Thursday, April 30, 2020

Frustration City

The anti-gun fools must be frustrated. IF all their anti-gun laws are actually meant to do what they claim they’re supposed to do. None of them has ever worked that way. What they HAVE worked to do is make it easier for the lawless, who do NOT obey laws, to victimize the law-abiding with their ILLEGAL guns. I am frustrated because, no matter how often I ask them why they continue to make their useless, unenforceable, anti-gun laws if they DON’T work the way they say they will, I get no answer. Just more insults. They are further frustrated when some lawmakers, who are obviously smarter than they are, refuse to make more of their silly laws. They accuse them of “doing nothing about gun control, but that raises the question: what SHOULD they do?

FLYNN: DEMOCRAT VICTIM: General Flynn ought to be lauded as a war hero and thanked profusely for his exemplary service to this nation. Instead, he has been framed into a prison term and ruined financially by the Dumocrats, for their own spurious purposes. He was “questioned” incessantly, going over the same things many times, hoping to trip him into a misstatement they could make into “a lie to the FBI so they could make an example of him and make President Trump look bad. They finally did it. They found SOMETHING they could “get him” on, and sent him to prison, the final insult just short of killing him.

CHURCHES AREN’T “ESSENTIAL SERVICES?” In many places, they’re banning church services while allowing liquor stores and WalMarts to remain open. What ignorance is this? Surely even the most stupid of politicians can see that church is much more important to the religious than liquor is. Yes, to those who look upon liquor as a palliative in these trying ties think liquor is “essential.” But it is not. Those who look to liquor instead of church are only giving themselves a means to forget what is worrying them. Liquor does not “comfort” them. It just lets them forget their problems for a while. But they are still there when they “sober up.”

PELOSI’S LYSOL LIE: President Trump was “thinking out loud” in a conference with his doctor advisers when he mentioned the use of disinfectants in combating the virus. He never advised anybody to INJECT disinfectants into their bodies. That was entirely Peelosi’s idea and came from a purposeful misunderstanding of what he actually said. Of course she did it to distract from the effects of her “Marie Antionette style” ice cream stupidity that revealed, for all to see, how completely out of touch and elitist she is. This old bat needs to be sent out of pasture to keep her from doing any more damage than she already has.

AMERICA’S WORST NIGHTMARE: It’s not the Coronavirus. Yes, that’s bad. It has killed many people. But there is a disaster in the making that will be much worse. It will not only kill people physically, it will kill them financially before that. It is the “shutdown” that is destroying the booming economy created by President Donald Trump. Dumocrats are ecstatic that Trump’s economy is being destroyed. In their usual “not looking forward” style, they think they can use that to regain the power they lost through stupid governing. But regaining power in a dying economy won’t gain them anything in the long run. If we don’t “wise up” and stop this “shutdown” soon, we will go into the most massive depression ever seen, anywhere, and people will have no money to buy food, and will die from that.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Giddy Joe Biden thinks the Second Amendment doesn’t mean we’re allowed to have arms. Can this fool read? Or understand what he reads? The Second Amendment clearly says NO LAW shall be made that infringes on that right… Dumocrats are thrilled. Biden “snagged” Hillary’s endorsement, when there was nobody left other than Biden to endorse… It’s insane! Releasing violent criminals from their rightful prison terms to keep them from getting the virus. What about the right of honest citizens to have these misfits kept locked up so they can’t victimize them? Washington State was one vote away from releasing serial killer Gary Ridgeway from prison so he could kill some more. I don’t think anybody cares if these fools get the virus… Apocalypses that never came. Dumocrats are fond of predicting all kind of apocalypses that Trump might cause, while NONE of them ever came to pass. They also sent out completely unqualified people to “diagnose” Trump as insane. All wrong…

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