Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Yes,It's That Stupid!

W. Palm beach, Florida police recently posted a sign that is so stupid it’s laughable. It said, “You Are Entering A No Crime Zone. Criminal Activity Prohibited.” Similarly, and with similar results, many people put up signs saying, “Gun-Free Zone,” thinking criminals, who obey NO laws, will somehow obey this one. Such notices are the result of the complete stupidity of the local politicians, as well as some well-meaning, but stupid private businesses. Worse yet, one company, “Dicks Sporting Goods, went so far s to destroy $5 million dollars’ worth of guns while announcing that they would no longer sell most types of guns—which was a $250 million dollar mistake that ought t cost the person responsible his job.

MESSING WITH US: One reason I have differences with Muslims is because they go out of their way to try and change how we do things in this country to emulate how they were in the countries they LEFT to come here. If they don’t like it here, they should go back to a country they do like, and then wipe the dust of this country off their shoes—if they wear any. I say this in response to a bunch of Muslims in Katy, Texas, who MOVED IN NEXT TO A PIG FARMER and then made trouble for him because he raised pigs—which they don’t like. They had to know there was a pig farmer next to their new property. So why did they even MOVE there? So they could hassle him? Don’t they have better things to do?

SHEP SMITH LEAVES FOX: And it’s probably the best move he could make, since his politics are so different from theirs, as a rule. He is one of the few major anchors who looks at the world through liberal glasses. He has no business being at Fox with views like that. He would be much more comfortable at CNN, where they hire KNOWN COMMUNISTS. I’m not saying he’s the only liberal to work there, but he IS one of the few with a major anchor job. He must have been becoming very uncomfortable there, which I’m sure is why he quit.

BETO’S A DAMNED FOOL: He thinks if (a BIG if) he ever becomes president (a forlorn hope with his ideas) he will have dictatorial powers and can do exactly what he wants, in spite of the law. He thinks he can just change any law he doesn’t like, at his whim. He thinks he can ignore the Constitution and “rule” by fiat. His idea that he can just “take our AR-15s is a good example of that. The Second Amendment prevents that. Now he wants to mess with our cherished laws about religion. The Constitution says we shall make NO LAWS regarding religion or the practice thereof. He wants to take away the tax exempt status of churches that disagree with him. I giggle every time I hear one of those Dumocrats bray about what they’re gonna do “when” they’re president, while none can even attain double digit support, even among other Dumocrats.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: In a major policy speech, “Sleepy Joe” Biden says Trump is “the enemy.” Actually, it’s Biden and his Dumocrat cohorts that ARE “he enemy”… AOC thinks she’s “in charge” of the Dumocrat Party now. How stupid is that? For a “Freshman congresswoman” to think she’s the boss? She’s as dumb as a box of rocks and somebody with authority needs to tell her that, and simultaneously “take her down a few notches” President Trump is just the man to do itDumb butt congresswoman Rashida Tlaib says, “We’re going to impeach the motherf—ker,” meaning Trump. Boy, is she deluded! More likely she is going to be recalled for stupidity. Right after AOC… Ilhan Omar says, “I love this country more than anybody who was born here.” Really? Then why don’t you start acting like it, instead of finding fault with everything you encounter? What a stupid bimbo this is…

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