Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Missing the Criminals

The Governor of New Jersey has just signed an executive order aimed at gun manufacturers, which is just one more measure that does that. There is not a single anti-gun law that affects criminals in a bad way. They only affect the law-abiding, while he law-breakers just IGNORE them and victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey them, even if they are stupid. And they are—all of them. Because they target the very people who are the VICTIMS of the criminals who simply use ILLEGAL guns to victimize them.

WHISTLEBLOWER: 2020 ELECTION INTERFERENCE: The Dumocrats are interfering with the 2020 election, right out in the open, with their “whistleblower accusation” that has given the Dumocrats an EXCUSE to impeach the president, right before the election that can keep him in office for another four years. Or remove him from office, leaving the presidency open to the Dumocrats to continue their efforts to fleece America. They’ll deny it to their dying day, but this is the most blatant “coup” I’ve ever seen in America. The Dumocrats are pretending they are “enforcing the law,” but they are the suspects in this case, not then prosecutors. Their favorite phrase is, “Nobody is above the law.” But that doesn’t seem to apply to Dumocrats.

CROOKS MAKIN’ LIKE COPS: Former NY mayor and current personal attorney to the president Rudy Giuliani has been subpoenaed by that infamous House committee because they claim he ADMITTED to asking a foreign government head for “dirt” on one of the president’s possible opponents in 2020. Something that still needs to be proven to have any weight, at all. But they don’t care bout that, they’ll use it, anyway. The chairman of that committee is “hip deep” in the mud of the swamp, and he is pretending to be the “cop” in the piece, subpoenaing a LAWYER to turn over privileged information.

STAB-PROOF KNIFE”: The British are going around in circles, trying to make up for their mistake in almost banning the private ownership of guns, completely. When they did it, that signaled a massive increase in “knife crime.” So do they try and make up for that mistake? Not a chance. Now they’re pushing the idea of “round pointed knives” so people can’t stab with them. That’s as stupid as all the ideas that preceded it. People who want to do bad things with knives will find a way. Bet on it. They’ll either sharpen their round-pointed knives to a point, or use them to slash. Either way, they’re still deadly. And guns? they’ll simply get theirs ILLEGALLY.

IT’S NOT RACIST! A student at Union Mine High School in El dorado, California thought she had the right to slap a “MAGA hat” off the head of another student, then slap a teacher who tried to intervene. She declared, as usual without proof, that the hat was “a racist and hateful symbol.” But it is NOT. She has been TAUGHT that by the liberals all around her, who have DECIDED that hat is racist, to justify them doing just this kind of thing. That hat is merely a POLITICAL symbol, referencing our duly elected president. Dumocrat politicians have FOSTERED such violence by telling citizens to “confront Trump people in pubic and make them feel uncomfortable.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A Dumocrat is criticizing Trump for “not solving the immigration crisis.” What unmitigated GALL! It is the DUMOCRATS who have blocked his every move to solve it, and they complain about him not solving it? What fools they are… “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren has introduced a bill that, if it becomes law, will cancel student debt for many. Dumocrats are very good at spending someone else’s money… “Beto” O’Rourke says Trump is “gunning for war in Iran.” No Beto. Iran is the one “gunning for war” and Trump just might accommodate them… Every time I see a picture of AOC, her mouth is wide open. That seems like a natural pose for her. Screaming at the people who point out her stupidities… A study shows that almost no “straight” men would date a transgender “girl.” Why would they? They might as well just date a gay man. That’s what they’d be doing…

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