Friday, February 8, 2019

Paid Anti-Gun Demonstration

In Portland, Oregon—the capital of “gun control,” they had a “massive spontaneous student demonstration” against guns. Only thing is—it wasn’t “spontaneous.” The Portland School District either PAID students to demonstrate, and/or gave them time off from school to do so while physically ORGANIZING all the “demonstrations.” I wonder how many of the students are REALLY “against guns,” or are participating because they got paid, and/or got time off from school? Frankly, I don’t trust anything the politicians in this state do. Remember, this is the state that registered UNDERAGE people to vote. They called it “pre-registration.”

ABORTION DIDN’T WORK: So they went for racism, and that looks like it might work, even though he is a Dumocrat. Virginia Governor Ralph Norman, made famous during his election campaign by falsely accusing his opponent of racism, and even running a TV ad showing a bunch of CHILDREN running away from a “sinister-looking” truck carrying an American Flag, which is how the liberals demonstrate racism—flying the American Flag. They even threw in a one-second photo of a female Muslim, “for effect.” The other day he was seen “approving” of a pro-abortion bill in his legislature that would allow doctors to MURDER a defenseless infant after birth if the mother wanted them to do so, and there was not a single ripple in the media. But seeing (maybe) him in blackface and they went bananas.

MS-13 GANG KILLING: Dumocrats say there isn’t a problem with MS-13 gang members coming into this country illegally and bringing their “out-of-control” gang activities up from Mexico with them. But their ACTIVITIES put the lie to that. Almost daily we hear of some thuggery by MS-13 members, and one of the most recent is the brazen open KILLING on a subway platform in Queens, a place where many of them congregate (Queens), and where the murder rate has risen precipitously in recent days, because they are there.

ABORTION IS NOT A RIGHT! And I don’t give a tinker’s Damn what the Supreme Court says about it. The Court that made this disastrous ruling was dominated by liberals, who LOVE to murder their offspring if they don’t want to bother raising the result of unprotected sex. In Vermont, they say their law just “codifies” what is common practice. So if MURDER is “common practice,” will their laws one day “codify” it? They say a fetus has no rights, and that’s morally WRONG. A fetus IS a human being the moment its heart starts beating, and DOES have rights. All the rights inherent in BEING a living human being.

SOAK THE RICH”: Whenever I hear that, in any form, I make sure I know who said it, so I can work to be sure that person (male or female) never gets elected, or appointed to ANYTHING, any time, because they are simply JEALOUS about somebody having more money than they do, and they want to loot them to take it away from them. They haven’t the talent or knowledge to make that much for themselves, so they want to just TAKE it away from someone who does. Anybody who favors “taxing the rich” at a higher rate than others, or laying a “rich tax” upon them are just THIEVES, and thus have no right to hold ANY elected, or appointed office in this, or any other government.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats are saying, “Trump always says it was a joke when we catch him in a lie, like the height of the burger piles. Er, maybe it’s just that they’re too stupid to realize it IS a joke… Liberal media is in a “grief stage” because their “blockbuster story” about Trump ordering Cohen to lie” was exposed as a lie, itself… “Obama 2.0?” Beto’s first ad is as empty as his suit… Yale students can now choose from 3 sexes, with “non-binary” being one of them. A good way to confuse already confused kids who used to think there were only TWO sexes. If you had a penis, it was male. A vagina, a female. “Non-binary sex” is a simple liberal construct, and doesn’t really exist. But that has never stopped liberals, before… In NYC the minimum wage is now $15 an hour and employers are cutting hours, raising prices, and laying people off, or just shutting down. And one liberal is saying, “We need 33.00 an hour!” Lesson? Don’t live or work in NYC, or anywhere else run by liberals (Dumocrats)…

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