defenseless while they kill them.

NOTHING TO OFFER YOU: Dumocrats are the party of criminals, who have spent most of their time in office fleecing America. They have nothing to offer you that you would want. They run many American cities, and those cities are crap holes with feces in the streets, bums (homeless) littering where feces is not (and sometimes where it is). So they just insult your intelligence by accusing Republicans (and even some Dumocrats) of racism, and even being Nazis. They even call some candidates that happen to be JEWISH Nazis, even though their ancestors were forced to wear a yellow star by Adolph Hitler, and them murdered by the millions. Since they have nothing to offer, they spend their time trying to tear down their opponents by lying about them.

MAY GOD RUIN TRUMP”: That’s what Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother says after Israel refused her granddaughter entry because she was really coming for “hate Israel” activity. This woman is a Palestinian Muslim like her daughter. So why should we give a damn what she says? Tlaib and Omar were going there to meet Palestinian groups that want to END Israel and have ties to terrorists, so as to stir up trouble, as usual. They were only using the visit to Tlab’s grandmother as “cover,” and Israel exposed that. Which, of course, angered her Palestinian grandmother.

TRUMP LOST INTEREST”: After showing an initial interest in certain kinds of gun control following a recent mass shooting, sources say President Trump is “losing interest” in gun control. He must have looked at the whole idea of gun control and rightly figures out that there is no gun control law that can actually do the job of reducing “gun crime,” so he has lost interest in it. Trump’s a smart guy, unlike all the ignorant politicians who think they can reduce gun crime by making guns harder to get legally, by the law-abiding. He is smart enough to realize that gun control is a “forlorn hope” in reducing gun crime, so why bother? Just to make it look like you’re doing something?

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Alyssa Milano calls Trump supporter Jon Voight, who has won an “Oscar,” a “has-been F-lister.” Funny, Alyssa has never made it as high as the “F-list,” while Voight has attained the heights… Mueller says “If we felt President Trump didn’t commit a crime, we’d have said so.” So the hell WHAT? If, as a prosecutor in any other case, he had made such a comment about his case, he would have been disbarred… Dana Losch took Rep. Ilian Omar down quickly after she blamed the NRA for that city employee killing 12 people with his LEGAL guns in Virginia Beach, VA. As if the NRA was actually keeping them from passing MEANINGFUL “gun control.” There ISN’T any such thing as “meaningful gun control”… President Trump’s visit to the UK “irks” the liberal media in both countries because it was very successful. The Queen was very “taken” by him, and they can’t have that…