Monday, October 14, 2019

Putting Democrats On Trial

Dumocrats think they’re “moving right along” in their effort to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but what they’re doing is “sealing their own doom.” President Trump has done exactly the right thing by refusing to cooperate with their “impeachment inquiry” until they actually come up with REAL “articles of impeachment,” at which time, if they do, it gives him the right to subpoena Dumocrats as witnesses. The ball then does not remain in the Dumocrat’s court. He then has a legal right to defend himself, and they don’t want that. They will resist it, at all costs, while accusing him of “obstructing justice” for insisting they obey the law in their efforts to unseat him.

FIVE DAMNING E-MAILS: There are supposed to be five e-mails on Hillary’s server that give advice on how to murder Chris Stevens. Meanwhile, I have heard of NO effort to investigate this. Why? Because she is a Dumocrat? It’s not the first time “officials” in DC have refused to properly investigate anything regarding Hillary. If they ever did, she’d end up in prison. Bet on it. It’s how most Dumocrats stay out of prison. Keep investigations about them from even starting. It’s how Joe Biden is staying out of prison, along with his son. By claiming that ANY investigation into a presidential candidate is “election interference” while supporting efforts to impeach a sitting resident who happens to be the one he’s running against.

ANTI-GUN INSANITY: Talk about “doubling down!” The anti-gun fools are so damned insane that they have now entered the world of complete lunacy. A little girl pointed a FINGER at a classmate, pretending it’s a gun, and they charged her with a felony, then led her away in handcuffs! How is it remotely possible for a 12-year-old CHILD to hurt anybody with her FINGER? The person who charged her needs to be locked up in a loony bin and forgotten. Talk about overreaching! And if there’s a judge, anywhere, who will agree to this fiasco, that judge needs to join that prosecutor in the loony bin. All involved in charging this innocent little girl with a felony need to be locked up with them.

TESTIFYING ON PAPER: The so-called “whistleblower” who is raising the Dumocrat hopes for impeachment wants to “testify” with written testimony, never giving Trump the opportunity for cross-examination, as is usually required by law, and then Constitution. Nothing could be more stupid. This so-called “whistleblower” might not even exist! And refusing to identify him/her while trying to use him/her to bring down a president is CRIMINAL. This would be as wrong as allowing an anonymous woman to accuse a politician, or anybody else of sexual impropriety while her identity is kept a secret, so the accused cannot “confront his accuser” as is normally required by law. Use of an unnamed accuser should be against the law, and is, in normal criminal cases.

IGNORANCE DRIVES THEM: I’ve always wondered what drives the anti-gun fools, and I think I’ve finally figured it out. It’s stupidity. They want to disarm everybody in the country, and they cannot. There are millions of illegal guns already out there in the hands of criminals, crazies, and Islamic terrorists and their followers. And more being sold or stolen, daily. You’ll notice that most of them are Dumocrats, and they plan on later coming for what’s yours, using laws that are criminal, in themselves. They don’t worry about the criminals, crazies, or Islamic terrorists because they regard them a “kindred spirits.” Notice how liberals kowtow to them in all they do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I don’t have much use for that purple haired bimbo on the women’s US soccer team, but I do think that the team with the most wins needs to earn the most money because they did the best job… Kamala Harris is giving Biden a hard time, saying he’s racist, while wishing to spend $100 million on black home ownership. What about whites? Now that’s racist whether she knows it, or not… Nancy Peelosi says immigrants are not breaking the law in coming to the United States and asking for asylum. She’s right. But when they enter illegally and then ignore their court dates and disappear, they BECOME criminals and illegal aliens… AOC is shocked we’d actually think she accused Peelosi of racism. But unfortunately for her, we have her on video doing just that… “Crazy Bernie” Sanders thinks his socialism is “centrist.” He is deluded if he believes that. But then, he always has been deluded

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