Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Rudy Under Investigation?

So what? It’s easy to “investigate” people if you think they are an impediment to your wishes, Just lie and “start an investigation.” Like they’ve been doing for years with President Trump. There re many such “investigations” ongoing in DC all the time, almost all of them are imply political ploys, designed to stop those people from being effective in investigating the people “investigating” them. Which is the case with Rudy Giuliani. He is so effective, liberals (Dumocrats) want desperately to blunt his efforts, and now they are putting out rumors that he is “under investigation.” If those rumors turn out to be true, that doesn’t mean he is guilty of any wrongdoing, it just means his enemies are trying something new.

BROTHER DEAD, SISTER MAD: This Dayton, Ohio woman’s brother stuck a gun in the face of a clerk in a retail store and demanded money. Whereupon the clerk pulled his own gun and shot the guy to death, which enraged his brother and sister who, apparently, thought the clerk should have just given up the money or let their brother shoot and kill him. I’ve seen many examples of human stupidity, but this is one of the worst. You try an armed robbery and you risk getting killed. End of story. Your sister can gripe all she wants, but “that’s the facts, ma’am.”

HILLARY: THE DESPOT: Hillary Clinton, far from giving up in her wish to be the person who runs this country for a long time, also wants to be, not its president, but its dictator. That has become obvious from her latest wish to be talked about. She thinks the Constitution should be shredded, which would given her total power IF—she can con her way finally into winning the election or getting that office in any other way, legal or illegal. Other Dumocrats agree with her in her wish to “shred the Constitution,” as they have shown by the unconstitutional things they have promised, if THEY can get elected. They think their ideas will get them elected, and they’re wrong. Hillary thinks she can whip Trump this time, and she’s going to be very disappointed when he wipes her off center stage. Again.

NOT EVEN A “SCIENTIST”: Global Warming/Climate Change fools are now calling actress Jane Fonda a “scientist,” and are saying she has “been a scientist for many years.” What a joke! This woman is no more a scientist than is that teenage little girl who screamed at the UN. If that’s the kind of “scientist” they recognize, no wonder they believe such stupidity. They talk about scientists “agreeing” with their fantasies, but the ones that do are “bought and paid for” with grants to find reasons to back up their imaginings.

DEMOCRATS AS DESPOTS: Everything I’ve heard out of the mouths of Dumocrats tells me how despotic is their thinking. All they want to do is ban this, that, and the other. Beto wants to “come for your guns; all the other Dumocrats promise to “come for your guns,” too, one way or the other. Others want to repeal the Second Amendment; Hillary Clinton wants to “shred the Constitution.” Every day comes some new despotic wish declared by a Dumocrat. And they want your money to finance it. They have PROMISED, if elected, they will repeal Trump’s tax cuts and raise them even more. Everything they propose will, in some way, hurt us terribly.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A recent poll shows AOC to be the most recognizable Dumocrat in a swing state. I’m not surprised, since she’s got the biggest mouth among them. And that takes a lot… Ilhan Omar thinks American born people are not as patriotic as she is. With every such pronouncement, she illustrates her total IGNORANCE of what patriotism IS… “Drop and give me ten.” That’s what former VP Biden says he might say to President Trump if he questioned his abilities. As usual, he talks a lot of smack, but can’t deliver. If he ever does say that to Trump, Trump, who is a lot younger and in better shape, would “thump” him, as he is doing to all Dumocrats every day… House Minority Leader Kevin Mc Carthy says he believes the four members of what I call “The Coven” love this country, but they prove themselves that they do not, every time one of them opens her blow-hole…

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