Friday, October 25, 2019

The Ongoing Coup Attempt

There is an ongoing attempt at a coup, in which a duly elected president is to be torn from his lawful office and returned to private life. There is no legal reason for this. He has done no wrong, except to have beaten the best (or worst) the Dumocrats could do to defeat him. For that, they hate him with a passion. To make things worse, he doesn’t operate the same ways that normal politicians do. They can’t predict what he will do in any situation and therefore he defeats them at every turn, making them madder. Worse yet again, he regularly does things the Dumocrats could not do, or would not do. He has brought the economy back to high levels, something Obama defended his inability to do by telling us “the good days are gone,” and we’d better get used to it.

FINALLY FIGHTING BACK: The Dumocrats have pretty much had it their own way for the last almost three years as they conducted “investigation after investigation” into President Trump, with no results. They’d like to find ANYTHING they can use to unseat him before he is able to fully achieve his major promise, to “drain the swamp,” but after three years of trying, they have come up with NOTHING. Because there is nothing there. Trump seems to be something they just don’t understand, a “squeaky clean” politician. They figure every politician has something they can use to “get rid of him” if they want to. After all, isn’t that true with most Dumocrats? “Pencil Neck” Schiff is now holding SECRET hearings, behind closed doors, in his effort to get rid of Trump before Trump can find out what he is hiding, and Republicans finally have had enough, and “stormed” the meeting, forcing “Pencil Neck” to flee.

PRESIDENT PENCIL NECK?” I think that’s his ultimate goal. He hopes first to bamboozle us enough to actually get rid of President Trump, then work his way into a place where he can be “appointed” president. Then he hopes he can become “president for life.” It’s a pipe dream, and there’s no way it could ever happen. The other Dumocrats want to impeach and remove Trump, then appoint Nancy Peelosi (or Hillary) to be VP. Then impeach and remove Pence, so then Nancy will be president. Coup successful. Think that’s outlandish and can never happen? Maybe. But that’s the way the Dumocrats think.

TARGETING THE LAW-ABIDING: The very targets to which all anti-gun laws are aimed, are wrong. They are the law-abiding, who are NOT the problem. The problem is the law-BREAKERS, who just ignore all their anti-gun laws, and get their guns illegally, or just steal them. They’re criminals, after all. They don’t obey ANY laws. So how are their highly-touted anti-gun laws ever going to stop, or even slow down “gun crime?” They will NOT. But when we point these things out, the anti-gun fools just ignore us, and go right on making their stupid, unenforceable anti-gun laws that don’t work, in any way, to limit “gun violence.”

DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! What? What the hell should we DO to stop gun violence? Banning certain types of guns, or banning guns period will never work. We ban “assault rifles” (whatever they are) and we still have mass shootings using them. And mass shootings, no matter how terrible they are, only account for a small number of the people killed by guns each year. An even larger of people are killed by gang violence, and “assault rifles” are rarely used for that. They use guns obtained ILLEGALLY, since most gang members aren’t even old enough to be able to buy guns legally. Then there are the criminal types, who use their guns specifically to victimize the law-abiding, whom they are pretty sure will be unarmed, because, after all, they’re “law-abiding,” which means they abide by the law—which criminals do not.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A “trans male” is complaining that women’s feminine hygiene products are “women oriented.” No sh-t… The Dumocrats are reconsidering sexual predator Al Franken. since they don’t have any other decent candidates. So they’re “scraping the bottom of the barrel”… Z-list, former A-list “Hollywood Star,” Bette Milder apparently wants to make a fool of herself again. She has said she is a “write-in candidate” for president in 2020. She really thinks she has a chance. How stupid is that? With all the real Dumocrats running, she will get lost in the crowd. None of them has a chance, and her less than any… Because President Trump insists on enforcing the law, “Beto” O’Rourke blames him for the El Paso killings. Damn, what stupidity! And this fool thinks he has what it takes to be president…

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