Wednesday, October 9, 2019

"A One-Trick Pony"

That’s the Dumocrat Party today. They couldn’t care less about anything except “getting rid of” President Trump, no matter what they have too to make that happen. The only problem with that is that Trump is one of then last remaining completely honest politicians—and the Dumocrats can’t understand that. None of their Dumocrat politicians are “squeaky clean” in that department. They think they WILL still uncover wrongdoing on Trump’s part if they keep trying. Only problem is, they’ve been trying steadily for almost three years, to the exclusion of everything else, with no results. they’ve tried everything they can think of, to no avail. They’ve revealed something we already knew, but which a lot of people didn’t know. That is that their ONLY interest is themselves—not the electorate.

THE HEIGHTS OF ARROGANCE: Yasir Hadh is a Muslim Imam who lives in America. He was recently heard to say—on TV-- that “Christians and Jews are little better than feces and urine and, if they don’t convert to Islam, their life and property is ours for the taking.” This is “conservative Islamic thinking?” This is the thinking of the Islamic “leadership,” which is evil. Jesus warned us about “false religions” and this is what he was talking about. Unfortunately, there are way too many people who have bought into their bull droppings. They don’t deserve the treatment their “leaders” have earned, and their “leaders” who think this way don’t deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

NOBEL STUPIDITY: The people running the Nobel Prize awards are stupid. They have proven it, again by even considering giving the award to a teenager, for ranting about something about which she knows nothing. They proved it before by awarding it to then President Obama—for NOTHING. For what they figured he would do in the future—which he didn’t. Greta Thunberg, like all teenagers, is too young to know ANYTHING, yet she is treated as if she actually is an “expert” on the subject of her rants. This ignorant little girl is LOST without the printed scripts written by her “handlers,” that she has used in previous “speaking engagements” and is supporting a billion dollar SWINDLE.

WHY WON’T THEY ANSWER? I continue to ask anti-gun fools why they insist on DISARMING the populace in the face of the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there in the hands of people who want to victimize the law-abiding. But I get no answers. Instead, I get insulted and called names, like “gun lover.” The very idea of disarming potential gun violence victims is illogical, But they won’t admit it, and never even TRY to justify their efforts to do so. In addition, their efforts to disarm potential “gun crime” victims has resulted in more and more violent crime, perpetrated upon those who OBEY their inane anti-gun laws.

THE $250 MILLION MISTAKE: Anti-gun laws are useless. They do NOTHING to reduce gun violence. In fact, they make things worse by disarming those who are not likely to use them to violate the law, leaving them completely defenseless against those who WILL. Dicks Sporting Goods bought the lies fed them by the anti-gun fools and stopped selling guns, which cost them $250 million dollars in sales of all sorts of things, since gun owners just stopped buying from them. Whichever executive who made this stupid move should be FIRED. And blackballed, so he (or she) can never be in a position to make such a stupid decision, and cost any company that kind of money.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Every “crisis” the Dumocrats complain about at the southern border is CREATED by them so they can use them politically. Never mind some people die because of it. They don’t care about that. In fact, they like that, because they can use the deaths to promote themselves… Joe Biden says, “If we allow Trump another four years, he will fundamentally change the United States.” One can only hope he will. It certainly hasn’t been much under liberal Dumocrats… Dumocrat Rep. Frederica Wilson, wearing her toy cowboy hat, is calling for prosecution of people who make fun of members of Congress. How about lyingly making fun of the legally-elected president? She really thinks the government is sufficiently dictatorial as to be able to do that without a revolution…

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