Monday, March 25, 2019

"Seattle Is Dying"

Homelessness is way out of control in this liberal-run city, as in most liberal-run cities. It’s a city “gripped with homelessness and drug abuse. Again like most liberal-run cities. And those are not their only systemic problems. Of course, liberals will tell me I’m “cherry picking” liberal-run cities, but after a major search, I haven’t FOUND any “conservative-run cities.” Liberals do their best work in scheming their way to win local elections. My point is that liberals complain about things like drug use or homelessness without ever admitting it is THEIR policies that CREATE it. Other liberal-run cities are “scrapping” their costly liberal-created recycling programs as being “not economically feasible.”

SANDERS’ NEW HIRE: “Crazy Bernie” Sanders has hired the man who wrote the now infamous “Hugo Chavez’s Economic Miracle,” about the system that CAUSED the abysmal failure of socialism in Venezuela. This guy has previously been helping Bernie (unofficially) while working as a journalist, and deleted the evidence when it looked like he would be caught. This Hugo Chavez fanboy used to be Chavez’s campaign senior adviser and speechwriter—until the wheels fell off Hugo’s “train.”

GOING WAY TOO FAR: An “anti-male bill” in Georgia would force men to report every single “release of sperm.” That’s even more laughable than many of the other liberal demands on the people. Think about it. How would the state government ever be able to enforce such a law without delving into a man’s bedroom to catalog every time he has sex or even masturbates. Further, that is something they don’t even have a right to know. Talk about total control! If I lived there, and if this bill passed, I would be an “instant criminal” because I would tell the state to “go to hell” if they did ANYTHING to enforce this upon me. This is as ridiculous as liberals claiming that there are more than two sexes and letting MEN go into women’s restrooms if they think they’re a woman, that day.

IMPOSSIBLE POLITICS: I’m really disturbed at the direction politics is taking today. The liberal leaning toward socialism is bad enough, but the very antics of the candidates (so far, Dumocrats) are disturbing. Not their views, necessarily, but the things they do, while thinking they are “natural and normal.” We even have one Dumocrat presidential candidate who went out and ATE DIRT after losing an election, possibly to “atone” for losing. Then he sent his wife a baby turd to show her how much he loved her! Another one, who lost a governor’s election in Georgia, and who once burned the American flag, thinks it’s CRIMINAL that she lost. I just don’t know if we can survive such lunacy.

SOCIAL MEDIA DICTATORSHIP: Facebook has “suspended” Natural News for 7 days because they posted a truthful article about Flouride. And they also “suspended” the Health Ranger account permanently for their content. Whatever the hell gives Facebook the idea that they can CENSOR people without a response? There needs to be some sort of control on what these fools do so they can’t trample on the First Amendment rights of their users without a response. Of course, there is a response. Just stop using Facebook. If enough users do that, Facebook will fold for lack of members. They won’t be able to sell ads, and that’s where they get their money.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Liberals love to overstate things to make a point, even if they’re lying. That’s true of the Berkeley (of course) prof who compared Trump supporters to slave owners. What a damned fool...Liberals in Congress insist that McCabe and Rosenstein are “the salt of the Earth,” and wouldn’t do such a thing as mount a coup on President Trump. Even while seeing the evidence they absolutely did it. I guess they figure if they say it often enough, it’ll be true… Pencil Neck Adam Schiff says there’s “plenty of evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians,” but he doesn’t show us any. Because there is none. He just thinks if he says it often enough, it will be true, Show us the evidence, Pencil Neck… Joe Biden goes to Europe and tells them, “America is an embarrassment.” Actually, it is Ol’ Joe that is an embarrassment with his “wandering hands” on the nearest child…

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