Thursday, April 16, 2020

Won't Let You Sing

But they’ll kill your baby for you. In Mendocino, California, they have banned singing in church unless the services are virtual services and the singers are at home. Meanwhile, California has deemed boozing, liquor stores, and killing babies as “essential services,” I begin to wonder at the SANITY of the politicians making those decisions. I’ve never looked upon baby murder as an “essential service” any time. And I look at politicians who support it as murderers. There are way too many politicians taking too many liberties with our rights, using the Coronavirus as an excuse, most of them Dumocrats.

THE COUP THAT FAILED: What you have been witnessing for the last three years, is a “failed coup” designed to unseat a legally-elected president. We may have had some before this, but this one is the most obvious there has ever been, if people will just open their eyes and see it. Dumocrats thought Donald Trump was just doing a publicity stunt when he announced, for the second time, a run for president. They continued their usual “dirty tricks” designed, as usual, to get their “hand-picked candidate,” Hillary Clinton, elected, so they could continue fleecing the nation. She lost, and the Dumocrats are still in a coma.

IS TRUTH COMING OUT? They’re saying now that they “have confidence” that the Coronavirus did not come from that “wet market,” but emanated from a Chinese research facility, not on purpose, but by accident, through sloppy practices. They’re working hard to make us believe it was NOT an “environmental weapon,” released on the rest of the world, so the world will not turn totally against them. I noticed in several news reports about it, they pushed HARD on the idea that it was NOT a bio weapon. Methinks they might protest too much. But we’ll see, as further information filters out. I do know communist China is not above releasing it as a bio weapon if they thought it would be to their advantage to do so. I know it killed a lot of Chinese, but their communist government doesn’t care about that.

MUST BE DOING GOOD: I’ve been hearing contradictory “news items” out of DC concerning the possible firing of Dr. Fauci. Some people are saying Fauci is dangerous, while others are saying he is an exemplary authority in this virus panic. Trump actually contributed to it by retweeting a tweet calling for his firing. But later he came out with a statement saying he had no intention of firing him, which made the speculation worse. Normally when a politician says something he will not do, I wonder if he really means he will do it. But Trump is not your usual politician, I think when he makes such a solid statement, he means it.

TIME TO REOPEN AMERICA? They’re asking, “Is it time to reopen America?” Which is a ridiculous question. The American economy should never have been “closed.” This closure has caused more trouble than it is worth, and it has become more troublesome than the virus panic. Yes, millions of people have died of the virus, but destroying our way of life for the living is not the way to go. The economy could have been left open and guidelines given for how to go about being out in public, instead of just shutting things down, which wasn’t too bright. Again I say I’m not a “blind follower” of President Trump in all things, and this decision on his part is the wrong one.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Dumocrats say “believe all women” unless they accuse a Dumocrat, of course. Which is why the accusation against Joe Biden is being ignored while they’re still claiming sexual misconduct by a Supreme Court Justice… NJ governor says, “It’s above my pay grade” when asked if his “close down” order was constitutional. What? Maintaining the Constitution is NOT above any governor’s pay grade. It is there to guide him in NOT violating human rights. He cannot deny that… CNN’s Jim (Stupid) Acosta says Trump is “scapegoating” communist China when they ARE the source of this virus, and that cannot be denied, since it plainly STARTED there, and they lied about it…

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