Thursday, October 10, 2019

Twisting the Numbers

The anti-gun fools always get numbers that favor their position by twisting the figures to suit themselves. Example: self defense killings are reported by them as “murder.” Suicide (the biggest number) is not separated from other kinds of gun deaths and is used routinely to inflate the numbers. They have a large segment labeled “other” that includes unintentional deaths, law-enforcement shootings, or deaths from “undetermined circumstances.” But they are still “reported” as “gun deaths.” There don’t seem to be enough REAL numbers for them to cite, so they twist the numbers they can to support their position.

WHY DO THEY DO IT? I’ve been asking myself for a long time, why do the anti-gun fools keep making those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that only make it easier for the lawless to victimize the law-abiding? They have to be aware of the fact that none of their laws or regulations have ever stopped a single miscreant from using their ILLEGAL guns to victimize the law-abiding by disarming them? You can make all the laws you want to stop the law-abiding from getting guns, but you’ll never stop the lawless from getting their guns illegally. Wherever the anti-gun laws are the tightest, the black market in illegal guns gets stronger. But it’s all about the power to order us around. At least the law-abiding.

NRA “INCITING VIOLENCE?” How stupid are people who believe that? It is obvious that what NRA does is stand up for a constitutional right, while teaching people the SAFE operation of guns, That is in NO WAY an “incitement to violence.” By doing that, they’re also standing up for SELF DEFENSE against the millions of ILLEGAL GUNS already out there. Standing up for self defense does NOT make them a “terrorist organization,” as San Francisco seems to think. They can’t answer the cogent questions the NRA ask, so they try to “criminalize them” in the minds of gullible people. Word is that 32% of Dumocrats asked think NRA is “inciting violence.” That means 68% believe otherwise. And it is that 68% that is right.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”: I guess gun control depends on how you define the word “infringed.” Infringed means blocking something by WHATEVER MEANS. Anti-gun fools don’t define it that way as they go about doing everything in their power to “infringe” on gun ownership for the law-abiding. The Constitution (to which ALL LAWS must conform) clearly states that “the right of a free people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” That means ANY law that infringes on gun ownership is null and void, is no law at all. They recognize that they cannot just BAN guns altogether, so they do everything they can to make gun ownership impossible for the average person.

DELUDED ANTI-GUN PROFESSOR: He seems to think that background checks could have prevented Sandy Hook massacre. He is deluded if he thinks that. The shooter first murdered his own mother, then STOLE a gun or guns from her. How a background check would have had any effect on that is a mystery. At no time did this killer EVER have an opportunity to stand for a background check. He wanted to commit a dastardly crime, so he STOLE the gun or guns used. This “researcher” also thinks better mental health research will not have much of an effect on “gun crime.” In that, he’s wrong, too. Better mental health WOULD help reduce such crimes by better being about to recognize murderous Intent in a person and “take him out of the game” before he can carry them out.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Oberlin College says it should not be punished for the actions of its students. Yes, it should, because it ENCOURAGED the actions of its students… University in Australia is offering a PhD in heavy metal music. A PhD, fergawdsakes! And they charge “big bucks” for this foolishness… Bankrupting America. When asked if they supported FREE HEALTH CARE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS, each and EVERY 2020 Dumocrat presidential candidate raised his/her hand… “Sleepy Joe” Biden says Trump is “the bully I’d smack in the mouth.” Right! And you’d get your teeth handed to you next… Colin Kaepernick says America is the “worst country on Earth.” So let’s send him to whatever other country he thinks is better. We don’t need his stupidity here…

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