Thursday, October 3, 2019

Another Day, Another Assault

I just wrote a story about a high school student, fergawdsake who thought she had a right to slap a “MAGA hat” off the head of another student and even slap a teacher who tried to intervene. she’s facing charges over that, but that brings up the fact that Dumocrats are actively PROMOTING such attacks, which makes them just another bunch of thugs, in my book. If you slap a hat off my head, you’re gonna get a fistful of knuckles. Bet on it!

JUST SHUT HIM UP: Liberals are frightened at the things Rudy Giuliani is saying when he appears on cable news, so now they’re mounting a campaign to stop them from having him on. They’re even more frightened about what President Trump reveals in his Tweets, so now they want Twitter to suspend his account. As if they could, without massive consequences, not necessarily from him. They’ll always tell you what scares them. They’ll want to ban it, or shut it up.

WELL, IT’S BEGUN: “Crazy Bernie” is way too old to even consider becoming president, and it has now become apparent, with his recent heart attack (which Dumocrats insist was NOT a heart attack). As someone who has gone that route himself, I can confidently say it WAS a heart attack, and as such, it was a “death sentence” for anybody who takes on such a high-tension job as president of the United States. I know I wouldn’t chance it, and he shouldn’t either, so he would not join the ranks of those who died in office.

GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT”: Now liberals are saying not “knuckling under” to their demands for more useless gun control is “grounds for impeachment.” In their fevered search for “grounds for impeachment,” what’s next? If he uses a car to get places instead of walking, will they declare that to be “grounds for impeachment?” If he eats a hamburger and drinks his drink through a plastic straw, will they declare that “grounds for impeachment?” Nancy and Pencil Neck are now saying they don’t want the impeachment inquiry to go on for months. Actually, they hope against hope to get him impeached before the 2020 elections, for sure. After that, it will be a moot point.

WHAT RISING GUN CRIME?” The anti-gun fools like to tell us that “gun crime” is “out of control,” and rising. That’s a LIE. But it’s only one of many they’ve been telling for a long time. They’ve been caught telling lies many times, as well as inflating figures simply by changing the way they calculate them. As with the global warming/climate change swindle, they’ve based their whole campaign on a lie. The globe hasn’t been warming for almost 20 years, and gun crime is DOWN, according to the FBI, which is the best authority around, in spite of their attempts to derail this president, even before he could be elected. That was only the top guns, not those “in the trenches,” where the real work is done.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Madonna says, “Jesus would agree with women having abortions.” How stupid is this bimbo? From what I’ve seen of Jesus, he would not be for ANYTHING that caused needless deaths or sufferingJust watching anti-Trump crap coming from the mouth of a member of the “Black Caucus” in Congress. How the hell do they get away with such stuff? What would happen if somebody started a “White Caucus?” There’d be a riot… Biden doesn’t want to be president. I’m now convinced of it. He has announced that he will repeal Trump’s tax cuts “on day one” if he is elected president. He can’t be stupid enough to believe that will get him elected… AOC was invited to see a real concentration camp and refused. She wants to remain ignorant, I guess… The most recent woman who accused Trump of sexual impropriety won’t give a reason why she won’t press charges. I guess it’s because she knows she can’t prove them and just wants to sell her book…

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