Thursday, October 24, 2019

"Despicable" Democrats

The Dumocrats quickly jumped all over President Trump for describing the attempts to unseat him as a “lynching,” saying Trump is “a despicable human being” for so describing it. Of course, that forgets entirely that fat boy Jerry Nadler said exactly the same thing about the impeachment of Bill Clinton. So Did Joe Biden. Their memories seem to be very short, or non-existent. But in this case, it IS an attempted “political lynching” having no evidential basis. In Clinton’s case, there was real evidence of wrongdoing in his LYING to Congress. He just knew where all the bodies were buried, probably having buried a few, himself.

SWAMP “INVESTIGATES” COPS: The cops being President Trump and his associates. The swamp being every politician who takes swipes at Trump without any kind of evidence, and institute “investigations” in search of a crime—which they have not found, in almost three years of trying. The best known swamp members are Jerry (Nads) Nadler, Adam (Pencil Neck) Schiff, and Nancy Peelosi. There are many more, who I will not name because I don’t want to give them any publicity. All their “investigations” find out is that there is nothing in Trump’s past, anywhere, that will give them an excuse to impeach him. But impeach him they will, with or without “evidence.”

PRETENDING OUTRAGE: Black Dumocrats are pretending to be “outraged” and “hurt” by President Trump’s calling the ongoing actions against him a “lynching.” This, of course, completely ignores the fact that they had nothing to say when Dumocrats called the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying to Congress a “lynching” without a word being said. I guess the only time they are “outraged” is when Trump says it. It might not go unnoticed if it was only limited to this one situation, but it’s not. Everything they object to when Trump says it, it seems they have said, themselves, in the past. And they are only “outraged” because Trump said it.

HILLARY A THIRD TIME? That gal must love being whipped. Both Trump and Obama have “beat her like a drum.” And rumor has it that she wants to come back for more. She’s a lousy campaigner and would make a lousy president if (BIG if) she ever actually got elected. With 20 or more candidates now, the Dumocrats still haven’t got anybody they think can beat Trump. So they’re desperately looking for a “superhero” somewhere that can actually do it. On Trump’s part, he is happy to “thump” anybody they put up. This election is his to lose. The only person who can beat Trump is Trump, and I don’t think he’s going to do that.

WHY BELIEVE POLLS? Actually, there is never any reason to believe the polls because they are universally used to drive the news and make you think what the politicians want you to think. Yes, there are some polls that are correct, but they are few and far between. Dumocrats pay for polls that skew the results in several ways. One way is to only ask Dumocrats what they think. A good example of that are polls that say that a majority of Americans agree with their gun control aims, while Americans fight, “tooth and nail” to stop them. Another is to frame the questions so as to get the answers they want.

WE MUST BAN ABORTIONS! If we are to ban anything that causes too many deaths, as liberal (Dumocrats) think, we must ban abortions. They are ABOUT death. In the State of Maryland alone there have been 17,210 deaths by abortion. And all those deaths are innocent babies before they have time to commit any crimes. Meanwhile, there were only 1,041 deaths by gun, and some of them are even questionable, having been self-defense shootings. That’s a ratio of 16: 5-1. There’s no comparison. We must ban abortions. Right now, before we murder a baby that will be the next Einstein if allowed to live.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They called the recent Dumocrat debates a debate between extremist and “moderate” Dumocrats. Actually, they’re all socialists and are only fighting about how specifically they are going to fleece us… Liberals recently asked a bunch of CHILDREN who should be president, and Donald Trump’s name was not on the list of people they suggested. Which begs the question: “What the hell do kids know?” They listen to liberal news every day, so the hate for Trump is conditioned into them. They don’t know any better… Tom Arnold can’t wait until he can stand over Trump’s dead body after he shoots him dead. He gets stupider, every day. Wait. Isn’t that a “terroristic threat?” There’s a law against that. Maybe we should put Arnold in prison. He can’t act worth a damn, and he’s stupid, to boot

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