Friday, October 11, 2019

It's Nunaya Bizness!"

I’m not a big Fan of Ellen DeGeneris. Not because she “came out” as a lesbian on national TV. That’s her business, and it’s not mine to criticize. It’s because she’s a liberal. But again, it’s not my place to criticize her for that. She’s a liberal, I’m a conservative. So be it. That’s her right, and it is my right to be a conservative and not watch her show. She was “given hell” by other liberals because she was seen sitting beside former President Bush at a sports game. So what? It’s her right to associate with whomever she pleases, and nobody has a right to criticize her for it. You CAN be friendly with people with whom you disagree politically If not, I’d be required to disassociate myself with my son, who disagrees with almost all of my thinking. But I won’t be doing that.

ENVIRONMENTAL WHACKO PARADISE: The California governor has blamed President Trump for all his state’s problems, and his claims are without base, as usual. There hasn’t been a Republican “fingerprint” on ANY of the liberal idiocies he and his liberal friends have imposed on California, much less Trump’s. It’s all their fault, and they can attempt to shift blame all they want for such things as gasoline prices approaching $6.00, but that doesn’t make it true. Liberals are good at blaming others for their own failings, but it’s hard to argue with the numbers. I am so glad I don’t live there, any more.

DON’T WAIT FOR EVIDENCE: The Dumocrats never wait for the evidence before they make outlandish charges against President Trump. They hope when the evidence does come out to prove them wrong, it won’t be believed, because their false claims will have been repeated often enough to have become “the mainstream.” This is especially true regarding their incessant charges of sexual impropriety applied to Republicans in hopes of ruining them before the world realizes there is NO BASIS to their “charges.”

THE FUND RAISING FIASCO: Several Dumocrat presidential candidates have raised multi-million dollar “war chests” in their efforts to unseat President Trump. They’re thrilled about that. They’ve raised up to $25 million dollars to win a contest where they get paid $200,000 a year. Stupid. But meanwhile, President Trump, the guy Dumocrats think the whole country hates as much as they do, has raised $125 million dollars to help him keep his job another four years. That this doesn’t tell the Dumocrats anything is instructive. Even Hillary, who has lost the last two presidential elections, thinks she can beat Trump “again,” even though she hasn’t done it even once, according to the law.

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: The Dumocrats are always talking about “election interference,” when the biggest “election interference” is theirs. Tell me that an “impeachment inquiry,” which is extra legal the way they’re doing it, just before the midterm election is NOT “election interference.” And when it comes to asking a foreign government for help in interfering with an election—which they are trying to pin on Trump, they are provably GUILTY of it with the “Steele Dossier.” They’re good at blaming others for what THEY are doing.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I know it’s just a conversation starter, but I get tired of getting e-mails asking of Trump should resign to keep from being impeached. It’s a question that is stupid on its face. Trump has done NOTHING for which he should be impeached, and therefore he should not even consider resigning. But they keep asking this question… “Controversial” soccer star Megan Rapinoe thinks President Trump “hates” her girlfriend. Whatever makes her think Donald Trump even knows she exists? Let alone hate her, or even care. President Trump hasn’t got time to “hate” people like this. He has a country to run, not just a game to winRep. Frederica Wilson thinks people who ridicule members of Congress should be prosecuted. I think members of Congress should be punished for being seen in public wearing silly little toy cowboy hats…

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